I'm with Ricky. The #English #spelling system is a crazy system! I'd be happy to change vacuum to vacume and cough to coff. If you were in charge of English #spellingreform, what change would you make? https://t.co/UH36yM1ND2...
— Palm Springs Linguist (@PSLinguist) November 1, 2020
Low-hanging fruit:
— Zarban X ♻️ (@DerekZarban) November 24, 2022
- PH (fotograff)
- UGH (thru, tho, altho)
- spell short E as E if E is one of the vowels (thret, bred, hed, frend)
- drop silent E where the previous vowel is short (giv, liv, hav, ar)
SR1 よりも ひかえめな つづり字改革案? いや、ブログのほうは、個別的な(孤立的な例外の)修正なども あるようだ。