◆ FAだけど…ムネリン放さん!ブ軍GM「言うまでもなく再契約を」
・Latest News : Kawasaki, Johnson, Kottaras outrighted to Triple-A
The Blue Jays outrighted three players -- Munenori Kawasaki, Dan Johnson and George Kottaras -- to Triple-A on Friday, and Johnson and Kottaras have both elected free agency.
The decision to outright Kawasaki off the 40-man roster was a mere formality because of a clause in his contract that allowed him to become a free agent at the end of the season.
Toronto general manager Alex Anthopoulos explained Kawasaki's situation during his news conference with a large group of reporters on the final day of the regular season.
"He's eligible for free agency, it's just a clause in his contract," Anthopoulos said. "Just about every Japanese player that comes over now, they're not part of the reserve. You don't get them for six or seven years and go through arbitration unless they're an amateur and so on.
"I think we'll look to bring him back. I think that goes without saying. I haven't talked to him. I don't know what his desires are. I don't think the finances have ever been an issue for him. My understanding is he can make more money in Japan, but he's wanted to play here. We'll see. I don't know what his goals are for the offseason, but at some point we'll sit down with him."
Kawasaki appeared in 82 games for the Blue Jays this season and posted a .258 average with a .327 on-base percentage. It's unlikely that Toronto would want to give him a guaranteed deal, but there's a chance he would be willing to accept another Minor League contract.
● トロント・ブルージェイズ Toronto Blue Jays
川崎宗則、メジャー初ホームランは同点2ラン ファン総立ち Munenori Kawasaki 1st home run
◆川 宗則 Munenori Kawasaki
川崎は2006年は2006 ワールド・ベースボール・クラシック日本代表に選出され、遊撃手として優勝に貢献。決勝戦(対キューバ戦)では、1点差に迫られた9回表にイチローの安打 で二塁から生還。その際,アリエル・ペスタノのブロックの僅かな隙間から右手をねじ込んで生還し,「神の右手」として話題になったが,このプレーで右肘を 負傷。シーズン復帰は4月中旬までずれ込んだ。
・出身地: 鹿児島県姶良市
・生年月日: 1981年6月3日(32歳)
・身長:177.8 cm
・体重:74.8 kg
・投球・打席: 右投左打
・ポジション: 遊撃手、三塁手、二塁手
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