>>>「稼ぐ観光」実現推進 鹿児島市が未来戦略素案
鹿児島市は2017年度から向こう5年間の観光振興の指針となる「観光未来戦略の素案」 http://www.city.kagoshima.lg.jp/kan-senryaku/documents/03honpen.pdf を公開している。それによると,鹿児島市は都市機能と豊富な観光資源を兼ね備えた,観光に優位性のある地域であると分析している。そして,この優位性を生かし,観光客数と1人当たりの消費を増やし,「稼ぐ観光」の実現に向けて,「稼ぐ力の向上」「インパウンド対応の強化」「広域連携の強化」の三つを掲げている。具体策としては,①マーケティング志向による取り組み,②インパウンド対応,③広域連携(沖縄・奄美等との広域連携,連携協定を結ぶ札幌市,長野県松本市との超広域観光ルート創出)を挙げている
:::::::::::::::::::::::: 素案の骨子 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
① 個性豊かな観光資源の集積
② 陸・海・空の交通結節点
③ 高次元都市機能の集積と豊かな自然
出典: 鹿児島市 http://www.city.kagoshima.lg.jp/kan-senryaku/documents/03honpen.pdf
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▼参考 :第2期鹿児島市観光未来戦略 (2012年3月策定) ⇒⇒ http://www.city.kagoshima.lg.jp/kan-senryaku/documents/03honpen.pdf
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>>>地域振興へ育て起業家 宮崎の自治体が支援拠点競う
(2016/9/3 2:00) 日本経済新聞 電子版
宮崎県内の自治体が,起業を目指す個人や創業間もない企業を支援する拠点の新設・強化に動いている。経営に詳しい専門家を配置するほか,利用を無料にする など個人でも起業に挑戦しやすい環境整備を急ぐ。新たな企業を育てて雇用を増やし,地域経済の活性化や人口減少対策につなげる狙い。福岡市で先行するベン チャー支援が九州の他地域に広がってきた。
宮崎市は市中心部のビル内に設けた「みやざき創業サポート室」を8月末にリニューアルした。利用者に貸し出す個室を8室から2室に減らす一方,共有スペー スを以前の1.4倍の約70平方メートルに広げたのが特徴だ。コワーキングスペースと位置付け,利用者同士の交流を促す。市などが選考した起業希望者ら9 人が今後1年間,無料で使う。
利用者の支援業務は7月から教育関連コンサルティング会社のヒトメディア(東京・港)に委託。同社のイン キュベーションマネジャーが起業希望者の相談に応じたり助言したりする。同社は創業サポート室にテレビ会議システムを設置し,相談内容に応じて東京本社の 専門スタッフが対応する体制も整えた。
延岡市が市中心部のビル内に4月に開設した「創業支援フロア」は20平方メートルと12平方メー トルの2区画。創業後間もない個人や企業などを審査し,無料で1年間貸し出す。共有スペースで中小企業診断士が入居者の相談に応じるほか,創業や経営など に関する書籍約300冊を自由に閲覧できる。
宮崎県は2015年度の県内企業立地が47件で過去最高になるなど,県内の自治体と連携し て事業所や工場の誘致に力を入れている。多くの自治体が地域経済の活性化や人口減少対策のカギとして地元の雇用拡大を掲げており,今後は企業誘致に加え, 起業支援体制を巡る自治体同士の競争も激しくなりそうだ。
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>>>Faltering regional revitalization
source:「The JapanTimes」 Aug 9, 2016
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has hoisted “regional revitalization” as a key agenda of his administration since 2014 — in the face of continuing population flight from rural parts of the country to big cities, in particular the greater Tokyo area. One thing that triggered the policy was a warning by a private think tank that the exodus to major urban areas, if unchecked, would result in the disappearance of half of the nation’s municipalities by 2040. It was partly a response to criticism that his economic policies were benefiting only large companies in big metropolitan areas, leaving local economies in the rest of the country out of the loop — and was seen as an effort to woo rural voters in the nationwide series of local elections in April 2015.
Two years on, the policy almost appears to have been sidelined from the administration’s main agenda. Some of the prefectural governors who took part in an annual conference held late last month complained that they “rarely hear” the slogan these days — likely as the administration shifts its emphasis to one new political catch phrase after another. A resolution adopted at the governors’ conference — calling for the promotion of efforts to generate the population flow to regions other than large metropolitan areas and the transfer of government agencies and institutions out of Tokyo as a national strategy — testifies to their frustration that such efforts touted by the national government have in fact made little progress.
Unless greater government efforts are made to get concrete results, the regional revitalization agenda could fizzle out as a temporary political fad — even though the problem it sought to address requires sustained long-term policy efforts.
The administration’s push to move government institutions outside of Tokyo — expected to serve as a catalyst to disperse economic activities outside the capital area — has so far produced little except for a plan to transfer the Cultural Affairs Agency to Kyoto “within several years,” nor has its call on private-sector companies to relocate their headquarters functions out of big metropolitan areas.
The concentration of people and economic activities in Tokyo has not been reversed but is even gaining speed. According to the Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry’s 2015 demographics report, only eight of the nation’s 47 prefectures gained population last year, with the 39 others suffering a decline. The greater Tokyo metropolitan area — also comprising Saitama, Chiba and Kanagawa — have had population gains for 20 years in a row, with the margin of the increase — nearly 120,000 last year — expanding for the fourth consecutive year. A separate data showed that the three large metropolitan areas — the greater Tokyo and the areas around Nagoya and Osaka — combined account for more than half the nation’s population for 10 years in a row, though greater Tokyo was the only one among the three areas that saw a population gain last year. The government’s target of balancing the population inflow and outflow in the greater Tokyo area by 2020 seems nowhere in sight.
These trends may not be reversed anytime soon. But the government’s own initiatives at relocating its organizations out of Tokyo are also falling short. Of the 69 central government agencies and independent administrative bodies whose relocation was courted by 42 prefectures, only the transfer of the Cultural Affairs Agency, except for minimum staff responsible for Diet affairs, to Kyoto — on condition that the prefecture covers a sizable portion of the cost of relocating — has been the major achievement agreed on so far. A decision on another candidate, the Consumer Affairs Agency — possibly to Tokushima Prefecture — has been shelved for three more years.
The government created an incentive system to encourage businesses to move their headquarter functions out of Tokyo, slashing corporate taxes for firms that complied. Ibaraki, Toyama, Ishikawa, Okayama and Fukuoka introduced tax credits for businesses that relocated some of their head office functions to their prefectures. But most Tokyo-based companies remain reluctant. A survey last year by Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) showed that 93 percent of 147 such firms said they have no plans to move. A recent Nikkei daily report, quoting a survey by Teikoku Databank, said that a record number of companies instead shifted their headquarter functions to the greater Tokyo area in 2015 to take advantage of the growing labor market and business opportunities.
The Abe administration’s regional revitalization policy has consisted mainly of the national and local governments devising comprehensive strategies to reverse the population exodus by promoting local industries and tourism to generate more jobs, and the creation of new grants to pay for such efforts by the local governments — which totaled ¥100 billion in fiscal 2016.
The policy’s paltry results after two years leaves one wondering whether the government’s distribution of grants to prefectures and municipalities after assessing their plans is enough. If it’s really serious about reversing the accelerating trend of concentration of economic activities in Tokyo — and sustaining regional economies by creating more jobs in those areas to halt the population exodus, the administration needs to come up with stronger initiatives.
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流通とは,生産と消費を結ぶ,輸送,保管,商取引といった一連の諸活動を指します。『ビジュアル 流通の基本 (日経文庫)』 は,流通に関する基本知識に加え,いま関心を集めているオムにチャネル,ラストワンマイル,インバウンドといった事柄について図解を交えて簡潔に解説しています。
▼4月15日 新刊発行-1994年初版の定番ロングセラーの改訂版。
ビジュアル 流通の基本 (日経文庫) 小林隆一著
『 流通の基本<第5版 』 新5版発行にあたっては,高齢化時代の到来と人口減少,飛躍的に進む女性の社会進出といった流通をとりまく社会構造の変化,さらには急速に拡大するインターネットによるネット通販の動向を踏まえ,「流通のいま」そして,「これから」を分析しております。
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