

BBC 「スペインがロシア人の売春組織を壊滅させる」

2008-04-08 | Weblog
Page last updated at 10:48 GMT, Tuesday, 8 April 2008 11:48 UK

Spain smashes 'Russian sex ring'

1: Spanish police say they have smashed a major Russian prostitution ring, arresting 76 people and detaining 400 women suspected of illegal residence.

2: The gangs were based in Lerida and Gerona in the north-east of the country and Almeria and Granada in the south, police said.

3: Russian-Spanish couples - married or cohabiting - were involved in the sex trafficking, police said.

4: Illegal remittances to Russia may have totalled more than 2m euros (£1.6m).

5: The police operation was launched in November 2006.

6: *The prostitutes lived in cramped apartments, police said. The payments for each sex trafficking victim were reportedly made in transfers totalling less than 3,000 euros each, to avoid detection by the fiscal authorities.




BBC 「電力会社にEUからのたなぼた 」

2008-04-07 | Weblog
Page last updated at 12:12 GMT, Monday, 7 April 2008 13:12 UK

EU 'windfall for power companies'

1: Europe's big power companies could make profits of up to 71bn euros (£56bn) from the EU's scheme to curb carbon emissions, according to a report.

2: *Environment group WWF says the EU's Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), which allocates firms a fixed number of free carbon permits, does not work.

3: It says the high level of free handouts benefits German generators most of all, despite their reliance on coal.
The EU wants to scrap the use of free permits in the power sector after 2012.

4: Under the current system, energy-intensive industries are allowed a fixed level of CO2 emissions.

5:*Companies which exceed that level are able to buy other firms' surplus allowances at auction, with the aim of creating an incentive for businesses to reduce their emissions.

6: WWF says national governments are already allowed to auction up to 10% of emissions permits but estimates that the proportion sold, in practice, is closer to 4%.

7: "Handing free pollution permits to power companies is like handing them a cash bonus," said WWF's Emissions Trading Scheme Co-ordinator, Sanjeev Kumar.

8: The report said German generators which were 70% dependent on coal power could make 14bn-34bn euros from the free handouts.

9: A spokesman for German company E.ON acknowledged that the scheme as it stood was "less than perfect, but it's a start".

10: "It's the first market-based mechanism to put a price on the use of natural resources," he said.




BBC 「夫が妻を救うためにワニと格闘する」

2008-04-06 | Weblog
Page last updated at 13:48 GMT, Thursday, 3 April 2008 14:48 UK

Man wrestles croc to rescue wife

1: A woman has been rescued from the jaws of a saltwater crocodile in Australia after her husband jumped onto its back and forced it to flee.

2: The attack took place in the Litchfield National Park near Darwin in Australia's Northern Territory.

3:*The crocodile lunged at its victim as she stood on the banks of a river, locking its jaws around her legs before trying to drag her into the water.

4: Police have said the heroism of her husband almost certainly saved her.

5: As the crocodile attacked, Wendy Petherick shouted to her husband Norm who told reporters he acted instinctively.

6: "I saw Wendy in the water, trying to pull something out of her leg, and I knew it was a croc," he said.

7: "I acted quickly, just jumped on top of it, and looked for the eyes. I found them, and poked its eyes, and that's when it released her, I think."

8: The 36-year-old woman suffered serious injuries and will have surgery in Darwin. Her husband escaped unharmed.

9: Last week, police in the Northern Territory opened fire on a crocodile as it closed in on a drunken man who had accepted a dare to swim in dangerous waters.




BBC 「世界中の女性が差別を受けている」

2008-04-05 | Weblog
Page last updated at 01:16 GMT, Saturday, 5 April 2008 02:16 UK

Women face bias worldwide - UN

1: Women are discriminated against in almost every country around the world, a UN-commissioned report says.

2: It says that this is despite the fact that 185 UN member states pledged to outlaw laws favouring men by 2005.

3: *It adds that 70% of the world's poor are women and they own just 1% of the world's titled land.

4: The report, which was prepared for UN Human Right Commissioner Louise Arbour, says rape within marriage has still not been made a crime in 53 nations.

5: The report was compiled by Fareda Banda, a law professor at London's School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS).

6: At a news conference in Geneva, Prof Banda said that other laws discriminating women included statutes on divorce, maternity benefits and pensions.

7: She said that even basic laws like the legal ages for marriage could have a huge impact on women's lives:

8: *"Many states still have different ages of marriage for young women than they have for young men, and the age for girls is always lower then the age for boys.

9: "This leads to violations, for example of a girls' right education, if she has to leave school at 14 to get married, and this impacts upon her life chances.

10: "It ends up being a life-long violation of her rights in terms of forfeiting education, having children too early, possibly being damaged herself."

11: The report recommends the introduction of a new, separate mechanism to fight discrimination because existing UN and international human rights laws are not being upheld.

12: It also calls for a new UN expert to focus specifically on laws which damage women's chances in life.


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BBC 「リビアに関するドイツ警察のスキャンダル」

2008-04-04 | Weblog
German police scandal over Libya

1: Eight German police commandos are under investigation for allegedly having trained Libyan police for profit in their spare time.

2: "The behaviour of the police officers is completely unacceptable," said Ingo Wolf, interior minister in the western state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

3: German media say the commandos allegedly worked for a private firm and flew to Libya in 2006 to train police.
Libya's leader Col Muammar Gaddafi rejected terrorism in 2003.

4: Col Gaddafi also agreed to dismantle the country's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programmes.
Since then Libya's relations with Western powers have improved dramatically.

