

BBC 「ブルガリアの主要大臣が辞任」

2008-04-14 | Weblog
Page last updated at 15:29 GMT, Sunday, 13 April 2008 16:29 UK

Key Bulgarian minister steps down

1: Bulgaria's Interior Minister Rumen Petkov has resigned amid increasing criticism of the government's failure to tackle organised crime.

2: The resignation follows a scandal in which two senior police officers have been accused of passing official secrets to alleged crime bosses.

3: There have also been a spate of contract killings in recent months.

4: The European Union has demanded Bulgaria, a member state, take urgent action to tackle corruption.

5: Among those murdered by apparent contract killers was a prominent author of books about Bulgaria's mafia.

6: Mr Petkov told a news conference in the Bulgarian capital of Sofia that he was taking responsibility for his decisions, some of which had "misled the government".

7: Bulgaria risks losing millions of dollars in EU aid if a report due out later this year says it has failed to make enough progress in fighting corruption and violent crime.




BBC 「マケドニアが選挙を早める」

2008-04-13 | Weblog
Page last updated at 20:28 GMT, Saturday, 12 April 2008 21:28 UK

Macedonia to hold early election

1: Macedonian legislators have voted to dissolve parliament and hold early elections on 1 June amid a row with Greece over the country's name.

2:*Greece wants the former Yugoslav republic to change its name, saying it implies a territorial claim over its northern province of the same name.

3: Greece blocked Macedonia's bid to join Nato a week ago over the name issue.

4: Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski said opposition parties had been blocking his plans for reform.

5: "We remain committed to our goals to join Nato and the European Union," Mr Gruevski said.

6: "But the necessary reforms are halted with a blockade of parliamentary procedures."

7: Seventy of Macedonia's 120 deputies voted to dissolve the parliament, with 50 opposition members boycotting the vote.

8: The opposition Social Democrats said early elections could further harm Macedonia's bid to join Nato.

9: Elections had not been scheduled until 2010, so the June poll comes two years earlier than planned.

10: Macedonia's multi-ethnic government has been in deadlock for months over reforms and rights for the country's 25% ethnic Albanian minority.

11: Some analysts say Mr Gruevski is hoping to secure a stronger mandate for his conservative VMRO-DPMNE party amid an upsurge of anti-Greek sentiment.

12: Others fear increased Albanian unrest. In 2001, Nato and the EU managed to prevent a civil war in Macedonia between security forces and ethnic Albanians separatists by brokering a peace deal which granted more minority rights.

13: Macedonia's official name is the Republic of Macedonia, and Skopje wants to use this in international relations, but Athens wants the country to change its name to New or Upper Macedonia.

14: Athens could use its veto again later this year to scupper Skopje's bid to start EU membership talks.

15: There will be fewer incentives for the government to create a multi-ethnic society without the carrot of Nato and European Union membership, says the BBC's European affairs correspondent Oana Lungescu.








BBC 「ルワンダの集団虐殺の追悼週間に襲撃事件」

2008-04-12 | Weblog
Page last updated at 16:15 GMT, Friday, 11 April 2008 17:15 UK

Attacks in Rwanda genocide week

1: There have been two fatal attacks in Rwanda during a week of mourning for the victims of the 1994 genocide.

2: Police spokesman Marcel Higiro said armed men threw a grenade at the genocide museum in the capital, killing one policeman and injuring another.

3: In a separate incident, a car was driven at speed through a commemoration procession, killing one person.

4: A BBC reporter in Rwanda says tensions remain between survivors and the many people who took part in the killings.

5: About 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus were killed in 100 days 14 years ago.

6: An official says the museum was not damaged in the attack on Thursday evening.

7: "This act of terrorism was intended to frighten people away from coming to the Kigali Memorial Centre, but has had the opposite effect," said James Smith, head of the Aegis Trust which runs the museum.

8: The BBC's Geoffrey Mutagoma in the capital, Kigali, says he saw more than 1,000 genocide survivors at the centre on Friday paying their respects to slain friends and relatives.

9:*A man has been arrested in connection with the procession incident, our reporter says.

10: The genocide was triggered in April 1994 by the shooting-down of ethnic Hutu President Juvenal Habyarimana's plane as it was coming in to land in Kigali.

11: The killing continued until a Tutsi-dominated rebel army seized control.




BBC 「ドイツが幹細胞に関する法律を緩める 」

2008-04-11 | Weblog
Page last updated at 11:37 GMT, Friday, 11 April 2008 12:37 UK

Germany eases law on stem cells

1: The German parliament has voted to ease restrictions on embryonic stem cell research, which is controversial on ethical grounds.

2:* Under the existing German law, researchers have only been allowed to use human embryonic stem cells harvested abroad before January 2002.

3: But on Friday the Bundestag (lower house) decided by a 346-228 vote to move the cut-off date to May 2007. Wartime Nazi medical abuses made the issue very sensitive in Germany.

4: German Research Minister Annette Schavan, a Roman Catholic, said the cut-off date had to be moved forward for Germany to keep pace with technological advances and remain competitive.

5: Catholic Church leaders have voiced opposition to experiments with human embryos, arguing that all such embryos have the potential to go on to become fully fledged humans.

6: Researchers believe that stem cells can help in the development of treatments for Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes and other illnesses.


Q:2段落(harvested abroad?)を人名・役職名・組織名などを、全体訳と共に確認とご指導をお願いします。(2002年1月を2007年5月に短縮するとか、外国で入手した胎芽幹細胞というのはどういう意味でしょうか? また、カトリック教徒が研究を推進しているのでしょうか?)



2008-04-09 | Weblog
Page last updated at 08:56 GMT, Wednesday, 9 April 2008 09:56 UK

Leading Pakistan lawyer resigns

1: A top Pakistani lawyer has resigned as the head of a lawyers' association after attorneys attacked a former cabinet minister.

2: Aitzaz Ahsan resigned after lawyers joined a crowd to assault former Parliamentary Affairs Minister Sher Afgan Niazi.  Mr Niazi was shaken but unhurt.
アイツァズ・アフサン氏は、弁護士達がシェル アフガン ニアジ前議会担当相を急襲する群集に加わったことを受けて辞任した。ニアジ氏は動揺したが無事だった。

3: Mr Ahsan successfully defended the then chief justice Iftikhar Mohammed Chaudhry last year against an attempt by President Musharraf to fire him.

4: This helped to turn Mr Chaudhry - who was finally ousted in November under emergency rule - into a symbol of resistance against the President.
これによって、チョードリー氏は 緊急規定の下で11月に追放されたが、以来、大統領に対する抵抗の象徴になった。

5: Mr Ahsan resigned as president of the Supreme Court Bar Association on Tuesday, after lawyers joined a crowd of people which surrounded Mr Niazi, jostled him and tried to beat him with their hands and shoes.

6: *Mr Ahsan said he wanted to disassociate himself from the incident.

7: The BBC's Ilyas Khan says that Mr Ahsan tried to prevent the assault, even climbing onto the roof of the ambulance that took Mr Niazi away, in an attempt to stop the vehicle from being attacked.

8: In a separate incident on Monday, the outgoing Chief Minister of Sindh province, Arbab Rahim, was assaulted by a crowd inside the Sindh assembly, when he went there to take his oath as assembly member.

9: Our correspondent says these two incidents have embarrassed Pakisan's new coalition government.

