ルカ5:27-32 NIV
[27] その後、イエスは出て行って、レビという名の徴税人が収税所に座っているのを見た。イエスは彼に「わたしについて来なさい」と言われた。[28] レビは立ち上がり、すべてを捨ててイエスに従った。[29] それから、レビは自分の家でイエスのために盛大な宴会を催し、大勢の徴税人や他の人々が一緒に食事をしていた。[30] ところが、パリサイ人やその派に属する律法学者たちは、イエスの弟子たちに不平を言った。「なぜ、あなたがたは徴税人や罪人と一緒に飲食するのか。」[31] イエスは彼らに答えられた。「医者を必要とするのは、健康な人ではなく、病人です。[32] わたしは義人を招くためではなく、罪人を悔い改めに招くために来たのです。」
Luke 5:27-32 NIV
[27] After this, Jesus went out and saw a tax collector by the name of Levi sitting at his tax booth. “Follow me,” Jesus said to him, [28] and Levi got up, left everything and followed him. [29] Then Levi held a great banquet for Jesus at his house, and a large crowd of tax collectors and others were eating with them. [30] But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law who belonged to their sect complained to his disciples, “Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?” [31] Jesus answered them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. [32] I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”
Jesus includes
高校時代、三角法の先生が生徒たちに、郡で毎年開催されるつまようじブリッジ コンテストに参加して、授業の追加単位を稼ぐよう勧めました。締め切り前日の夜 11 時に、私も参加してみることにしました。家にあるつまようじと木工用ボンドをすべて集めて、挑戦を始めました。翌日、私は (たるんだ) ブリッジを先生に提出し、10 ポイント追加でもらいました。
In high school, my trigonometry teacher invited students to earn extra credit for class by entering our county’s annual toothpick bridge competition. At 11 p.m. the night before the deadline, I decided I should probably start. After requisitioning all the toothpicks and wood glue in our home, I began my attempt. The next day, I turned my (sagging) bridge in to my teacher to earn my 10 extra points.
それから 1 週間後、私は手紙を受け取りました。私の橋の設計が郡のコンテストで 3 位になり、夕食会に招待されたのです。優勝したデザイナーにはトロフィー、記念品、そして多額の大学奨学金が授与されるので、おいしい食事以上のものを受け取ることになるとは思いもしませんでした。
Then, a week later, I received a letter: My bridge design had placed third in the county competition, and I was invited to a dinner reception. Little did I know that I’d receive much more than a delicious meal, as each of the winning designers were awarded trophies, swag, and generous college scholarships.
Looking around, I didn’t understand how I made it through the door. I was surrounded by kids who entered this contest each year and casually threw around terms like “hypotenuse” and “compression forces.” I’d hoped to boost my lowest test score—yet I’d received far more than I imagined (or, truth be told, deserved).
I wonder if this might be how Levi, his fellow tax collectors, and the other “disreputable characters” felt as they gathered around the table described in Luke 5. Maybe they thought, I’ll go and at least enjoy a good meal. And instead, as they sat with Christ, they encountered a fullness beyond what any meal can bring.
Of course, Jesus extends the same invitation to each of us. And as we follow Him, He asks us—and expects us—to welcome others. When we try to decide who is worthy of a seat at the table, we’re like the Pharisees, who, in feeling like insiders, reject Christ’s offer. But when we sit and then invite others to join, we find that the Lord’s gracious presence is a feast so extravagant that we all leave more than satisfied.
Father, thank You for welcoming us to Your table. Help us to remember that we are not invited based on our merits but Yours. Let us accept Your gracious gift and extend the invitation to others, becoming a place of welcome for the hurting.