Find Your Balance
私の体はとても硬直しています。かつて、私の歩き方を偶然見たプロのフィットネス トレーナーから、今まで出会った中で最悪の硬直のケースだと言われました。今はストレッチをもっとするようにしています。スカッシュをしたり、どこへ行くにも自転車に乗っていたりして、自分は (年齢の割には) そこそこ健康だと考えていました。しかし、他の面ではそうではないことに気づきました。身体的なフィットネスとは、強さ、柔軟性、有酸素運動能力と無酸素運動能力のバランスです。非常に強いのにバスに間に合うように走ることすらできない人もいます。有酸素運動能力はあっても (マラソンは走れる)、あまり強くない人もいます。しかし、精神的なフィットネスは身体的なフィットネスよりはるかに重要です。精神的なフィットネスには、生活のさまざまな面のバランスを取ることも関係します。
My body is so inflexible. I was told once by a professional fitness trainer, who happened to notice the way I was walking, that I was one of the worst cases of stiffness he had ever come across. I am now trying to do more stretching! I had considered myself reasonably fit (for my age!), as a result of still playing squash and biking everywhere. But in other ways, I realised I am not. Physical fitness is a balance of strength, flexibility, aerobic and anaerobic fitness. Some people are exceptionally strong but cannot even run to catch a bus. Others are aerobically fit (they could run a marathon), but they are not very strong. However, spiritual fitness is far more important than physical fitness. It also involves balancing a number of areas of your life.
箴言 29:19-27 NIV
[19] しもべは言葉だけでは懲らしめられない。彼らは理解しても、答えようとしない。[20] 急いで話す人を見たか。愚かな者の方が彼らよりは望みがある。[21] 若い時から甘やかされて育ったしもべは傲慢になる。[22] 怒る人は争いを起こし、激怒する人は多くの罪を犯す。[23] 傲慢は人を低くし、心のへりくだった者は名誉を得る。[24] 盗人の共犯者は自分自身の敵となる。彼らは誓いを立てても、証言する勇気はない。[25] 人を恐れることは罠となる。しかし、主に頼る者は守られる。[26] 支配者に謁見を求める者は多いが、正義は主から得られる。[27] 義人は不正直な者を憎む。 邪悪な者は正しい者を憎む。
Proverbs 29:19-27 NIV
[19] Servants cannot be corrected by mere words; though they understand, they will not respond. [20] Do you see someone who speaks in haste? There is more hope for a fool than for them. [21] A servant pampered from youth will turn out to be insolent. [22] An angry person stirs up conflict, and a hot-tempered person commits many sins. [23] Pride brings a person low, but the lowly in spirit gain honor. [24] The accomplices of thieves are their own enemies; they are put under oath and dare not testify. [25] Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe. [26] Many seek an audience with a ruler, but it is from the Lord that one gets justice. [27] The righteous detest the dishonest; the wicked detest the upright.
Humility and confidence
I find it very hard to maintain the balance between humility and confidence. There have been times in my life when I have been humbled (perhaps by some failure) and not felt very confident. At other times, I have felt great confidence but, perhaps, lacked humility.
There is much to ponder in today’s passage in Proverbs about not speaking before we think (v.20), controlling anger and hot-temperedness (v.22), and trusting God as being the ultimate source of justice (v.26).
In particular, I notice this balance between humility and confidence: ‘Pride lands you flat on your face; humility prepares you for honours’ (v.23, MSG). This is a constant theme in Proverbs (11:2; 18:12; 21:4; 22:4).
Be confident in the Lord. Do not live in fear of what others may think or do. ‘To fear anyone will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe’ (29:25).
The key to keeping this balance is to avoid self-confidence and to practise humble God-confidence, ensuring that your confidence comes not from your own abilities or successes, but from trusting in the Lord.
Lord, help me to have a confidence that comes from trusting in you, to avoid fearing anyone and to walk humbly before you.
ヨハネの第二の手紙 1:1-13 NIV
[1] 長老から、神に選ばれた婦人とその子供たちへ。私は真理をもって彼らを愛しています。私だけではなく、真理を知るすべての人が彼らを愛しています。[2] 私たちのうちに生き、永遠に私たちとともにある真理のゆえに。[3] 父なる神と父の子イエス・キリストからの恵みとあわれみと平和が、真理と愛のうちに私たちとともにありますように。[4] あなたの子供たちの何人かが、父が私たちに命じられたとおり、真理のうちを歩んでいるのを見て、私はとても喜びました。[5] 愛する婦人よ、私があなたに書いているのは、新しい命令ではなく、初めから私たちが持っていた命令です。私は互いに愛し合うようにお願いします。[6] 愛とは、神の命令に従って歩むことです。初めから聞いているとおり、神の命令とは、愛のうちに歩むことです。[7] 私がこう言うのは、イエス・キリストが肉体をとって来られたことを認めない、人を惑わす者が大勢いて世に出ているからです。 そのような人はみな、人を惑わす者であり、反キリストです。[8] 気をつけなさい。わたしたちが得たものを失わず、十分に報いを受けなさい。[9] 先走りしてキリストの教えにとどまらない者は、神を持っていません。教えにとどまる者は、父と子とをともに持っています。[10] もし誰かがあなたのところに来るとき、この教えを携えてこなかったら、その人を家に迎え入れたり、歓迎したりしてはいけません。[11] その人を迎える人は、その人の悪い行いに加担していることになります。[12] わたしはあなたがたに書き送るべきことがたくさんありますが、紙とインクを使いたくありません。むしろ、あなたがたを訪問して、直接話をし、わたしたちの喜びが満たされることを望んでいます。[13] 神に選ばれたあなたの姉妹の子供たちが、よろしくと言っています。
2 John 1:1-13 NIV
[1] The elder, To the lady chosen by God and to her children, whom I love in the truth—and not I only, but also all who know the truth— [2] because of the truth, which lives in us and will be with us forever: [3] Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son, will be with us in truth and love. [4] It has given me great joy to find some of your children walking in the truth, just as the Father commanded us. [5] And now, dear lady, I am not writing you a new command but one we have had from the beginning. I ask that we love one another. [6] And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love. [7] I say this because many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist. [8] Watch out that you do not lose what we have worked for, but that you may be rewarded fully. [9] Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God; whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. [10] If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take them into your house or welcome them. [11] Anyone who welcomes them shares in their wicked work. [12] I have much to write to you, but I do not want to use paper and ink. Instead, I hope to visit you and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete. [13] The children of your sister, who is chosen by God, send their greetings.
Truth and love
Here is another difficult balance to maintain. Love becomes soft if it is not strengthened by truth. Truth becomes hard if it is not softened by love. Sometimes in my life I have been passionate about ‘the truth’, but perhaps have not been very loving. Other times I have tried to be very loving but perhaps have failed to care enough about ‘the truth’.
In this second letter of John (probably written to a church referred to as ‘the chosen lady’, v.1), he warns them of the danger of false teaching that denied the fact that Jesus had come to this earth in bodily form and was therefore both fully divine and fully human. John urges this beautiful balance of ‘truth and love’ (v.2). Indeed, he intermingles the two, even in the greeting.
He writes, ‘I, your pastor, love you in very truth. And I’m not alone – everyone who knows the Truth that has taken up permanent residence in us loves you’ (v.1, MSG).
Because he loves them, he wants to see them in person and ‘have a heart-to-heart talk’ (v.12, MSG). Letter writing, emails, texts, phone calls, WhatsApp and even Zoom or FaceTime are no substitute for being with someone ‘face to face’ (v.12) and talking heart to heart.
He urges them to ‘love one another’ (v.5) and to ‘walk in love’ (v.6). Love should be the aim of our lives. Study love, talk about it and practise it.
The test of love is obedience to Jesus: ‘Love means following his commandments, and his unifying commandment is that you conduct your lives in love’ (v.6, MSG).
Truth and love are not opposed to each other. Indeed, they complement one another. John is delighted to find this church ‘living out the Truth’ (v.4, MSG). Truth really matters. Truth is found in a person. Jesus said, ‘I am… the Truth’ (John 14:6). Listen to the truth. Teach the truth. Love the truth.
世の中には騙す者がたくさんいます(ヨハネ第二 1:7–8)。真実に固執し、騙されないでください。そうしないと損をすることになります。
There are many deceivers out there (2 John 1:7–8). Cling to the truth and do not be deceived or you will lose out.
Only by knowing the truth and holding fast to it and continuing in the teaching will we have ‘both the Father and the Son’ (v.9).
The next verse does not sound very loving – ‘If anyone shows up who doesn’t hold to this teaching, don’t invite him in and give him the run of the place. That would just give him a platform to perpetuate his evil ways, making you his partner’ (v.10-11, MSG). But actually, John’s passion for the truth stems from his love for this church. Because he loves them, he is not willing to tolerate falsehood. False teachers may seek to lead you astray, but ‘do not lose what you have worked for’ (v.8).
Lord, help me to maintain this balance between truth and love and always ‘speak the truth in love’ (Ephesians 4:15).
ハガイ 1:1-2:23
Haggai 1:1-2:23
ハガイ書 1:1 新共同訳
[1] ダレイオス王の第二年六月一日に、主の言葉が預言者ハガイを通して、ユダの総督シェアルティエルの子ゼルバベルと大祭司ヨツァダクの子ヨシュアに臨んだ。
Vision and action
A top management consultant once told me that ‘no chief executive was ever fired for lack of vision’. But many are unable to put their vision into action.
Visions don’t work unless you do. In this little book of Haggai, we see a wonderful balance between vision and action.
Five times, the Lord Almighty said through the prophet Haggai: ‘Give careful thought’ (1:5,7; 2:15 and twice in 2:18). Vision starts with thinking – grasping in our minds a picture of what could be.
Get your priorities sorted out. Haggai challenged God’s people about their priorities. They were living in comfortable homes while the house of the Lord remained a ruin (1:4). Yet they were saying, ‘The time has not yet come for the Lord’s house to be built’ (v.2).
The people had decided to rebuild the temple. They had good intentions, but they had not done it because it was not their priority.
The prophet Haggai urged them to think carefully about their ways (v.5). Their primary concern should be to see God’s name honoured (v.8), yet they left God’s house as a ‘ruin’ (vv.4,9).
Eugene Peterson writes that there are ‘times in our lives when repairing the building where we worship is an act of obedience every bit as important as praying in that place of worship.’
民の中には、新しい神殿が古い神殿ほど壮麗ではないことに落胆する者もいました。主は預言者ハガイを通して彼らに語りました。「あなたたちのうち、この神殿の以前の栄光を見た者は誰か残っているか。今、この神殿はどう見えるか。取るに足りないものとは思えないか。しかし、今は強くありなさい。…わたしはあなたたちとともにいる。…わたしの霊はあなたたちの間にとどまる。今の神殿の栄光は、以前の神殿の栄光よりも大きい。…わたしはこの場所に平和を与える」(2:3–5, 9)。
Some of the people were dismayed that the new temple was not as splendid as the old had been. The LORD spoke to them through the prophet Haggai: ‘“Who of you is left who saw this house in its former glory? How does it look to you now? Does it not seem to you like nothing? But now be strong... For I am with you… And my Spirit remains among you. The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house… And in this place I will grant peace”’ (2:3–5, 9).
これらは、1981 年 7 月、教会が閉鎖され、不動産開発業者に売却される直前に、HTB オンスロー スクエアについてサンディ ミラーと他の人々に神が語った聖句です。これは、教会の 150 周年と、3 年間の修復工事後の公式再開を祝う 2010 年の感謝祭のテーマでした。
These are the verses through which God spoke to Sandy Millar, and others, about HTB Onslow Square in July 1981, when the church building was about to be closed and sold to a property developer. It was the theme of our 2010 thanksgiving service celebrating the 150th anniversary of the church, and the official reopening after three years of restoration work.
現在、この教会は結婚講座やその他の家庭生活講座の盛んな中心地となっており、毎週日曜日には何百人もの若者がイエスを礼拝しています。私たちの祈りと将来への希望は、「今の家の栄光が、以前の家の栄光よりも大きくなる」ことです (9 節)。
Now it is the thriving centre for The Marriage Course and other family-life courses and hundreds of young people worship Jesus there every Sunday. Our prayer and hope for the future is that ‘the glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house’ (v.9).
In the book of Haggai, having seen this vision, they had to ‘Get to work, all you people! – God is speaking... Put into action’ (v.4, MSG). And so the work began (1:14).
As you look around at the church in your own nation give careful thought to your ways. It is not right to live in comfort while God’s house remains a ‘ruin’. God wants people in your nation to come to know him and be part of his church. Visualise how God could be even more glorified in his church today than he was in the past (2:9).
まず、「強くあれ」(4節)。攻撃や批判、落胆によって決意を弱めないでください。次に、「働け」(1:14; 2:4)。大変な仕事ですが、何も悪いことではありません。非常に一生懸命働かなければならない時もあります。最後に、「恐れるな」(5節)。これは、恐れを引き起こすようなことがあることを示唆しています。
First, ‘be strong’ (v.4). Do not weaken in your resolve because of attack, criticism or discouragement. Second, ‘work’ (1:14; 2:4). It is hard work but there is nothing wrong with that. There are times when you need to work exceedingly hard. Third, ‘do not fear’ (v.5). This suggests that there will be things that could cause fear.
You can trust God with the finances. The Lord declares, ‘The silver is mine and the gold is mine’ (v.8).
鍵となるのは、主がこう言われることです。「わたしはあなたと共にいる。わたしの霊はあなたと共にある」(1:13; 2:5)。神があなたと共におられることを知っているので、あなたはすべての恐れを克服することができます。
The key is that the Lord says, ‘I am with you… And my Spirit remains among you’ (1:13; 2:5). You can overcome all your fears because you know that God is with you.
Lord, help me to balance humility and confidence, love and truth, vision and action, to trust that you are with us and to work hard to see your name glorified.
Pippa Adds
In Haggai 1:7,9 it says, ‘Give careful thought to your ways… my house… remains a ruin, while each of you is busy with his own house.’
There is so much to do in looking after a home, replacing broken things, changing light bulbs, washing, cleaning, tidying... It seems never ending. And I’m sure God wants us to be good stewards of our own homes, but the verse reminds us to be equally concerned about God’s house. So many churches are in a really bad state of repairs and not fit for the King of kings.