Total Forgiveness
Bishop Sandy Millar speaks of a time when he was walking along the beach and he noticed how the sand had been churned up by the footprints of those who had gone before him. The next morning the footprints were all wiped away by the sea. He sensed Jesus saying to him, ‘That is a picture of forgiveness.’ Or to use another analogy, forgiveness from Jesus Christ is like deleting the file of all the bad stuff in our lives.
今日の聖句から、神の赦しには大きな代償と大きな祝福があることがわかります。P.T. フォーサイス (1848–1921) が指摘したように、まず「罪の絶望」を知る必要があります。そうすれば、「赦しの息を呑むほどの素晴らしさ」を理解できます。
In the passages for today we see the very high cost and huge blessing of God’s forgiveness. As P.T. Forsyth (1848–1921) pointed out, first, you have to know the ‘despair of guilt’. Then you can appreciate ‘the breathless wonder of forgiveness’.
詩篇 32:1-11 ESV
[1] 咎を赦され、咎を隠された人は幸いだ。[2] 主に咎を数えられず、その心に偽りのない人は幸いだ。[3] わたしが黙っていたとき、わたしの骨は一日中うめき声をあげて衰えていた。[4] あなたの御手が昼も夜もわたしの上に重くのしかかり、わたしの力は夏の暑さのように乾いていた。セラ [5] わたしはあなたに自分の罪を告白し、自分の咎を隠さず、「わたしは主に自分のそむきを告白しよう」と言ったが、あなたはわたしの罪の咎を赦してくださった。セラ [6] ですから、神を敬う者はみな、あなたが見つかるときに、あなたに祈りをささげてください。大水の波にも、必ず彼のところまで達することはありません。[7] あなたはわたしの隠れ場です。あなたはわたしを苦難から守り、救いの叫びでわたしを囲んでくださいます。 セラ [8] わたしはあなたに教え、あなたの行くべき道を教え、あなたに目を留めてあなたに助言する。 [9] 悟りのない馬やラバのようであってはならない。くつわと手綱で制御しなければ、あなたのそばにとどまることはできない。 [10] 悪者の悲しみは多いが、主に信頼する者は慈しみに包まれる。 [11] 義人よ、主にあって喜び、歓喜せよ。心の正しい者よ、みな喜び叫べ!
Psalm 32:1-11 ESV
[1] Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. [2] Blessed is the man against whom the Lord counts no iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit. [3] For when I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long. [4] For day and night your hand was heavy upon me; my strength was dried up as by the heat of summer. Selah [5] I acknowledged my sin to you, and I did not cover my iniquity; I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,” and you forgave the iniquity of my sin. Selah [6] Therefore let everyone who is godly offer prayer to you at a time when you may be found; surely in the rush of great waters, they shall not reach him. [7] You are a hiding place for me; you preserve me from trouble; you surround me with shouts of deliverance. Selah [8] I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you. [9] Be not like a horse or a mule, without understanding, which must be curbed with bit and bridle, or it will not stay near you. [10] Many are the sorrows of the wicked, but steadfast love surrounds the one who trusts in the Lord. [11] Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, O righteous, and shout for joy, all you upright in heart!
Experience the relief of forgiveness
他人を許すこと、あるいは自分がしたことを許すことさえ難しいと感じたことはありませんか? 他人と自分を許す鍵は、神があなたをどれほど許してくださったかを知ることです。許された人は許します。
Do you ever find it difficult to forgive other people or even to forgive yourself for something you have done? The key to forgiving others and yourself is knowing how much God has forgiven you. Forgiven people forgive.
C.S. ルイスは、「キリスト教徒であるということは、神があなたの中の許しがたいことを許して下さっているように、許しがたいことを許すということである」と指摘しました。自分自身を許すことに関しては、彼はこう書いています。「神が私たちを許してくださるなら、私たちも自分自身を許さなければなりません。そうでなければ、それはまるで、神よりも高い法廷を自分たちで築くようなものだ」。
As C.S. Lewis pointed out, ‘To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you.’ As far as forgiving yourself is concerned, he wrote, ‘If God forgives us we must forgive ourselves. Otherwise, it is almost like setting up ourselves as a higher tribunal than him.’
Through Jesus, God has made total forgiveness available to you and me. In this psalm, we see the huge difference that God’s forgiveness makes.
Release from the hand of judgment
David describes the spiritual agony of not being forgiven: ‘My bones wasted away through my groaning all day long. For day and night your hand was heavy on me; my strength was sapped as in the heat of summer’ (vv.3–4).
Transparency with God
The route to forgiveness is simply to come to the Lord with no mask or pretence: ‘Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord” – and you forgave the guilt of my sin’ (v.5).
A fresh start
David describes the enormous blessing of knowing you are forgiven: ‘Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the one whose sin the Lord does not count against them and in whose spirit is no deceit’ (vv.1–2).
私たちの日記には約束や会合だけでなく、私たちの罪もすべて記録されていると想像してください。この詩篇の最初の 2 節は、神があなたの罪に対して何をなさるかを 3 つ示しています。まず、「主はあなたの罪を数えません」(2 節)。主は、罪が存在しないかのように行動されます。
Imagine that in our diaries were recorded not just our engagements and meetings but also all our sins. The first two verses of this psalm give us three pictures of what God does with your sins. First, ‘the Lord does not count’ your sins against you (v.2). He acts as though they do not exist.
Second, they are ‘covered’ (v.1). It is as if God gets out his heavenly eraser and rubs out the sinful entries in your records: ‘Your slate’s wiped clean’ (v.1, MSG). Third, they are ‘forgiven’ (v.1a). Literally that word means ‘removed’ or ‘taken away’. The pages relating to your sins are ripped out and destroyed. ‘You get a fresh start’ (v.1, MSG).
The apostle Paul quotes this psalm as evidence that through the death of Jesus for you, God credits you with righteousness by faith and that forgiveness is not something that you can earn by good works (see Romans 4:6-8). Through the cross, God restores you to a right relationship with him. Therefore, you can pray to him (Psalm 32:6a). He becomes your ‘hiding-place’ (v.7a). He protects you from trouble (v.7b). He guides you (v.8) and his ‘unfailing love surrounds’ you (v.10).
This is not earned by good works. It comes to the person who trusts in him by faith (v.10). A proper understanding of the Old Testament shows that the path to forgiveness is repentance and faith.
Forgiveness is not a reason to sin – it is an incentive not to sin. We want to stay on God’s paths. He promises that he will guide you: ‘I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you’ (v.8).
He does not want you to be difficult to guide like a horse or a mule that must be controlled by bit and bridle (v.9). He wants you to avoid the pain of resisting the Holy Spirit. Follow the promptings of God’s Spirit. He wants you to hear his voice daily, listen to his instruction, walk in his ways and trust in his love.
Lord, thank you that you died for me on the cross so that I can know the relief of forgiveness. I am sorry for the things I have done wrong in my life… Please forgive me.
Thank Jesus for paying the price of forgiveness
Take time today to thank Jesus for dying for you. Jesus paid a very high price for our forgiveness. Forgiveness is not easy, but Jesus made it possible.
Jesus did die on the cross for you
Sometimes people suggest that Jesus did not really die on the cross but recovered in the cool of the tomb.
However, Pilate checked that he was indeed ‘already dead’ (v.44a). The centurion who had overseen the crucifixion confirmed that Jesus was actually dead. Roman soldiers were experts at carrying out crucifixions. The centurion would also have faced severe punishment himself if he let a living prisoner go.
Joseph of Arimathea ‘took down the body, wrapped it in the linen, and placed it in a tomb cut out of rock’ (v.46). Joseph would have noticed if Jesus was still alive and breathing. He would not have buried a living Jesus.
「…暗闇が全土に広がった」(33節)。イエスは「エロイ、エロイ、レマ、サバクタニ」(34a節)と叫びました。マルコはイエスの元のアラム語の言葉をそのまま残しています。それは「わが神、わが神、なぜ私をお見捨てになったのですか」(34b節)という意味です。すでに見たように、これは詩篇22篇からの引用で、大勝利で終わります(BiOY 46日目を参照)。
Jesus was ‘God-forsaken’ because of our sins
‘... darkness came over the whole land’ (v.33). Jesus cried out, ‘Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?’ (v.34a). Mark retains the original Aramaic words of Jesus, which mean, ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’ (v.34b). As we have seen, this is a quote from Psalm 22, which ends with a great victory (see BiOY Day 46).
神殿の幕(今日の旧約聖書の箇所、レビ記 24:3 参照)は、人々を神の御前に出入りさせるものでしたが、神によって上から下まで超自然的に二つに引き裂かれました。幕は 60 フィートの高さがあり、少なくとも 1 インチの厚さがありました。幕が上から下(人間が届かないところ)に引き裂かれたという事実は、幕を引き裂いたのは神であったことを強調しています。
Jesus opened the way for forgiveness and entry into the presence of God
The curtain of the temple (see in today’s Old Testament passage, Leviticus 24:3), which was what separated people from the presence of God, was torn in two supernaturally by God from top to bottom. It was sixty feet high and at least, one inch thick. The fact that it was torn from top down (where humans could not reach it) emphasises that it was God who caused it to be torn.
This symbolised the fact that through the death of Jesus you are given access to God, because your sins are forgiven. God credits you with righteousness and allows you and me the immense privilege of an intimate relationship with him.
Lord Jesus, thank you that ‘you loved me and gave [yourself] for me’ (Galatians 2:20). Thank you that I can now enter the presence of God with boldness and confidence in your name.
レビ記 23:1–24:23
Leviticus 23:1–24:23
レビ記 23:1 新共同訳
[1] 主はモーセに仰せになった。
Understand that forgiveness is earned not by us but for us
We see in the Old Testament how seriously sin is taken. It is not a trivial matter. And forgiveness is not to be taken for granted.
Justice required an equivalence: ‘Life for life’ (24:18); ‘fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth’ (v.20). This was never intended for personal relationships but for the law courts to prevent escalating violence.
It showed the need of the appropriateness of a penalty for sin (incidentally, it was under this law of blasphemy, vv.10–16, that Jesus himself was condemned to death as we saw in Mark 14:64).
ここでも、イエスの死が予兆されていることがわかります。罪の赦しには犠牲が必要であり、それには子羊が必要です。子羊は完全で、「傷のない」ものでなければなりません(レビ記 23:12)。聖パウロはイエスを「犠牲にされた私たちの過越の子羊」と表現しています(コリントの信徒への手紙一 5:7)。
Again, we see Jesus’ death foreshadowed. Forgiveness of sins requires sacrifice; it requires a lamb. The lamb must be perfect, ‘without defect’ (Leviticus 23:12). St Paul describes Jesus as ‘our Passover lamb [who] has been sacrificed’ (1 Corinthians 5:7).
赦しは獲得できるものではありません。贖罪の日に、「贖罪はあなた方のためになされる」(レビ記 23:28)。それはあなたによってなされるのではなく、あなたのためになされるのです。これは聖書全体の根本的で革命的な教えです。イエスを通して赦しが可能になることを理解したとき、あなたは息を呑むほど驚き、あなたの人生は完全に変わります。そして、神から完全な赦しを受けたことを知ったとき、あなたは他の人を赦さなければならず、自分自身を赦さなければなりません。
Forgiveness cannot be earned. On the Day of Atonement, ‘atonement is made for you’ (Leviticus 23:28). It is not made by you but for you. This is the radical and revolutionary teaching of the whole Bible. When you understand how forgiveness is made possible through Jesus, it takes your breath away and it totally transforms your life. And when you know that you have received total forgiveness from God, you have to forgive others and you have to forgive yourself.
Lord Jesus, thank you that you have set me free from all these Old Testament laws. Thank you that you are ‘the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!’ (John 1:29). Thank you that you made atonement for me. Thank you for the breathless wonder of your forgiveness that transforms my life and eternity.
マルコ 15:40–41
イエスが闇の勢力を打ち負かしていた歴史上極めて重要な瞬間に、弟子たちと多くの追随者たちはイエスを見捨てました。しかし、十字架のそばには女性たちがいました。なんという勇敢さと忠誠心でしょう。女性がほとんど無視されているような文化の中で、イエスは女性たちに力を与えました。マルコ 15:41 に「イエスと共にエルサレムに上った他の多くの女性たちもそこにいた」とあるように。イエスに力を与えられた女性たちが団結すれば、世界を変えることができます。
Pippa Adds
Mark 15:40–41
At such a crucial moment in history, when Jesus was defeating the powers of darkness, all his disciples and many followers deserted him. But the women were there at the cross. What bravery and loyalty! In a culture where women seemed almost ignored, Jesus empowered them. As it says in Mark 15:41, ‘Many other women who had come up with him to Jerusalem were also there.' Women who are empowered by Jesus, united together, can change the world.