

家族や友人と信仰を共有する方法⑤How to share my faith with my family and friends⑤

2025-03-11 01:41:26 | 日記
ピリピ人への手紙 4:5 ESV [5] あなたがたの分別はすべての人に知られるようにしなさい。主は近くにおられます。
Philippians 4:5 ESV [5] Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand;

1 ペテロ 3:14-15 ESV [14] しかし、義のために苦しむことがあっても、あなたがたは祝福されます。彼らを恐れたり、不安に思ったりしてはなりません。[15] むしろ、心の中で主キリストを聖なる者として敬いなさい。あなたがたのうちにある希望について説明を求める人には、いつでも弁明できるように備えていなさい。ただし、柔和に、敬意をもって弁明しなさい。
1 Peter 3:14-15 ESV [14] But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled, [15] but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,

Sharing Faith with Family Respectfully

Your family members and friends are the most important people to you. Because you care about them, you definitely care about their salvation. Such concern can make you very zealous in wanting to share the Gospel with them.

It is OK to be zealous in giving an explanation for your hope in Christ. The Scriptures encourage us to always be ready to give an account of our faith. We should be confident in what we believe in. We should not be afraid, even if we suffer misunderstanding, ridicule, or persecution. We should always be zealous to share the Gospel. Such zeal is a good thing. Yet, the Scriptures also say that we need to, first of all, honor Christ. Let that be preeminent in your conversations about your faith with family members and friends. While you should be an eager witness, you also need to be gentle and respectful.

When we share our faith with our family members and friends, we need to be reminded that the same kind of familiarity that they have with us, we have with them. Often, because we know our family members very well, we can take their response to our witness personally. When this happens, the walls of respect can come down very quickly; we can respond to our family members in a way that we would not respond to anyone else. This, however, is not the goal. We do not want to become frustrated with our family members if they do not believe our witness about the Lord. We should not take offense in that. We should not be exasperated or harsh in our approach or language with our loved ones. We definitely do not want to be disrespectful. We can’t lose our tact and unnecessarily cross boundaries. We need to honor Christ in everything.

You are called to be ready to witness about your faith at all times, especially to your loved ones. When you share your faith with your family members and friends, let your words be saturated with Scripture, gentleness, and respect. Then, trust God with the outcome. He will not disappoint you.

この祈りは、Straight Truth Podcast のエピソードからインスピレーションを得ました。このエピソードは次のリンクから聞くことができます: ここをクリック

This devotional was inspired by an episode of the Straight Truth Podcast. You can listen to the episode at this link: Click Here

