サッカー、テニス、バレエ、オペラ、クラシック音楽 そのほか

モウリーニョとケニヨン、バラックCL問題について会見で語る Part 2

9月14日 ジョゼ・モウリーニョ、ピーター・ケニヨン記者会見

Q:ジョゼ、最初にあした出る選手について教えていただけますか? 特にドログバとランパードについてですが。

JM: 出ませんよ。

Q: どのくらい出られないんでしょうか?

JM: 来週には出られればいいと思っています。

Q: あなたもご覧になったでしょうが、イングランド代表チームはランパードがいなくてもうまくやっていましたよね。ランパードはイングランド代表に復帰するべきだとお考えですか?

JM: それは私の知ったことではありません。

Q: 個人的ご意見ではいかがです?

JM: 個人的意見では、チェルシーでは、調子がよければランパードは常にプレーしますということです。イングランドでは(???)

Q: ミヒャエル・バラック問題についても伺ってよろしいでしょうか? 事態が混乱しているようですが。バラックサイドとチェルシーサイドで。どうしてバラックはチャンピオンズリーグに出場登録されなかったんですか? その理由をバラックはわかっているのですか。

JM: わかっています。

Q: そうですか(小声で)。

PK: マイケル・バラックについては重大な誤解があるようですのでご説明させていただきます。マイケル・バラックの問題は実に明白です。彼はけがしてるんです。もう5カ月以上になりますか。チェルシーとしてはバラックがプレーできるよう回復するかを注視しています。順番としてはチェルシーの方がドイツ代表チームよりも優先権があります。それがチェルシーの目的です。彼がまたサッカー選手としてプレーできるかどうか、いまだに定かではないのです。

Q: まだ質問があります。マイケル・バラックはいろいろレアル・マドリードとの関係を言われていますが、ジョゼ、あなたは関わっていますか?

JM: あなた方にたった一つだけ保証してあげましょう。1月にレアルの選手がチェルシーに移籍するかどうかについては、私は絶対しゃべりませんから。

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モウリーニョとケニヨン、バラックCL問題について会見で語る Part 1

14th September 07
Press Conference

Q: Jose, first of all could you tell us about the team you use this Saturday? particulary Lampard and Drogba.

JM: They don't play.

Q: How long they out for?

JM: I hope they play next week.

Q: You saw England cope quite well without Lampard. Do you feel he can he should get back in England team?

JM: That's not my problem.

Q: On a personal opinion.

JM: My personal opinion is that in Chelsea he plays always when he's fit. In England he is out of stiff sigma talent with side of that.???

Q: Just could you clear that Micheal Ballack situations as well, seems to be a very confusion from his sides, Chelsea side why don't he has been missed Champions League squad? Does he understand the reasons why he's been limitated?

JM: Yes.

Q: great(小声で)

PK: (Peter Kenyon speak out about the reasons behind Michael Ballack being left out of Chelsea's Champions League squad)

ah- There's been several huge and incorrect misinterpretations going on with regards to Michael Ballack. Michael Ballack's situation is very clear, he's injured. He's been injured for close to five months and he's still injured.
Our only concern as Chelsea football club is entirely getting him back fit to start playing, initially for Chelsea football club and then for German National Team. That's our objectives.
It was unclear and it is still unclear when he will be available to return to play football.
and we as the fooaball club, which is medical team and football club in general took the decision with regards to his inclusion in the Champions League squad, and it was all medically based.
since the start of Micheal Ballack's injury there has been close corporation and dialogue between all medical staffs, which we've got two hundred per cent faith in, and a whole array of specialists from around the world in order to get back in football and there is no misinterpretation, there is no different diagnosis and is again 100% agreement on his rehab. Michael is fully aware and has bought into that situation.
Any any issues surrounded may this week any issues between sponcers and commercials partners is absolutely rubbish. I have spoken to all parties concerned, I can tell you as of today we all know where we're going and what the objective so I would like to draw the line in this situation once and for all. and I hope I have answered your questions, everybody else's questions, and good luck to move on. Thank you.

Q: There is one other question is. A lots of told Real Madrid being linked with Micheal Ballack,
How's you concerned , Jose? Will he definitely be Chelsea player in February?

JM: There is one thing I can guarantee to you. Only one thing. is that I would never speak about Chelsea to have a Real Madrid player in January.


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Spanish leader Real Madrid beats Almeria 3-1 with goals from Saviola, Sneijder and Higuain


Real Madrid 3-1 Almeria

Matchday 3 of the Spanish League
Santiago Bernabéu Stadium

Sergio Ramos, Metzelder, Cannavaro, Heinze (Drenthe, 46’);
Sneijder (Gago, 75’), Diarra, Guti, Robinho (Higuaín, 46’);
Raúl Saviola

Bruno, C. García, Pulido, Mané;
Juanito, Soriano, Ortiz (Natalio, 76’), Corona (Melo, 76’);
Crusat & Kalu Uche (J. Ortiz, 78’)

Booked Guti, Sergio Ramos, Gago and Soriano
Sent off Crusat with a straight red card

35': Saviola
69': Sneijder
73'. Uche
88': Higuaín


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オフサイド判定にモウリーニョ激怒 チェルシーホームでブラックバーンにスコアレスドロー Part1

Chelsea 0-0 Blackburn

Saturday, 15 September 2007
Stamford Bridge, London

Belletti, Alex, Terry, Ashley Cole (Ben-Haim 88)
Wright-Phillips (Malouda 57), Sidwell (Obi 57), Essien, Joe Cole
Kalou, Shevchenko

Subs Not Used: Cudicini, Ferreira.

Booked: Joe Cole, Belletti.

Emerton, Samba (Ooijer 90), Nelsen, Warnock
Bentley, Savage, Dunn (Mokoena 81), Pedersen
McCarthy (Roberts 68), Santa Cruz

Subs Not Used: Brown, Derbyshire.

Booked: Warnock, Savage.

Ref: Howard Webb



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オフサイド判定にモウリーニョ激怒 チェルシーホームでブラックバーンにスコアレスドロー Part3

Q: ジョゼ、ゲームはあのたった一つの判定で決まってしまいましたね。

JM: そうです。その通りです。(言葉少な)

Q: 私の意見はともかくあなたのご意見を伺うのが私の仕事なんで、多分あなたは…

JM: ご意見はだね、スタジアムにいたサポーターの全員と同じご意見ですよ。

Q: 第4審判からあなたに何か説明はありました? 大層食い下がってましたが。

JM: 第4審判の方とは別にもめてませんよ。彼はいい人です。それに第4審判は試合の流れには何も口出しできないしね。ただぼくは、ちょうどリプレーをやってたんで(*)モニターを彼に見せてやっただけです。でも結局主審は線審を支持した。何が起こったのか説明できるのは線審だけです。

Q: あの判定はおいといて、きょうのチェルシーのプレーは総じていかがでした?

JM: 攻撃的選手を欠いていた(**)のでね。点取り屋がいなかった。ドログバとかピサーロとか、(ラストパスの)ターゲットになる選手がね。ランパードも得点力があるから、きょうは3人の重要な選手がいなかったので、簡単じゃなかったですね。もちろんこんなゲームでは、うちのチームが 3点4点、5点取って勝つのが当たり前です。そんなことは重々承知しています。

Q: (また話が最初に戻っちゃった)

JM: 無得点でした。(皮肉な微笑を浮かべてリポーターを見る)

Q: シェフチェンコのきょうのプレーはいかがでしたか?

JM: (下を向いて先ほどとうってかわっておとなしく)ほかの選手と同じです。がんばってました。充分やってましたよ。

Q: 最後の質問ですが、(ブラックバーンの)クリストファー・サンバ選手が終了間際にけがをしてしまいました。あなたも彼のプレーには敬意を払うのではないですか?

JM: あの(シェフチェンコがサンバの頭部を蹴ってしまった)瞬間は見ていませんでした。見なくて幸いでした。ただ… あの選手は裏表のない選手です。チームのためにがんばっていました。だから(けがが)何でもないことを祈ります。僕は彼はいい選手だと思うので、プレミア全体のためにもそう思ってます。
(End of the interview)

* Telegraph football images 参照

** ammunition = 弾薬; 攻撃[防御]手段

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オフサイド判定にモウリーニョ激怒 チェルシー、ホームでブラックバーンにスコアレスドロー Part 2

Q: Jose, the match was automatically decided by one very big decision.

JM: Yes. Correct.

Q: I owe my stand I need to ask you your opinion. I suppose you -

JM: opinion - is the opinion is everybody in the stadium opinion everybody at home. I don't needed to see the monitor to see that was the goal. In the position I was the very bad position, comparing with the linesman's position, I could feel immediately the movement somebody that understand the game and feels the football smells that the situation was easy to see, that penetration passed, Belletti passed squaring Kalou coming from behind was was was obvious. and this is the kind of situation you speak me is the never ending story, this is the story that only the ref, only the linesman can tell you why. only him can tell you why. Nobody else. If somebody tries to explain why it was no goal, nobody can explain, only he can say what the position for that for the decision, anybody else.

Q: How did the officials explain to you the reasonig for it? because you incredibly trying to speak with them?

JM: No, no. The fourth official, he's no offended he was the very nice man, but he has no influence in the game. I was just trying to show him in the monitor, they play for what where for what. and the referee followed the linesman's decision and only the linesman can explain the - what they did.

Q: I suppose so close after the game you have to be only decision at the moment, what's your opinion about the general play of your team today?

JM: No, my team played without a big ammunition, ah- goal scorers. Drogba is the goal scorer, Pizarro is the goal scorer, the target man for us. and Lampard is also the goal scorer so we played without three very important players for us. It's not easy. It's the kind of game I know it's for my team easy to score three or four five goals, I know I know that is exactly but-- we controlled the game without defencive problem the game was completely under controlled, and the goal should - and the goal arrived we've scored the great goal it was the great moment. and at least three great save from Shevchenko header and Micheal Essien in first half, and Blackburn -- defended a lot, the keeper tried to keep clean sheat but he didn't succeed in that, because he concede the goal, the goal we cerebrated and they cried, and certainly after ten or fifteen seconds we realized that the linesman wanted to be the most important person in this football match.

Q: First time to see Shevchenko in this season, and had couple of chances but scored nil at the end.

JM: Nil.(皮肉な微笑を浮かべてリポーターを見る)

Q: What is your opinion of the way he played?

JM: (下を向いて先ほどとうってかわっておとなしく)He played like my team, a big effort. He was playing well enough to win during a game.

Q: and finally injured Christopher Samba was at the end of the game, I suppose perhaps you should have respect little bit in the game?

JM: Nah - I didn't see and I didn't want to see -- I just want to avoid --- he is very honest man on the pitch. the big boy fight to give everything to the team and I wish it's nothing and if I wish something for Premiership so because he looks for me a great boy.

(End of the interview)

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