サッカー、テニス、バレエ、オペラ、クラシック音楽 そのほか

モウリーニョ、ついに肉声で語る Part3


Q: 全部話してくださいよ。ケニヨンはきょうプレスにこう言いましたけど、それで合ってますか?

JM: 両者ハッピーだってことはほんとですよ。ローマンもピーターもクラブの上層部もね。私もハッピーですよ。私がきょうあなたたちとのインタビューに付き合う理由の一つは…あなた方が大好きだからですよ。あなた方イギリスのマスコミがね。この3年というもの愉快でしたからね。二つ目の理由は(報道が)当たってないからです。私は首にされたわけじゃありませんし、私から出て行ったわけでもありません。いいですか?私が辞めたいなら、とっくに先シーズン終了後にやめています。他のクラブの誘いにのっていたでしょう。そうしなかったのはサポーターに約束したからです。約束は守ったんです。チェルシークラブサイドが私を首にしたいんだったら先シーズン後にしてますよね。今ではなくて。だからあの声明のように「相互の合意」(笑)ってやつが言いえて妙な言葉なわけです。何が起きたかうまく表してる言葉です。私は自分がハッピーだとは言ってません。私がハッピーなのは、チェルシーフットボールクラブの仕事をやめたことなんです。

Q: 退団は避けられなかったのでしょうか? ジョゼ。もうどうしようもなかった?

JM: ご質問ですが、今申しましたように、いつクラブ首脳部が私を首にしたいと思ったかとか、私がもう腹に据えかねて出てったとかそういうことじゃないんですっから。これが一番の解決策だったんです。

Q: ファンはショックを受けて動転してますし、選手たちも泣いていたんじゃありませんか、きのうは。

JM: 私も泣きましたとも。だからそういう問題じゃないんですよ。

Q: それでも出て行くというんですか?

JM: そうです。ええ、そうですとも。私の仕事のやり方はご存知でしょう。私はいつも全身全霊でもって仕事してます。すべてを自分で構築します。関わる人々との愛情ですらね。私にはうちに家族がいますが、練習場にももう一つの家族があるんです。自分では(関係構築に)成功したと思ってます。マネージメントも選手とも、医療スタッフともマネージャーともスタッフともサポーターとも。サポーターや選手との信頼関係はそれこそ永遠に続くと信じています。私は10年分もチェルシーを愛しましたし、チェルシーファンも私を愛してくれました。私は10年分も選手たちを愛しましたし選手たちもそうでした。でも、クラブは一枚岩じゃなかったんです。亀裂が走っていました。誰に責任があったのかはもうどうでもいいことです。多分みんなにその責任があったんです。だからこれが一番いい解決策だったのです。私はピッチの上では「闘う男」ですが、サッカーや試合を離れると「闘う男」ではありません。実人生では「平和な男」なのです。私には穏やかな人生が必要なんです。ポルトガル語でこういう言葉があります。「私は汚れた服を洗濯したくない。」。もし服が汚れたら、洗う必要はないのです。新しい服を着ればいいのですから。

Q: また(プレミアの)監督業に復帰されるおつもりですか?

JM: はい、もちろんですとも。でも次の仕事先には勘弁ですね。次だけはちょっと。チェルシーを出て行ってすぐに別のクラブのドアを叩くなんて、いやですね。次の仕事先はどっか別の国になるでしょう。でも私はまだ44歳ですし、まだまだ監督業をする時間はたっぷり残されています。絶対(イングランドに)戻って来たいですね。私は前にも申しましたように英国のフットボールが大好きですし、その気持ちは変わっていません。ただ一つ厄介なのは、ただ一つしこりを残したのは審判のことですが、それはおいといても、審判の方たちはほんとに良い審判でした。まじめな方々でした。その証拠に何人かの方々はきょう私に電話をくれました。そういうことが私にはうれしかった。
私のイギリスでの社会生活ですが、実にすばらしいことがたくさんありました。僕はすごく感激しちゃいました。子供たちの先生はうちの子の為に学校で泣いてくれました。友人たちや、子供たちが…、(感極まったように) ほんとに友達とか--(絶句)子供のことは何て言っていいかわからないぐらいです…。
サッカーの点で言えば、(プレミアでの3年間は)私のキャリアの中でもすばらしいものでした。プレミアに戻りたいですが、あくまでも次の仕事先はプレミアじゃありません。監督業に戻るまでは、私はサッカーを見に行くつもりはありません。いろんなところへ出かけていって利用されたり、迷惑かけたりするのはいやですから。考えても見てください。僕があしたサッカー場に出かけたら、みんな僕がそこのチームを監督したいのかって邪推するでしょう? だから僕がサッカー場に行くのは、そこで僕の小さな「ビッグ・クラブ」をいっしょにサポートするときだけです。ほかのスタジアムには行きたくありません。

Q: その勉強される原語というのはイタリア語のことですか?

JM: イタリア語かドイツ語かどちらかを選びます。だってフランス語もスペイン語も完璧だし、英語は抜群に上達しましたし。だから次はイタリア語かドイツ語。僕はいかなる国もどんな仕事でもご用立てできます。でも次の仕事は愛ある職場にしたいな。だから僕は自分の言いたいことをすべて表現できて、監督としての才能を示せるようにしときたいんですよ。

Q: ポルトガルにお戻りになるのですか? それとも?

JM: いやしばらくロンドンにとどまりますよ。やることがあるんで。家も買っているのでどうするか決めないと。多分貸家にするのかな。車だってあるし、銀行口座も(笑)。友達との食事の約束もあるし、子供もまだ学校が楽しくてしょうがないし、そういう家族のこともいろいろ決めなくっちゃならない。だから休むというよりしばらくいろいろ楽しいことが続くわけで。もし僕に会いたいなら、毎朝その辺を走ってますから。(一同笑) 川っぺりとか。太りたくないし。 (微笑) 暇したくもないからね。そこのホテルのジムに通いますよ。ホテル側のご好意でね。そこで泳いだり、子供を学校に送り迎えしたり、女房の買い物につきあったり… (首を振る)

Q: チェルシーの監督になる人へのアドバイスはありますか?

JM: ありません。何も。僕だってここに来たときは誰もアドバイスしてくれなかったし。全部一人でやったんだし。だからアドバイスはなし。

Q: どういうふうに事態が悪化したんです? どうして関係が壊れてしまったんです? 何が問題だったんですか?

JM: もういい。もういいんです。それについてはしゃべりたくありません。今申し上げましたように、私は次の仕事の準備をして人生をエンジョイする。やるべきことをして、前向きに考えて幸せでいる。誰も怨みたくはありません。そういうことは話したくありません。
今やチェルシーは、私を試合に招待したり、会食や、お祝い事になると呼んでくれたりするでしょう。ほら他の監督たちもそういう機会があるでしょう? クラブライフのいろんな節目でね。それはとってもうれしいことですが、私は行くつもりはありませんがね。でもジョゼ・モウリーニョの??だけはスタンフォードブリッジに置いて欲しい。

Q: 週末のマンチェスターユナイテッド戦はご覧になられますか?

JM: いや。見ないね。まさか。とんでもない。
僕はもうこれで…いいかな? ポルトガルの皆さんも大丈夫でしたか? それでは皆さん、これで。







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モウリーニョ、ついに肉声で語る Part2

Q: What advice would you give to any Chelsea manager?

JM: No advices, no advices. When I came here nobody gave me advices. I did everything on my own. So I have no advices. To be fair, I'm not interested in Chelsea football club. I don't care them. I don't care at all. at all. For me Chelsea is the period that finished. I keep good things in my heart. and nothing else. now it's up to them. My next step I don't compete against them because I'm not coaching an English club in my next step.

Q: How did things get very bad? How did thing break down to? What matters?

JM: It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. you know. I don't want to speak about it. As I was saying I want to prepare my next step and enjoy my life and do things and think positive and be happy I don't want to have bad feeling with anybody, you know. I don't want to think about it.
I prefer to remember in Chelsea football club as somebody important in Chelsea hystory, I prefer to remember in English football. as also somebody with little space in history of English football and nothing else. I don't want to speak about it to press. It's over . It's over.
Now Chelsea has is the life They invited me to go for a game for a dinner for celebrations else so for example in some occasions are other managers to come and to be part of the good moment of the club life, I'll be very very pleased with it. you know. I hope to have not there because I'm not going there but I hope to have one lest Jose Mourinho forget in Stamford Bridge.
and one thing that I am really sorry. I think I am on 99 matches unbeatable at home, I think is 99. and I think it would be fair to celebrate one hundred at Stamford Bridge. and is not at Stamford Bridge it will be somewhere else if I don't lose at the end. (笑)

Q: Will you watch the game on weekend? Will you watch the game against Manchester United?

JM: No. no. no. not really. I don't want. Okay? I - Portuguese people Okay? thank you guys, thank you.

end of the interview with Jose Mourinho
Outgoing Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho has his say on leaving the Blues, football, and his next move as he talks to the British press in an impromptu media-scrum in London

モウリーニョ、ついに肉声で語る Part3 へ

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JM:(ポルトガルのプレスもいるので)no interfere so English? 英語でいいかな?and after the English you give the trace with them.

Q: Can we talk about everything? -- Peter Kenyon has told us today, you and right the Chelsea, you part something. Do you think it's right?

JM: I think it's right that we are both happy. I think Roman, Peter and top people in the club is happy, and I'm happy too. So when- one of the reason why I decide to be with you is one is because -- I like you very much. (皮肉)。 I like you very much, the English press. I enjoyed very much these three years. The second reason is exactly because of the doubt I think is not fair. I was not sacked, and I didn't close the door. Okay? If I want to close the door, I would do it before when I had- in the end of season -for the abduction of the club I leave for the club. I wouldn't do that. I gave my suppoters to that I Chelsea to go. for another club, I, I gave my words and I did it. and if Chelsea wanted to sack me, they'll do in the end of the season, not in this moment, so, it's fair to say that we found the correct words for the statement, "mutual agreement"(笑) I think it's correct English for what happened. I'm not saying that I'm happy. I'm not saying I'm happy. I'm saying that I'm happy that I stopped my work at the Chelsea football club.

Q: How --
Q:(質問が交錯する)Why was it unavoidable Jose? as you reached the stage was unavoidable?

JM: I think it's the question of as I'm saying when peple want to sack(記者を見る)and when the manager doesn't want to close and bang the door, I think it would go on and on and on. No problem with that but I think was the best, I think it was the best situation.

Q Fans are upset and your players were crying yesterday.

JM: And I was crying too! so That's not the point.

Q: But you still have to go?

JM: Yes(眉間にしわを寄せて)- yes-yes. I'm kind of - you know , you know the way I work, you know everything I do is with a lot of pressure, with a lot of emotion, I'm a kind of person that create everything around. the group attick and the love between the members and we have family at home and have another family on the training ground. and I trully believe my success about management, players, medical department, manager, staff, suppoters, and the love relation I always had with the supporters and with the players is I believe never ending relations. You know in ten years time I love Chelsea, fans, Chelsea fans they love me, in ten years time I would love my players, my players love me. not outside about it , but the whole club was not a real block, some fractures. but it doesn't matter who has responsibilities, maybe everybody has the responsibilities. I think it was the best solution.
I'm a man of war during the competions(微笑), I'm not a man of war outside the competitions and outside football, in life I'm a man of peace, I want peace! You know I don't want to clean, used to say in Portuguese -- that's the same, meaning but I don't like to clean the dirty clothes. If you have dirty clothes, You don't have to clean it. bring your new clothes
so I want to forget bad things, I want to remember the good things, The good thing is, you know, never ending list of good things, supporters for me, in the top of everything, not just Chelsea supporters of course, because they loved me. but even the supporters from some other club I think the relations was fantastic you know to play away everybody was booing me songs, but in the end they do it if they don't try to because I'm different in the other one I will miss them if you ask me I would miss Man United supportes, Liverpool supporters, I will miss them too. This country is unbelievable football country.

Q: Will you be coming back to the manager?

JM: Yes. Yes. For sure, I want. For sure, I want. I don't want it in my next step. Next step no. I don't want to leave the Chelsea door go immeadiately one another door, I think my next step must be another country, must be another -- of football. but I'm 44. I hope I have many many years left for me to manage. I want definitely. I love the English fooaball, don't change one single word that I was saying before. One another problem, one another frustration with referees doesn't stop me to say that very good referees, very good referees, honest people, I can tell you for the example, that today some of them they were calling me. and for me that has the meaning.
English press, if you understand the philosophy, you don't have bad feeling I'm not stupid and I understand your philosophy. I understand the competitive world of and understand the philosophy of country. so it was very very funny to play the game, with you too. you know it's salt and pepper everyday every press conference, every game was fantastic. Uh- other managers(首を振りながら)great people, top people, again today people very supportive and people are very nice to me. Chelsea is Chelsea and after that comes social part of it. and so many, so many good things. That's the part of that give me some emotions, the social part of it, you know, teachers were crying at school because of the kids, friends, kids.(感極まったように) You know why friends are--(絶句)kids, are that difficult what to speak about.
But in football terms, fantastic period of my career. fantastic period of my career, I want to be back but not the next step. I don't go to football till I go back to management, I don't want to be in any place element of people using me to disturb something, imagine tomorrow I go to football stadium people will say you comes here because you want to manage these or nothing at all. So, the only stadium I would go would be club at home where people knows I just there to sharing and support my little big club. I don't think I go to another football stadium. Another thing I want to leave it very very clear maybe not for you, but for Portuguese press is that I don't want Portuguese national team. So I think the bookmakers they have to take it from there because I want to make it very very clear, I want Portuguese to succeed, I want Portuguese to be working calm I want Scolari no need to look behind because I'm not there waiting I don't want people to use me to put a pressure on me, I don't want to work not just in the Portuguese national team, I don't want to work for Portuguese football.
and if I don't want to Portuguese football, and if my next step is not an English club, I have to go, enjoy my life. I go to US, for a football clinic, I go to Malaysia for some advertising with a Malaysian bank.
I will be with my wife and kids 24 hours a day. I will study a little bit, I will study another language because I want to learn one more. and I'll wait for work I'm not tired. I don't need, you knows, one two three four monthes you know, lots of stress I have nothing, I have stress is not ever fight (笑) not to have a football game to play. So I'm great, I wish as I was saying in my little statement I wish Chelsea the best. and if you want the wan of war,(笑) you have to wait when I'm back to management because in this period I want to be a man of peace(笑)。

Q: Is the language you gonna learn Italian?

JM: I have to choose between Italian and German. Because French is fine, Spanish is fine. English, is improving, is fine. German or Italien is the language I'm going to learn but you know, I'm ready for every country for every project I just hope the next one I'll be surrounded by love so I can express everything I have to express to tell them my quality as amanager.

Q: Are you going to Portugal or elswhere?

JM: No, I stay in London. a couple of more weeks, I have things to do, I have houses, my houses here I need to decide what to do. maybe rent. I have cars, bank account(笑) I have friends I have dinners to have some people with kids still enjoy school little bit more we have to decide really what to do in terms of the family. No- no rest just enjoy. so if you want to see me again, I will be every morning runnning here, (一同笑) and near the river because I don't want to get fat and tired. (微笑) I will come to gym here, in the hotel because they allowed me to do that. swimming, kids at school, shopping with wife, you know, (首を振る)


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