

"やや"や 、"ちょっと"と"'少し"の意味など...

2009年12月17日 07時52分35秒 | 僕の会社に生活
Yesterday, 山川さん works O.T(over time) again.

I read the newspaper then asked her something about Japanese.

1st, in "収入やや減少し", "やや" means what?

She said, "やや" means a little bit. I asked, " 'やや' is ad. or adj. ?" She said,"Adv." I asked, "If it has the almost same meaning as 'ちょっと' and '少し'?" "Yes. And 'やや'is more used in writing Japanese, but 'ちょっと'is more used in oral."

2nly, in" '...'とあいさつし。", "あいさつ"is greeting's meaning and it seems not the same at here.

" 'あいさつ'"at here is '紹介' "'s meaning, she said. Oh, I see.

Every day, if you want to keep an eye to watch, you could get the new thing from your life.


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