参考:http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/international/20141211/522105/【不斷更新】今早9時半清場 金鐘現場平靜;http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/international/20141210/521809/【不斷更新】金鐘最後夜又現人海 誓言再回來
Some supporting Pan-democracy Camp with Jimmy Lai .
Some occupiers are preparing to leave(1)
Some occupiers are preparing to leave(2)
An occupier is preparing to leave(3)
Jimmy Lai
Night on Dec 10th, 2014
Day on Dec 10th, 2014
Banners are locating on occupying area.
Today(DEC 11th, 2014), clear action will be run by HongKong government at 9am this morning. What do the democracy fighters do? And will do?