

Tv Survey(0022)-About 600M's Canton Tower(広州塔).

2010年10月09日 15時12分01秒 | survey
29th, Sep, Tv survey's topic is "Do you like the name of new Canton Tv Tower named as 'Canton Tower'(広州塔)? " The answer is about 2,500 say YES, about 6,400 say NO, and about 1,800 say JUST ACCEPTABLE(NOT LIKE).

I think, many many people donot like this name, it isnot for its name relating with a city's name, or it couldnot show any special character and beautiful personality. Around the world, some names of this kind of tower certainly relating with locating city, for example: Tokyo Tower, Sydney Tower, Berliner Fernsehturm, N Seoul Tower, Montreal Tower, ...(http://www.great-towers.com/towers/index_us.html) because something has happened around it.

The 1st event, in last year(2009), from 16th, Sep to 12th, Nov, Canton began an activity-collect a name for new Tv Tower located in Canton in the global range. The result is announced on 14th, Sep, 2009, on the list-No.1 name is "Haixin Tower(海心)". It pay it for 100,000 yuan(1,500,000 円) as price. In another first 10 names,from 2nd -4th everyone got 20,000 yuan(300,000 円), from 6th-10th, everyone got 10,000 yuan(150,000円).

After this very difficult seletion, on ,local managers threw another decision, "they want to collect another name." The investiment company is belong to state assets company. Are there any unsuitable thing?

The 2nd event, managers suddenly announce this new Tower will influence airline's safety and it must be shorten low 10 meters, so it cost 10 million
yuan(1,500 million 円) again.

The last result Altitude is: 600 meters.

Then people surprise why it would be allowed before its design and they should have do enough better communciation with Air traffic management bureau CAAC(Civil Aviation Administration of China) at long long ago. Are there any unsuitable thing?

The 3rd event, the burget is from about 1.6 billion-->2.2 billion-->over 3 billion(2.95 billion). Are there any unsuitable thing?

Others's puzzles: Project Delivery System、Operations Option, etc. Are there any unsuitable thing?

...a lot, a lot, this is the main cause of why people donot like it.

Named Activitieshttp://news.dayoo.com/guangzhou/200909/15/73437_10793104_2.htm;
1st named result:http://news.163.com/09/1115/06/5O51A0S20001124J.html;
2nd named again:http://news.dayoo.com/guangzhou/201007/25/73437_13390952.htm;
2nd named result:http://news.dayoo.com/guangzhou/201009/28/73437_14010238.htm;
Comparing with(New Tokyo Tower):http://club.dayoo.com/read-cityonline-666355.htm;
Cost 01:(广州新电视塔工程建设完成投资1.04亿元)http://www.tjcn.org/tjgb/201002/3754.html;
Cost 02:(记者昨天从广州城建方面获悉,工程投资约16亿元的广州新电视塔工程)http://www.guangzhou.gov.cn/node_691/node_609/2006-06/1149658634109483.shtml;
Cost 03:(广州新电视塔“小蛮腰”的造价高达29.5亿)http://cache.chat.dayoo.com/2010/node_23540/node_25483/link/1285405773572105.shtml;
Cost 04:(实际总投资30.1亿元)http://www.bjdefali.com/index_3.asp?xxpxddd=417913&xxpxccc=695969;
Puzzle 01:(广州新电视塔4个标段的前3个标段一共被砍下4个亿)http://www.ycwb.com/gdjsb/2008-05/16/content_1890059.htm
Puzzle 02: (广州市建设投资发展有限公司是1996年9月经广州市人民政府(穗府函[1996]15号文)批复成立,初期注册资金为2,000万元,是广州市人民政府出资设立的国有独资公司;广州新电视塔建设有限公司成立于2004年5月,……发行人持有广州新电视塔建设有限公司90.0%的股权。)http://www.cnstock.com/paper_new/html/2010-02/26/content_72106936.htm;
Puzzle 03:(广州新电视塔建设有限公司注册资本仅1亿元,两个股东按股权比例实际投资7.52亿元(含1亿元注册资金),基建投资借款21.1亿元,实际总投资30.1亿元。……广州新电视塔的建设模式与经营方向令人堪忧)http://www.bjdefali.com/index_3.asp?xxpxddd=417913&xxpxccc=695969;
Lawyer's Point 01:(广州新电视塔命名,还需面对合法性质疑!)http://woyaofawang.blog.sohu.com/160466768.html;
Lawyer's Point 02:(新电视塔命名为何不开听证会)http://woyaofawang.blog.sohu.com/160466702.html;
World Federation of Great Tower:(En)http://www.great-towers.com/towers/index_us.html;
World Federation of Great Tower:(Cn)http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-hant/%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C%E9%AB%98%E5%A1%94%E8%81%AF%E7%9B%9F;

Canton Official Introduction:http://www.gzwaishi.gov.cn/Item/4043.aspx;
News Introduction 01:http://ycdtb.dayoo.com/html/2009-12/23/content_808545.htm;
News Introduction 02:http://ycdtb.dayoo.com/html/2009-12/23/content_808544.htm;
News Introduction 03:http://ycdtb.dayoo.com/html/2009-12/23/content_808543.htm.


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