


2009年09月08日 11時13分21秒 | グルメ

「メタボ」で生還 鉄筋が腹部貫通も軽傷

  「メタボ」で生還 鉄筋が腹部貫通も軽傷  男性がミニバイク運転中によそ見をしてトラックに追突、積んであった太い鉄筋がおなかを貫通してしまった。普通なら即死でもおかしくない状況だが、なんとこの男性、生命の危機どころかレスキュー隊が鉄筋を切断した後は自分で歩いて救急車に乗り込んだ。助かった“原因”はメタボ体形だったからという。世のメタボな人に朗報?!



  和泉さんは兵庫県尼崎市内の建設現場に鉄筋を運ぶ途中で、トラックを路肩に停車させ休んでいたが、「『ボン』と音がして後ろを見たら、窓越しに男性の顔が見えたので、あわててトラックから降りて後ろに回ると、男性が鉄筋に刺さっていた。男性を引っ張ろうとしたら、『痛い、痛い』というんで救急車を呼んだ」(捜査関係者)。  程なく到着した救急隊が応急措置をしながら、レスキュー隊が油圧カッターで鉄筋を切断。約30分後に救助した。






The latest news about Taiwan 8.8 disaster.(9.07)

2009年09月08日 00時54分26秒 | グルメ

Taiwan holds a mourning "Victims of 8.8 typhoon disaster memorial ceremony" at Gaoxiong today. Over 5,000 attend. Present leader of Taiwan, Ma yingjiu said he felt so guilty and expressed deep appreciation to main land(Main land totally donates about 5 billions NTD and is the largest amount donor this time) and those sacrifice who joined to rescue.

Ma went to Pingdong county to inspect the rebuilding of disaster area.(on the way he met the protest).(noon 13:00 09-07-2009 news)


   今日在臺灣高雄舉行了“8.8 風災死難者追悼會” 。共超過五千人出席了追悼會。現任臺灣領導人馬英九在會上表示,對是次事件深表自責,並對參與救援而犧牲的人員和大陸方面(是次大陸共爲臺灣風災捐獻了約五十億新臺幣,为是次风灾最大的捐贈者)表示深深的感谢


source来源:HongKong TVB News、香港TVBテレビニュス、根据HK翡翠台新闻。

日記@BlogRanking <-ブロクが好ければ、投票してください。一人一日一回、もうしません。

Hot news today-9.07(HongKong TVB News、香港TVBテレビニュス)

2009年09月07日 23時35分46秒 | hot news today

A:(Hong Kong)One 18-years-old boy was charged of rape by the Jury today.
One 18-years-old boy(he was 17 when he do the crime.), staff of Yoshinoya Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong)raped his girl firend(a staff who worked in the same place). He was charged of rape by the Jury today. Another 2 boys(one 17, another 19)helpingg him to rape was not guilty by Jury and released at once on the court.

This case happened April last year. Girl wearing the uniform of the restaurant and was raped by 3 boys, the process was record and uploaded to internet. Video was spread widely in Hong Kong and reported the police at last.

Police appeal to people who could get the crime information from the net should report the polce at once, and he said that the police will enhance the check of crime on the net.

B: A case of 1 Nepalese was shot by policeman is held hearings today.
The case of 1 male Nepalese was shot by policeman to die is held hearings today. The court asks over 40 witnesses to attend, including his colleagues, relatives, policemen who arrived at the point fastestly and the policeman who shot.

The case happened at 27th, March. The court use Chinese to sentence, but the court arrange Nepalese interpreter.

C:Hong Kong is going to demolish Kwai Chung Incineration Plant.
Hong Kong Government is going to demolish Kwai Chung Incineration Plant [KCIP]. The budget of this project is about 200 million HKD. The Incineration Plant's chimney is about 140 metres high. Workers will use 168 metres high crane to make a big cover to cover the whole chimney to reduce pieces to spread.

This new method just need about 20 workers. Comparing with traditional way(40-50 workers), it could saved 50% human source.

Kwai Chung Incineration Plant [KCIP] has been stopped to use in 1997. The project will be completed at the end of this year. (noon 13:00 09-07-2009 news)

source来源:HongKong TVB News、香港TVBテレビニュス、根据HK翡翠台新?。

日記@BlogRanking <-好ければ、投票してください。一人一日一回、もうしません。

Hot news today-9.06(HongKong TVB News、香港TVBテレビニュス)

2009年09月07日 19時49分06秒 | hot news today

The affair of Hong Kong Hospital Authority forced the doctors who worked in Public hospital signed the Aggrement Document of reducing salary has been solved after consulting. Payen ho, Chairman of Hong Kong Public Medical and Doctor Associatin said, he wishes people could understand the complex of recent medical-accidents.

One man with his friends went to hook at Basalt Island, but he fell into the sea from the rocks, friends could not rescue him successfuly.

Police got the help-call at 8:00 am, but he has no sense after being sent to the hospital.

There is a sight-seeing ship sank under 10 metres in the Lake Ohrid(Liqeni i Ohrit) located in the Republic of Macedonia. 15 dead. The ship has been used about 70 years long. Reason of sinking is suspected of over-loading.

Lake Ohrid is belong to Natural and Cultural Heritage of the Ohrid region-one of World Heritage of UNESCO. It is located the frontier between Albania and Macedonia at the Balkan Peninsula.(noon 13:00 09-06-2009 news)

source来源:HongKong TVB News、香港TVBテレビニュス、根据HK翡翠台新?。

 暑い 日記@BlogRanking <-好ければ、投票してください。一人一日一回、もうしません。

Hot news today-9.05(HongKong TVB News、香港TVBテレビニュス)

2009年09月07日 18時33分16秒 | hot news today

A:More Alligator Gars were found and caught then took out fish-pool in Hong Kong.
10 Alligator Gars(ガー: a fish) were caught and took out in Lai Chi Kok Park(Hong Kong),the big one has 3 feet long. There are 2 have been found in Chai Wan Park(Hong Kong) too.

B:G-20 opens at London today.
Attending members all agree with the worst period of world's economiy has gone. The valley of crisis has been left.

C:President Chavez appeals that Issrael returned the GOLAN HEIGHTS to Syria.
President Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias of Venezuela appeals that Issrael returned the GOLAN HEIGHTS to Syria.(noon 13:00 09-05-2009 news)

source来源:HongKong TVB News、香港TVBテレビニュス、根据HK翡翠台新?。


2009年09月07日 08時03分17秒 | グルメ

「銭湯もう来るな」 関西在住のハンセン病回復者ら初の実態調査











2009年09月05日 07時58分22秒 | 旅行Travellor














Hot news today-9.04(HongKong TVB News、香港TVBテレビニュス)

2009年09月04日 17時12分24秒 | hot news today

A:One 3 feet long Alligator Gar was found and caught then took out fish-pool of Tak Wah Park(Hong Kong) .
One 3 feet long Alligator Gar(ガー: a fish) was found in fish-pool in Tak Wah Park located Tsuen Wan town centre(Hong Kong) and was caught and took out the pool to avoid to hurt the other. That fish-pool is usually used to released(放す) some fish-pets(ペット) by the local. One sell in Hong Kong is about 39 HKD.

According the history record in America, Alligator Gar could be about 6 metres long and 200 pounds weight.

B.One 69-years-old man was crashed by a truck at Hong Kong early this morning.
One 69-years-old man was crashed by a truck at about 6:30 this early morning. When the fire-fighter reached, he was still staying under the truck. Rescue men used the air cushion to jack up and save. But he was confirmed to die after sent to the hospital.(noon 13:00 09-04-2009 news)

3.source来源:HongKong TVB News、香港TVBテレビニュス、根据HK翡翠台新?。

Hot news today-9.03(HongKong TVB News、香港TVBテレビニュス)

2009年09月04日 08時55分06秒 | hot news today
A:Hong Kong government donot agree with school in isolating and quarantining the students who use drugs.
Hong Kong government donot agree with school in isolating and quarantining the students who use drugs.

Data shows the students who use drugs from 2578 person in 2006 to 3430 in 2008, numbers are 33% upper.

B:The Hon Chief Justice Andrew LI announced he would retire early.
The Hon Chief Justice Andrew LI of Hong Kong Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal announce he would retire at Sep 1st, 2010. It is 3 years and 3 months earlier than his normal retirement age.

Li answered medias and said it was not the propre time to appraise the candidate.

C:One Vice professor of HKU was sentenced 9 weeks in jail for assaulting 2 female students.
Vice professor Shortall Terence Joseph(53-years-old, teaching at Linguistics)of Faculty of Education(EDU) of the University of Hong Kong(HKU) is charged with assaulting 2 female students in his office, and he was sentenced of 9 weeks in jail.

His defense counsel said all of them were adults and stress 2 girls didnot leave that office at once. But Judge emphasize that the accused didnot show any regret, and he insisted that 2 female sufferers on the court recalled their unhappiness and hurt 2 girls again.

D:The cost of training of enterprise in Hong Kong is up.
Recent research shows the cost of training of enterprise in Hong Kong upper, from 3.0% to 3.3%. It is mainly spent on morality's obeying and the culture of enterprise.

E:Abdelbaset Ali Mohmet al-Megrahi got the warm welcome as a hero when he arrived.
Abdelbaset Ali Mohmet al-Megrahi who was sentenced to make the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 was released to Libya from Scotland. He got the warm welcome as a hero when he arrived.

It is said that he was settle down at Intensive Care Unit (I.C.U.) of local hospital.(noon 13:00 09-03-2009 news)

source来源:HongKong TVB News、香港TVBテレビニュス、根据HK翡翠台新?。

Hot news today-9.02(HongKong TVB News、香港TVBテレビニュス)

2009年09月03日 17時22分15秒 | hot news today
A:Mr WH CHEUK emphasized the staff would insist to strictly issue and medias should not be misled.
One Trade UnionOne Trade Union(Staff Benefit of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department Trade Union) organizes processing a protest to Hong Kong Legislative Council and to express they would not strictly issue fixed-penalty notice.

But later, Mr WH CHEUK, Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene said that he had converse with the representatives of 5,400 staffs and emphasized the staff would insist to strictly issue the penality notice and wouldnot loose to do it. He hoped medias would not be misled by those members indefinite organize(point to: Staff Benefit of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department Trade Union).

B:Hong Kong G.D.S.G.U. asks for the same salary level and complains the low salary.

香港政府紀律部隊人員總工會Hong Kong Government Disciplined Services General Union(including: Hong Kong Correctional Services, Hong Kong Fire Services Department, Hong Kong Immigration Department, Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department, and Government Flying Service 5 department.)has a meeting and asks for having the same salary level in all Government Disciplined Services and complains the low salary of now.

General Union has over 13,000 members now.

C:HK W.S.D would change the crossing pipes at those busy roads.
Hong Kong Water Supplies Department announces that they would change the crossing pipes at those busy roads.

D:One staff of HK I.C.A.C. was sentenced 200 hours CSO.
One 26-years-old female staff of Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption(ICAC) stole property of her head 6 times because of quarrelling with her. She was caught by her head set a hiding camera. She got 200 hours Community Service Orders(CSO).

E:Taiwan will begin to reshuffle the cabinet.
Taiwan will begin to reshuffle the cabinet. People except the list will be known at later this weekend.

F:The mountain-fires make the bad finance of California as snow plus frost.
Mountain-fire in California State of America have fired over 50,000 ha. wood and over 600 houses were destroied. More than 3,000 fire-fighters are doing their best to controlled the spreading. It is expected that the fires would be controlled later this week.

The fires make the bad finance of California as snow plus frost.(noon 13:00 09-02-2009 news)

source来源:HongKong TVB News、香港TVBテレビニュス、根据HK翡翠台新?。

500円が赤茶色に 運送袋の接着剤が原因

2009年09月02日 10時26分05秒 | グルメ

<変色硬貨>新品500円が赤茶色に 運送袋の接着剤が原因






2009年09月02日 08時20分07秒 | グルメ


ほか:Hot news today-8.25(HongKong TVB News、香港TVBテレビニュス)C:



?移植臓器提供者の9割以上が死刑囚ーー 中国誌報道

2009年09月02日 08時10分05秒 | グルメ
移植臓器提供者の9割以上が死刑囚 中国誌報道




2009年09月02日 08時00分09秒 | グルメ

陸自全隊員14万人の個人情報漏洩 1等陸尉を逮捕







2009年09月02日 07時51分36秒 | グルメ








