


2009年09月02日 07時37分34秒 | グルメ










Hot news today-9.01(HongKong TVB News、香港TVBテレビニュス)

2009年09月01日 17時28分54秒 | hot news today

A:Hong Kong Police Force Commissioner Tang (King-shing) talk about the "Trial Scheme on School Drug Testing" in Tai Po and controlling the source of drug and the safety about East Asia Games.
Attending a meeting, Hong Kong Police Force Commissioner Tang (King-shing) said that the role of policeman would be decided in "Trial Scheme on School Drug Testing" in Tai Po after holding counsel with the public.

And he emphasizes police is continuing to enlarge to strike the source of the drug and secure the safety of players, spectators and arena during East Asia Games

B:Under secrectory for Education of Hong Kong Education Bureau Kenneth Chan talked about the "Trial Scheme on School Drug Testing" .
Under secrectory for Education of Hong Kong Education Bureau Kenneth Chan said that the drug-test result was positive after the student was check in the "Trial Scheme on School Drug Testing" in Tai Po, whether or not contact the police first time is still being considered.

Education system will send the "voluntarily agree form" of "Trial Scheme on School Drug Testing" in November.

C:Today Hong Kong begins the 3rd step of controling smoking.
Today Hong Kong begins the 3rd step of controling smoking. Under the “Fixed Penalty (Smoking Offences) Ordinance”, smokers who light-up in the statutory no-smoking areas will be given a fixed penalty of HK$1,500.

Officers of Tobacco Control Office, Police Fouce, Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, Leisure and Cultural Services Department and Housing Department will have the power to issue fixed-penalty notice.

D:The mountain-fire in California State of America is spreading.
The mountain-fire in California State of America is spreading. It is the 6th day of firing. For the hot weather and strong wind, the firing area enlarged 1 time at last night. There are over 2,600 fire-fighters are fighting.(noon 13:00 09-01-2009 news)

source来源:HongKong TVB News、香港TVBテレビニュス、根据HK翡翠台新?。


「好きな人の子ではない」から 道で男児を出産、放置したこと、容疑者ホームレス女逮捕

2009年09月01日 07時38分17秒 | グルメ

「好きな人の子ではない」 死体遺棄容疑、29歳ホームレス女逮捕






