Paying to pollute
I've just signed a petition urging G20 leaders to honour their promise to end payouts of public money to oil, coal and gas companies.
Fossil fuel industries destroy the environment and communities all over the world. Yet every year governments give them hundreds of billions of dollars in payouts. Enough is enough. The G20 leaders can take a huge stride forward when they meet on the 26th of June. Let's build on the outrage from the Gulf oil spill and countless other disasters and demand that governments stop supporting these reckles s industries. Click below to take action:
Read more about this important issue below.
Dear friends,
It sounds crazy, but it's true: Around the world, more than half a trillion dollars of our tax money is spent promoting fossil fuels... every year.
That's all public money -- funds paid by all of us that could be used to fight climate change, but instead is used to cause it.
But something's happening. Ever since the BP oil spill, it seems as though the world is waking up. As the oil devastation spreads, a realization is spreading as well: that it is time to end our addiction to fossil fuels. Forever.
And now a chance is approaching. The leaders of the 20 most economically powerful countries -- the G20 -- will meet nex t week in Canada. Last autumn, they pledged to end these fossil fuel subsidies... but they've taken no action. They haven't even set a deadline. Let's hold the G20 leaders to their word -- flooding them with petition signatures to stop spending our money on oil, coal, and other fuels of climate destruction:
Fossil fuel subsidies, like fossil fuels, are a dirty business. Governments give tax breaks to oil companies. Oil companies buy off governments. We all pay the price.
BP, which spent almost $16 million on U.S. lobbying last year, was so cozy with the American officials who were supposed to regulate it that the US government didn't even run a safety check on the offshore oil rig that eventually blew up -- because BP had promised that it was safe.
And, of course, the foss il fuel industry has funded the politicians and the massive disinformation campaigns on global warming that that helped derail the climate negotiations in Copenhagen last December.
A few days from now, the G20 could begin turning the world from the oil-poisoned past to a clean energy future. Sign the petition -- then forward this message to anyone who wants the BP oil spill to mark the end of the fossil fuel era:
The darkest moments don't define us -- it's how we respond to them that matters most. As we watch the devastation in the Gulf of Mexico, let's lift our eyes higher: to a world where this kind of disaster is impossible. As a U.S. comedian said, "You know what happens when windmills collapse into the sea? ... a splash."
Let's find, in this crisis, an opportunity for something better.
With hope,
Luis, Iain, Ricken, Maria Paz, Rewan, Ben, and the rest of the Avaaz team
P.S. The proponents of fossil fuel subsidies argue that they are needed for economic development. But they fuel the climate change that is making us all poorer -- and will hit the poorest first and worst. Click here to join the worldwide call to end the mega-handouts for fossil fuels:
Greenwise: "Fossil Fuel Subsidies Top $550Bn"
New York Times: "A Sand Trap in the Gulf"
Washington Times: "Numerous lobbyists do BP's bidding"
BP Spent Millions on Lobbying, Campaign Donations
"U.S. exempted BP's Gulf of Mexico drilling from environmental impact study"
"From Climate Conflict to Energy Consensus"
Paying to pollute
I've just signed a petition urging G20 leaders to honour their promise to end payouts of public money to oil, coal and gas companies.
Fossil fuel industries destroy the environment and communities all over the world. Yet every year governments give them hundreds of billions of dollars in payouts. Enough is enough. The G20 leaders can take a huge stride forward when they meet on the 26th of June. Let's build on the outrage from the Gulf oil spill and countless other disasters and demand that governments stop supporting these reckles s industries. Click below to take action:
Read more about this important issue below.
Dear friends,
It sounds crazy, but it's true: Around the world, more than half a trillion dollars of our tax money is spent promoting fossil fuels... every year.
That's all public money -- funds paid by all of us that could be used to fight climate change, but instead is used to cause it.
But something's happening. Ever since the BP oil spill, it seems as though the world is waking up. As the oil devastation spreads, a realization is spreading as well: that it is time to end our addiction to fossil fuels. Forever.
And now a chance is approaching. The leaders of the 20 most economically powerful countries -- the G20 -- will meet nex t week in Canada. Last autumn, they pledged to end these fossil fuel subsidies... but they've taken no action. They haven't even set a deadline. Let's hold the G20 leaders to their word -- flooding them with petition signatures to stop spending our money on oil, coal, and other fuels of climate destruction:
Fossil fuel subsidies, like fossil fuels, are a dirty business. Governments give tax breaks to oil companies. Oil companies buy off governments. We all pay the price.
BP, which spent almost $16 million on U.S. lobbying last year, was so cozy with the American officials who were supposed to regulate it that the US government didn't even run a safety check on the offshore oil rig that eventually blew up -- because BP had promised that it was safe.
And, of course, the foss il fuel industry has funded the politicians and the massive disinformation campaigns on global warming that that helped derail the climate negotiations in Copenhagen last December.
A few days from now, the G20 could begin turning the world from the oil-poisoned past to a clean energy future. Sign the petition -- then forward this message to anyone who wants the BP oil spill to mark the end of the fossil fuel era:
The darkest moments don't define us -- it's how we respond to them that matters most. As we watch the devastation in the Gulf of Mexico, let's lift our eyes higher: to a world where this kind of disaster is impossible. As a U.S. comedian said, "You know what happens when windmills collapse into the sea? ... a splash."
Let's find, in this crisis, an opportunity for something better.
With hope,
Luis, Iain, Ricken, Maria Paz, Rewan, Ben, and the rest of the Avaaz team
P.S. The proponents of fossil fuel subsidies argue that they are needed for economic development. But they fuel the climate change that is making us all poorer -- and will hit the poorest first and worst. Click here to join the worldwide call to end the mega-handouts for fossil fuels:
Greenwise: "Fossil Fuel Subsidies Top $550Bn"
New York Times: "A Sand Trap in the Gulf"
Washington Times: "Numerous lobbyists do BP's bidding"
BP Spent Millions on Lobbying, Campaign Donations
"U.S. exempted BP's Gulf of Mexico drilling from environmental impact study"
"From Climate Conflict to Energy Consensus"