RT ディープステート陰謀団は、数兆ドルを追い求め、検閲に関連する法律を制定できるように、偽のエイリアンの暴露を持ち込もうとしていました。世界的な銀行崩壊は、アメリカのデジタル銀行システムを構築するために数兆ドルを使うための隠蔽でしょう。」
The Deep State Cabal were trying to bring in fake Alien disclosure so they could go after $trillions and create laws connected to censorship.The worldwide banking collapse would be a cover up to use the trillions to create an American digital banking… pic.twitter.com/6mnfV9dKrP
— CBKNEWS (@CBKNEWS121) July 29, 2023 " title="">
— CBKNEWS (@CBKNEWS121) July 29, 2023
The Deep State Cabal were trying to bring in fake Alien disclosure so they could go after $trillions and create laws connected to censorship.The worldwide banking collapse would be a cover up to use the trillions to create an American digital banking… pic.twitter.com/6mnfV9dKrP