

場所 兵庫県庁 斎藤元彦2 斎藤慎二

2024年10月08日 | Weblog
人物斎藤元彦 Governor Saito's tendency to make demands is well-known within the prefectural office, and there is even a recording of him requesting local wine when visiting Kamigori Town. In other words, the governor's claim that it was "all lies" was itself a lie. The governor should resign immediately. 

人物斎藤元彦 包囲網狭まる Hyogo Governor Motohiko Saito is facing increasing pressure to resign due to allegations of power harassment. The question is, would he like to bow out or get kicked out. We’ve had it with all his lies. 




Shinji Saito, a member of the comedy trio "Jungle Pocket," was sent to prosecutors in July 2024 on suspicion of sexually assaulting a woman in her 20s. The incident occurred inside a location bus, and Saito admitted to the charges. As a result, he was released from his contract and stepped down from regular TV shows. His wife, Saori Seto, has disputed some reports but acknowledged his reputation for womanizing.

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