


2013-03-07 | アート







国際オリンピック委員会への書簡 Letter to the IOC


March 4th 2013

及び同委員会評価委員会委員長Craig Reedie様と評価委員の皆さまへ
To IOC chairman Mr. Jacque Roggue and its members,
Chief of the IOC evaluation commission, Mr. Craig Reedie and its members

Tomo Kimura (General practitioner, M.D., Ph. D)
Mari Takenouchi (Freelance journalist, translator)
The following people support the contents of this letter:
Shuntaro Hida (Hiroshima A-bomb survivor, general practitioner, M.D.)
Katsutaka Idogawa (Radiation exposed victim, Former Mayor of Futaba Town, Fukushima)
西山ちかこ(西へ移住の「f.h townを求めて」代表、元川内村村議)
Chikako Nishiyama (Former Kawauchi Village assembly person, Fukushima)
Koichi Oyama(Citizen scientist, Minamiso-ma city, Fukushima)
Toshio Yanagihara (Lawyer, The Fukushima Collective Evacuation Trial)
Eisuke Matsui (Director, Gifu Environment and Medicine Research Institute, M.D.)
Taro Yamamoto (Actor)
堀内良彦(汚染血液製剤事件 血友病HIV患者)
Yoshihiko Horiuchi (Tainted blood product case hemophiliac HIV patient)
野呂美加(チェルノブイリへの架け橋 代表)
Mika Noro (Director, NGO "A Bridge to Chernobyl")

Aiko Kimura (Aiko Kimura, President, The Japan Association for Advancement of ILO Activities)

谷口修一 虎の門病院血液内科部長 
Shuichi Taniguchi (Director, Department of Hematology, Toranomon Hospital)

Ryu Honma (Writer)

村上東 (秋田大学教育文化学部教授)
Akira Murakami Professor, Akita University Education and Culture Department

阿部知美 (福島県相馬市2児の母、映画KAKUSEI主人公)
Tomomi Abe, Mother of 2 sons from Soma-city, Fukushima, Main Character in Film KAKUSEI
* You can see the film KAKUSEI with English subtitles 

Shigeru Takaoka, NPO MInamata Vice Director, Physician


We would like to express our deep respect to the chairman and the members for your continued efforts to contribute to the realization of peaceful and the better world through sports. 


Currently, Japan has been acting vigorously in order to become the 2020 host country.  As you know, our country experienced the East Japan Great Earthquake in March 2011 with unprecedented catastrophic earthquake and tsunami, which triggered Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident.



Almost two years has been passed but the recovery of the disaster hit areas has not been sufficient.  In addition, there are no prospects for recovery from the Level 7 Fukushima nuclear accident with unprecedented multiple reactors’ melt through.  Even today, maximum of 10 million Bq/hour radioactive materials are being released from Unit 1, 2, 3 reactors according to Tokyo Electric Company as of January 31, 2013.



In addition, Japan is still in seismically active era and the possibility of the potential second Fukushima accident cannot be denied.  (http://enenews.com/guardian-asks-how-likely-is-a-catastrophe-at-fukushimas-no-4-fuel-pool-plant-is-near-fault-as-large-as-one-that-caused-m9-0-quake)




Residents in Fukushima prefecture are still being exposed to radiation in the environment and already three children were confirmed to have thyroid cancers and seven 7 others are strongly suspected among 38,000 examined children, which is 10 times higher than normal rate.  However, the current permissible reference level after the accident has been kept at 20mSv/year, 20 times higher than the legal permissible level of 1mSv/year.  The children have been left in the contaminated areas under abnormal circumstances and no relocation policy has been implemented by Japanese government.



Even in Tokyo, health hazards including high rate of thyroid anomaly and respiratory disorders have been observed (See http://savekidsjapan.blogspot.jp/2013/01/315.html).  According to the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, disease such as Mycoplasma pneumonia has been obviously on the rise since the 2011 March accident nationwide. (http://www.nih.go.jp/niid/ja/10/2096-weeklygraph/1659-18myco.html).


2011年の3月、東京都の住民が呼吸器により吸入してしまった放射能の量は約3,600Bq です。現時点で因果関係が証明できていないにしても、東京を放射性雲が通過していた際に、東京都はリアルタイムで大気中の放射性物質量を計測していながらも、都民に屋内退避などの警告を発しなかったことに起因することも疑われます。その場合、当時の都知事、石原慎太郎氏と副都知事、猪瀬直樹氏(現都知事)の責任は重いと言えるでしょう。

In March 2011, the inhaled radioactive material of Tokyo residents is estimated approximately 3,600Bq.  Though the causal relationship cannot be proven at this stage, Tokyo residents’ health anomalies could be due to the fact when the radioactive plume was passing Tokyo, while Metropolitan Government did not give any warning to the residents to stay inside though they were measuring the realtime data in the air. If that was the case, the responsibilities of the then Tokyo Governor, Mr. Shintaro Ishihara and Vice Governor, Mr. Naoki Inose (current Governor) could be grave. 



In addition, Japan has still been seismically active and current regime is pro-nuclear.  In case there was another accident during the Olympic Games, we do not think there would be a guarantee that the IOC members or groups of athletes could be protected by Tokyo Metropolitan Government that had not announced the March 2011 real time radiation data in a timely manner.



「オリンピックには、競技自体のすばらしさに加えて、環境学習及び環境意識に影響を与える偉大な力、他に比べるもののない発信力がある。世界最大規模かつ先進的な都市の一つである東京の中心でオリンピックを開催することは、総合的な環境政策を示し、いかにして都 市・人間・環境保護の必要性を密接に協調させるかの典型的な実施例を示すことになる」

By the way, the following is the statement in the Candidate File submitted to IOC from Japan:

Beyond the sports competition itself, the Games hold significant power to communicate, and exert enormous influence in terms of environmental education and awareness. To this end, holding the Games in the heart of Tokyo, one of the world’s largest and most modern cities, will be a showcase of comprehensive sustainability strategy and a prime example of how cities, humanity and environmental protection can be closely aligned.



As in the above, the statement says as if Japan is an environmentally developed country, but in fact, we do not even know the impact of radiation contamination still being released from the nuclear power plant. 



In regard to food contamination also, only limited samples have been measured and radionuclides other than cesium have seldom been measured, thus we do not know the real contamination in food including strontium 90.  The permissible level of cesium is up to 100Bq/kg, which is 1000 times higher than the average figure (0.1Bq/kg) before the accident, and these food stuff have been distributed nationwide



Furthermore, radiation contaminated debris generated from the disaster have been distributed and incinerated nationwide, which is totally an unthinkable policy.



Back to the Candidate File statement, what could be the “environmental awareness” under this situation?  How could Tokyo become “a prime example of how cities, humanity and environmental protection can be closely aligned”  How could a state promoting such nonsense policies assert such a statement?


また「立候補ファイル」の『05環境 大気汚染及び騒音公害対策』の項には、以下のような記述もあります。

「また、放射線や放射性物質への対応については、福島原子力発電所事故に係る放射線や放射性物質のモニタリングを確実かつ計画的 に実施することを目的として、関係省庁、自治体及び原子力事業者等 が実施している放射線や放射性物質のモニタリングの調整等を図るため、国によりモニタリング調整会議が設置されている。この会議のもと、国の関係省庁、自治体、原子力事業者等が役割分担を行い、大気・水道・海域・食品などの様々な対象について、放射線や放射性物質のモニタリングを実施している。

その中で、空間放射線量については、福島原子力発電所事故以前から、全国47箇所(各都道府県に1箇所以上)のモニタリングポストで モニタリングを実施していたが、福島原子力発電所事故後、2012年4 月からモニタリングポストを増設した。モニタリングポストによる測定結果をみると、東京都及び地方会場都市のモニタリングポストでは、 国際放射線防護委員会(ICRP)勧告における放射線の防護規準を十分満足している」


In addition, in 05 of the Candidate File, Measures against air and noise pollution, there are following descriptions.

The Tokyo 2020 Games planning, construction and operations will fully comply with tight regulations specified by laws and ordinances on air pollution and global warming, particularly through vehicle emissions. Moreover, the TMG will further reduce the environmental load by making use of Japan’s excellent environmental technologies such as low-emission and fuel-efficient vehicles and low-noise and low-vibration construction machinery.

TOCOG will maintain close dialogue with members of local communities in which events are held, paying close attention to their needs.

Systematically monitoring radiation and radioactive substances in the wake of the TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station accident, the National Government has set up a Radiation Monitoring Coordination system, coordinating the radiation monitoring now conducted by relevant authorities, municipalities and nuclear operators and related companies. The authorities, municipalities and nuclear operators and related companies share the roles to carry out radiation monitoring, including for air, water, and food.

Prior to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear incident, air radiation levels have been monitored in 47 monitoring posts across Japan (more than one monitoring post for each prefecture). Following the nuclear facility incident in Fukushima, the number of monitoring posts was increased in April, 2012. According to results from the current monitoring posts, the radiation levels in Tokyo and co-host cities have been well within the safety standards for radiation recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) (as of October 2012).



However in reality, in the Tokyo Metropolitan area, more than 200km away from the Fukushima nuclear accident, there are deposits of radioactive materials everywhere.  In spite of this fact, the government does not implement any measures such as giving out warnings to the residents of Tokyo Metropolitan Area.



According to AERA, a weekly magazine dated on June 18, 2012 by Asahi Newspaper, deposits exceeding thousands or even tens of thousands Bq/kg high concentration cesium were found at more than 20 spots in Tokyo by a citizen’s group survey. (In Japan, radioactive materials more than 100Bq/kg used to be stored in drum cans as low level nuclear waste before the accident.)




As for one example, the surrounding area of the Emperor’s Palace, so called the Heritage Zone in the Candidate File, 91,790Bq/kg soil was found in Kitanomaru Park and tens of thousands of Bq/kg deposits were found in other several spots in this area.  This area is in vicinity of Uchibori-dori, a part of the full marathon race course. So if contaminated particles are blown by the wind, there would be a serious concern of internal radiation exposure to participating athletes through respiratory inhalation.



What makes the issue more difficult is that these contaminated deposits are not reflected in the air dose monitoring figures announced by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.  In addition, these deposits do not stay at the same spots and moves around and get accumulated through winds and rain.



At the press conference in London, the Tokyo Governor Naoki Inose said, “The radiation dose in Tokyo is under normal condition and the same as in London,” ignoring the soil contamination.  Even if the does is not so different from London, there should not be any hazardous deposits in any street in London. 



Is it an appropriate action to be the “capital of the environmentally developed nation”?  Is it appropriate to become the candidate of the Olympic Games while the environment condition is not normal and nothing has been done for the radiation decontamination though the municipal government acknowledges the fact? 


「開催地東京は福島から離れており安全」と猪瀬都知事は言いますが、未だ福島県民を、福島の子どもたちを被曝させ続ける環境におきながら、他方、東京だけが現実から目を背けて、都合の悪いことから目を背けて、被災地の救済せず置き去りにしたまま、"Discover tomorrow"などと「未来の夢」をただ無責任に夢想すること、それが今の日本が、今の東京が、今すべきことなのでしょうか?

 Though the Governor Inose said, “The hosting city Tokyo is distant from Fukushima and it is safe, “ but is it a legitimate action to leave Fukushima residents and children under the radiation exposing circumstances, and at the same time to seek for the dream under the catchphrase, “Discover Tomorrow”?   Is this a justifiable action for Tokyo and for Japan to do at this moment? 



Since March 1, 2013, IOC members has been visiting Tokyo for inspecting a host candidate city.  We truly hope that the committee members would consider the critical situations of our country and give proper assessment for selecting the hosting city for the 2020 Olympic.



In the end of this letter, we would be very appreciative if we could have your reply as soon as possible.  Since we are aware that all of you are very busy, would it be possible to for us to have your answers on the following three simple questions?



Did you know that Tokyo has been contaminated as described in the above?



Did you know that health anomaly such as high rate of thyroid anomaly and increased pneumonia is observed as in the above?



While Fukushima residents including pregnant women and children are living in highly contaminated area under the reference level of 20mSv/year, 4 times as high as Chernobyl relocation standard, is it ethically legitimate to say, “Tokyo is distant enough from Fukushima and thus we can hold the Olympic Games.”




Please let us know when you receive this mail and we are looking forward to hearing from you soon.

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