Today, I found these flowers during my walk.
Narcissus & Muscari were starting to bloom!
It's a beautiful season...

水仙の英語はNarcissus 花言葉は『ナルシスト』ギリシャ神話に由来する。
Narcissus is said to be named after the Greek myth.

ムスカリの花言葉は『明るい未来』 今、世界に必要な言葉ですね!
Muscari symbolizes "bright future" in Japan. It's a message that we need in the world right now!

Today, I found these flowers during my walk.
Narcissus & Muscari were starting to bloom!
It's a beautiful season...

水仙の英語はNarcissus 花言葉は『ナルシスト』ギリシャ神話に由来する。
Narcissus is said to be named after the Greek myth.

ムスカリの花言葉は『明るい未来』 今、世界に必要な言葉ですね!
Muscari symbolizes "bright future" in Japan. It's a message that we need in the world right now!