Dear Mitsuo & Family December 19 ,2014
Holiday greetings for 2015.
I am back in California till January 6th (I am wishing you a Happy Birthday too in 2015)
Hope that all is well with you ,your family &friends.
My travels continue, In Feb.: Thailand ,Laos, North Vietnam & Cambodia, Rome in
April, Germany, by car , with friends mid-June-July 7th ,Madrid in August ,& perhaps
Scandinavia in fall.
I hope continue to explore the world long into the future .
I am pleased That we met both here in the states & in Japan.
Be well Barbara
Holiday greetings for 2015.
I am back in California till January 6th (I am wishing you a Happy Birthday too in 2015)
Hope that all is well with you ,your family &friends.
My travels continue, In Feb.: Thailand ,Laos, North Vietnam & Cambodia, Rome in
April, Germany, by car , with friends mid-June-July 7th ,Madrid in August ,& perhaps
Scandinavia in fall.
I hope continue to explore the world long into the future .
I am pleased That we met both here in the states & in Japan.
Be well Barbara