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■__/dance izen.

2013. Body Weather Laboratory KYOTO begin Jan 6th 10:00~

2012-12-28 | PROJECT



2013 Jan.6th and Jan.13th



   〒602-0898 京都市上京区烏丸通上御霊前下ル相国寺門前町682

led by Meyou Kobayashi


Body/Landscape : The workshop proposes strategies to confront our bodies with the

multiplicity, unpredictability, directness and autonomy of the natural environment.

The aim is to explore and develop consciousness of the body itself being an ever evolving landscape within a greater surrounding landscape.The basic training and point of departure for this workshop, BODY WEATHER is a comprehensive training and performance practice that investigates the intersections of bodies and their environments. Bodies are not conceived as fixed entities, but just like the weather, constantly changing through an infinite and complex system of processes occurring in- and outside of these bodies.

Regular training/ Body Weather work

1 - MB (mind/body, muscles/bones)

An energetic, dynamic and rhythmic movement work-out that observes the kinaesthetic

sensitivity of the body-in-motion while developing strength, flexibility and grounding.

2 - Manipulations

Structured and paced work with partners, concerned with breathing, stretching,

alignment and relaxation.

3 - A wide forum of explorations to encourage an open and effective listening to one’s

mind and body and one’s environment. Emphasis is given on observation and feedback

as a means to objectify experience and to sharpen and articulate the perception of


Participants: the workshop is for dancers, other performance practitioners and for

anyone interested in exploring the body and physical presence. Dance experience and

technical skills are not required but the work will be physically intensive.

Origin The term & philosophical basis for Body Weather was founded by dancer Min

Tanaka and further developed by Laboratories worldwide. Meyou trained Body weather at dance Hakusyu where Min tanaka who is the founder of Body weather used to lead the workshop. Also performend and trained with Oguri who was dancing with Min Tanaka and the Maijuku Performance Company. In

2008 Meyou Kobayashi found body weather 2000 with Oguri 'Body Weather USA' as a platform for

training and performance. Since 2008 she leads Body weather Kyoto connecting body and landscape with art, feldenkrais.

more info or registration:

email meyou:
