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■__/dance izen.

【Impact Hub Kyoto】The early bird gets the worm!

2014-02-18 | PROJECT

Impact Hub KYOTO


Life-Awakening Programfrom this coming Aprill!


What is Life-Awakening Program

Impact Hub Kyoto?

Have you ever thought of exercising in the morning have a different affect compare to exercising at night? Morning is the golden time to energize your mind and body holistically. To set up nice and easy breathing rhythm while you are in the calm environment in the morning helps to create the mood you wish to sense for the day. So lets make our day start fresh with ~いのち興し~and experience how it feels like to be in calm and sharp in mind and body at the same time.

Impact Hub Kyoto is a place for accelerate the business and project start-up for you. At~いのち興し~program, we would like to have a time to share the  breakfast together after the practice. Please use this time to speak up your new idea to other members or hosts to make it real! We are always welcome to have new visitors. Do not hesitate to bring your friends, colleagues and family members.

Lets make this place as a Fountain of new creative ideas and the origin of potential collaborative projects.

The early birds gets the worm

We are looking forward to sharing fresh morning air with you all