カトリック情報 Catholics in Japan



2016-07-09 04:36:08 | 私的啓示(ファティマ等以外)



 聖母マリアが悪魔に対してもっている絶大な力は、とりわけ 世の終わりごろにその威力を最高に発揮するでしょう。世も終わりに近づくと悪魔はますますいきり立って、聖母の「かかと」に襲いかかるのです。聖母の「かかと」とは、聖母が悪魔との決戦に召集した、名もなく いやしい聖母の部下たち、貧しく謙虚な聖母のこどもたちです。

 なるほど彼らは、世間の目から見れば、小さな者 貧弱な者ではあるでしょう。すべての人から足のかかとのように さげすまれているでしょう。かかとが、からだの他の部分から踏みつけられ痛めつけられているように、この人たちも世の人々から踏みつけられ痛めつけられるでしょう。

 でも、天主の御前では 全くちがいます。世の人々からの評価と処遇とは正反対に、この人たちは、天主の恩寵に富んでいるでしょう。聖母がそれを かれらに豊かに配分してくださるからです。かれらは天主の御前においては 聖徳の巨人、熱烈で清らかな愛においては群を抜いているでしょう。天主の助けに強く支えられた彼らは、自分たちの「かかと」の謙虚さを武器にして、聖母とひとつになって悪魔の頭部を粉砕し、めでたくイエズス・キリストに勝利の凱旋歌を献上するでしょう。

 天主はその母、聖母マリアが、今日、いつもよりもっと人に知られ、愛され、尊敬されることをお望みになります。天主のこのお望みは、わたしがこれから述べようとする聖母への信心を救われる人々が精霊の恵みと光のもとにまごころこめて 完全に実行しさえすれば、まちがいなく達成されるでしょう。


 かれらは今更のように聖母マリアという女王の偉大さがわかるでしょう。そして自分を部下として、愛のしもべとして、聖母への奉仕に まったくささげ尽すでしょう


 聖母マリアのうちに自分たちに対する慈悲がどれほど満ちあふれているか、聖母にたすけてもらわなければならない自分たちのみじめさが、どれほどひどいものかを 理解することができるでしょう。

 そこでかれらは万事において聖母のもとに馳せてゆき、聖母を イエズス・キリストの御前における 自分たちの弁護者・仲介者と仰ぐでしょう。

 こうした中で聖母こそ、イエズス・キリストに至る一番確実 一番容易 一番短い 一番完全な道であることがわかるでしょう。

 そして完全にイエズス・キリストのものになりきるために自分のからだも たましいも 残りくまなく、ところで、先に述べた 聖母の部下 聖母のしもべ 聖母のこどもとは
どんな人のことでしょうか。それは 燃え盛る炎、天主の召使(詩篇104-4)のことです。神聖な愛の炎を、地上のいたるところに点じて歩く人のことです。それは、「勇士の手にある矢」(詩篇127-4)、ご自分の敵を打ち倒すため、聖母が手にしておられる鋭い矢のことです。それは、大いなる苦悩の火で清められて、天主と密着したキリスト者のことです。心に愛の黄金を、精神に祈りの乳香を、からだに苦行の没薬を帯びていることです。

 貧しい人、小さな人たちにとっては キリスト者の「かぐわしいイエズス・キリストのかおり」(Ⅱコリント2・15-16)しかし、この世の高貴な人、裕福な人、高慢な人にとっては、「死の香り」そうしたキリスト者のことです。


 地上のいかなるものにも愛着せず、いかなるものにも驚かず、いかなるものにも気を留めず、ただ、天主のことばと 永遠の生命の雨を洪水のように地上に降らせるでしょう。




 万軍の神なる主は、かれらに、力あることばをお与えになります。奇跡をおこない、偉大なわざをなし、悪魔に勝利し、栄光ある戦利品をたずさえて、かれらを 凱旋されるためです。






 だれも はばからず、だれの顔色もうかがわず(マタイ22-16)、だれも容赦せず、地上のいかなる権力をもつ者のいかなる脅しも耳をかさず、恐れません。

 かれらは、口に、天主のみことばという「両刃の剣」(ヘブル4-12)を持っています。肩に、血染めの十字架の旗を担いでいます。右手には十字架像、左手にはロザリオ、心には イエズスと聖母マリアの御名、かれらの立ち居振る舞いは、イエズス・キリストの謙虚と苦行を帯びています。






Saint Louis de Montfort "TRUE DEVOTION TO MARY"

 But the power of Mary over all the devils will especially break out in the latter times, when Satan will lay his snares against her heel; that is to say, her humble slaves and her poor children, whom she will raise up to make war against him. They shall be little and poor in the world’s esteem, and abased before all, like the heel, trodden underfoot and persecuted as the heel is by the other members of the body. But in return for this, they shall be rich in the grace of God, which Mary shall distribute to them abundantly. They shall be great and exalted before God in sanctity, superior to all other creatures by their animated zeal, and leaning so strongly on the divine succour, that, with the humility of their heel, in union with Mary, they shall crush the head of the devil, and cause Jesus Christ to triumph.

 In a word, God wishes that His holy Mother should be at present more known, more loved, more honoured, than she has ever been. This no doubt will take place, if the predestinate enter, with the grace and light of the Holy Ghost, into the interior and perfect practice which I will disclose to them shortly. Then they will see clearly, as far as faith allows, that beautiful Star of the Sea. They will arrive happily in harbour, following its guidance, in spite of the tempests and the pirates. They will know the grandeurs of that Queen, and will consecrate themselves entirely to her service, as subjects and slaves of love. They will experience her sweetnesses and her maternal goodnesses, and they will love her tenderly like well-beloved children. They will know the mercies of which she is full, and the need they have of her succour; and they will have recourse to her in all things, as to their dear advocate and mediatrix with Jesus Christ. They will know what is the most sure, the most easy, the most short, and the most perfect means by which to go to Jesus Christ; and they will deliver themselves to Mary, body and soul, without reserve, that they may thus be all for Jesus Christ.

 But who shall be those servants, slaves, and children of Mary?

 They shall be a burning fire of the ministers of the Lord, who shall kindle the fire of divine love everywhere, and sicut sagittce in manu potentis?like sharp arrows in the hand of the powerful Mary to pierce her enemies.

 They shall be the sons of Levi, well purified by the fire of great tribulation, and closely adhering to God; who shall carry the gold of love in their heart, the incense of prayer in their spirit, and the myrrh of mortification in their body; and they shall be everywhere the good odour of Jesus Christ to the poor and to the little, while they shall be an odour of death to the great, to the rich, and to the proud worldlings.

 They shall be clouds thundering and flying through the air at the least breath of the Holy Ghost; who, without attaching themselves to anything, without being astonished at anything, without putting themselves in pain about anything, shall shower forth the rain of the Word of God and of life eternal. They shall thunder against sin; they shall storm against the world; they shall strike the devil and his crew; and they shall strike further and further, for life or for death, with their two-edged sword of the Word of God, all those to whom they shall be sent on the part of the Most High.

 They shall be the true apostles of the latter times, to whom the Lord of Hosts shall give the word and the might to work marvels, and to carry off the glory of the spoils of His enemies. They shall sleep without gold or silver, and, what is more, without care, in the middle of the other priests, ecclesiastics, and clerks, inter medios cleros; and yet they shall have the silvered wings of the dove, to go, with the pure intention of the glory of God and the salvation of souls, wheresoever the Holy Ghost shall call them. Neither shall they leave behind them, in the places where they have preached, anything but the gold of charity, which is the accomplishment of the whole law.

 In a word, we know that they shall be true disciples of Jesus Christ, who, marching in the footsteps of His poverty, humility, contempt of the world, and charity, shall teach the strait way of God in the pure truth, according to the holy Gospel, and not according to the maxims of the world, without putting themselves in pain about things, or accepting persons, without sparing, fearing, or listening to any mortal, however influential he may be. They shall have in their mouths the two-edged sword of the Word of God. They shall carry on their shoulders the bloody standard of the cross, the crucifix in their right hand and the rosary in their left, the sacred names of Jesus and Mary on their hearts, and the modesty and mortification of Jesus Christ in their own behaviour.

 These are the great men who shall come. But Mary shall be there by the order of the Most High, to extend His empire over that of the impious, the idolaters, and the Mahometans. But when and how shall this be? God alone knows.

 It is for us to hold our tongues, to pray, to sigh, and to wait



