


2008年03月07日 | 英語学習法
 「和訳して理解度を確認することなくして英語力を養成できるのか」という疑問を、訳読に馴染んだ英語教育関係者から寄せられたことがあります。たしかに、english x englishのみで達意の和訳ができるようにはなりません。しかしenglish x englishを通して英語を英語のまま理解する能力は十分養えます。

 english x englishの冒頭には以下のような練習問題があります。

① bring your hand against someone or something quickly and hard
② have something on your body
③ go from one place to another
④ take something to the requested place
A wear ( 009. She wears a ring on every finger. )
B travel ( 010. I traveled to Russia on business last week. )
C deliver ( 011. When would you like us to deliver your furniture? )
D hit ( 012. She suddenly hit me on the head. )



①to bring water to land through a system of pipes, DITCHES, etc. in order to make crops grow
②to have and be able to use power or influence
③to ask someone, for example a prisoner or criminal, a lot of questions in order to get information, in an angry or threatening way
④BUSINESS to develop new products or activities in addition to the ones you already provide or do
A interrogate(Ex :The suspects were *interrogated by the police.)
B wield(Ex :Multinational companies *wield enormous financial and political power.)
C irrigate(Ex :The water in Lake Powell is used to *irrigate the area.)
D diversify(Ex : The company is planning to *diversify into other mining activities.)



①something that makes you want to do something or to work harder, because you know that you will benefit by doing this
②something that is very common and harmful
③someone who tries to remove a government or leader using force
④an official order to stop communication, trade, etc. with a country that has broken international law
⑤a cruel and violent act, often in a war
⑥someone who is injured or killed in an accident or military action
A plague(Ex :the *plague of violence in America today)
B casualty : (Ex :There were no reports of *casualties from the attack.)
C atrocity(Ex :The recent *atrocities have been condemned by religious leaders all over the world.)
D rebel(Ex : Anti-government *rebels attacked the town.
E sanction(Ex : *sanctions against the countries involved in the dispute.)
F incentive(Ex : They want to stimulate growth in the region by offering *incentives to foreign investors.)


 english x english方式による未知の単語の四択問題を出題されてすらすら解答できれば英検準1級TOEIC800点レベル、六択問題をすらすら解答できれば英検1級TOEIC900点レベルです。
 english x english方式は訳読方式よりも上達が速く、一年間で英検2級から1級までかけあがった例もありました。細部にばかりこだわる訳読方式だとどうしても全体の流れがつかめないKY英語(空気読めない英語)になりがちです。english x english方式は脱KY英語を可能にし、例文と定義文の整合性をきちんと追求するため雑な英語にはなりません。
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