


2020年12月04日 | 高校生のための英英辞典入門
  大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は、800の例文と大学受験生向けに新作した800の英英定義文の中に2000語以上の共通テストのキーワードになる英単語・熟語を網羅的に組み込み、四択問題と英英挟み撃ち問題からなる練習問題にしました。

定義文を読んでから例文を作成するのがおすすめで、音読するとさらに効果的です。大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は、英英挟み撃ち問題を800問収録していて、効率的にキーワードの習得をチェックできます。

(049)There are several spelling err------- in your essay.
【a mistake made unintentionally】

(050)How do you know if a used car is in good con-------?
【the state in which someone or something is】

(051)Children who have a good mem------- are better at telling lies, say child psychology researchers.
【the ability to remember things】

(052)A soccer game was shown on a big screen in front of a large aud------- .
【a group of people who gather and listen to a show, concert, movie, or speech】

(053)Would you buy a toothbrush for me at the dru------- ?
【a shop where you can buy medicines, beauty products, and other goods】

(054)Volunteers give their time to support their com------- .
【the people who live in an area, or the area in which they live】

(055)How often does the United States hold an ele------- for president?
【an occasion when people vote to choose someone for an official position】

(056)Exercise is one of the most effective ways to deal with str------- .
【continuous feelings of worry caused by your social or personal problems】

(049)errors (050)condition (051)memory (052)audience
(053)drugstore (054)communities (055)election (056)stress

(057)The best way to get around Tokyo is by train and sub------- .
【a railroad that runs under the ground】

(058)Buying med------- online can be dangerous.
【a substance that you take in order to cure an illness】

(059)Do you believe in mir------- ?
【an unusual and mysterious event that cannot be explained according to the laws of nature】

(060)How can I live without a car in the sub------- ?
【a residential area that is outside the central part of a city】

(061)A bridge gives acc------- to the island.
【the way of getting to a place】

(062)What are you going to do after gra------- ?
【the act of completing your education at a school, such as a high school or college】

(063)Where is the railway sta------- ?
【a building where trains or buses regularly stop so that passengers can get on and off】

(064)The cer------- will be postponed to the fall due to the current conditions.
【a formal public or religious event】

(057)subway(058)medicines (059)miracles (060)suburbs
(061)access (062)graduation (063)station (064)ceremony

(065)Many businesses borrow money from financial ins------- .
【large important organization such as a university or bank】

(066)Opp------- of gun control argue that it would not reduce crime.
【a person who disagrees with something】

(067)How can we travel the world on a low bud-------?
【the money that is available to a person or an organization】

(068)My uncle is the man------- of this bank.
【someone who controls an organization】

(069)Attracting cus------- is one of the most important tasks of the sales department.
【a person who purchases goods or services】

(070)He wants to be a swmming ins------- .
【someone whose job is to teach a practical skill or sport】

(071)What do vol------- do in a hospital?
【someone who offers to do something without payment】

(072)There was a large cro------- in the station.
【a large group of people in the same place】

(065)institution (066)Opponents (067)budget (068)manager
(069)customers (070)instructor (071)volunteers (072)crowd

(073)Never interfere with your ene------- when he is making a mistake.
【someone who hates you and tries to harm you】

(074)No matter which industry you're in, you're going to deal with cus------- complaints.
【a person who buys goods or uses services】

(075)Although he knows nothing about the economy, he speaks as if he were an exp------- .
【someone who has a high level of knowledge or skill in a particular subject】

(076)The demand for male nur------- is on the rise.
【someone whose job is to take care of sick or injured people in a hospital】

(077)Families who experience domestic violence are often also vic------- of poverty.
【someone who suffers from a crime, accident, disaster, etc.】

(078)She has a quiet cha------- .
【the qualities that makes a person different from others】

(079)The law farm has a lot of wealthy cli------- .
【a person, company, etc. that takes advice from a professional person, company, etc.】

(080)How many for------- are there in Japan?
【a person who belongs to a country other than your own】

(073)enemy (074)customer (075)expert (076)nurses
(077)victims (078)character (079)clients (080)foreigners

(081)Tra------- between the two countries has been growing.
【the activity of buying and selling goods, usually between countries】

(082)The hotel offers a great vie------- of Mt Fuji.
【something you can see from a particular place】

(083)It took a great deal of cou------ for the early explorers to set sail for distant places.
【the quality to do something dangerous or difficult without showing fear】

(084)My favorite pas------- is playing the piano.
【something that you do for pleasure in your free time】

(085) Sec------- was tightened at the airport.
【measures taken to keep a person, country, etc. safe from danger】

(086)The policeman gave me the sig------- to stop.
【a movement or sound that sends a particular message】

(087)Dog owners have a res------- to manage their pets' behavior.
【something that you must do, especially a job or task】

(088)There seems to be no possibility of com------- .
【a settlement of a dispute in which each side gives up some of its demand】

(081)Trade (082)view (083)courage (084)pastime
(085) Security (086)signal (087)responsibility (088)compromise

(089)What are the proc------- for getting a passport?
【a correct method or set of actions for doing something】

(090)We recognize the importance of protecting our clients’ pri------- .
【the state of being free from the presence or attention of others】

(091)There is no roo------- for doubt.
【the opportunity to do something】

(092)The United Nations is an international org------- founded in 1945.
【a group whose members work together to achieve a particular purpose】

(093)He was blamed for neglecting his dut------- .
【a moral or legal responsibility】

(094)What's the pur------- of your trip?
【an aim that someone wants to achieve】

(095)He has no des------- to be wealthy.
【a strong feeling of wanting something】

(096)He asked about the loc------- of the hotel.
【the place or position of something】

(089)procedures (090)privacy (091)room (092)organization
(093)duty (094)purpose (095)desire (096)location of the hotel.

(097)Sleep plays an important rol------- in your physical health.
【the function of something in a particular situation】

(098)For all his wea-------, he is not happy.
【a large amount of money, property, etc. that someone owns】

(099)She was in the hospital for an ope------- .
【the process of cutting into a patient's body for medical reasons】

(100)The rum------- turned out to be false.
【an unofficial, interesting story or news that may or may not be true】

(101)The project ended in fail------- .
【a lack of success in doing something】

(102)What is adv------- of city life?
【a condition that gives someone a greater chance of success】

(103)Mot------- is the key to success.
【a feeling of enthusiasm that makes you want to do something】

(104)Six men were arrested after a fig------- .
【a situation in which people use physical force against each other】

(097)role (098)wealth (099)operation (100)rumor
(101)failure (102)advantage (103)Motivation (104)fight

(105)What kind of natural dis------- happen in Japan?
【an event that causes great damage or suffering】

(106)Research was done to find out which things most attract the att------- of hikers in the mountains.
【the act of focusing your interest on something】

(107)Different people from different cul------- use different communication styles.
【the beliefs, way of life, and customs that are accepted by people in a society】

(108)There are people that claim they have the abi------- to read the mind of other people.
【the mental or physical power to do something】

(109)This university has excellent sports fac-------.
【something designed to provide a particular service】

(110)You have to face many cha------- in life.
【something that tests your abilities in an interesting way】

(111)How can I get a loa------- without interest?
【an amount of money that a person, business, or country borrows from a bank, etc.】

(112)Some companies have adopted a new pol------- of using English as the official in-house language.
【a course of action adopted and followed by a government, political party, business, etc.】

(105)disasters (106)attention (107)cultures (108)ability
(109)facilities (110)challenges (111)loan (112)policy
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