


2020年11月09日 | 高校生のための英英辞典入門
大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は、800の例文と大学受験生向けに新作した800の英英定義文の中に2000語以上の共通テストのキーワードになる英単語・熟語を組み込み、四択問題と英英挟み撃ち問題からなる練習問題にしました。ただ、高校教科書レベルを超えた共通テスト英語キーワードも網羅的に組み込んでいるため独習するには英検準2級合格程度の基礎力が必要です。以下は、高校教科書レベルの基本的な単語から大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語と全く同じ形式で作成した練習問題です。下記の内容を50サイクル掲載している大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は語彙力、読解力、聴解力の効率的な養成が可能で、共通テスト第一回試行問題で半分以下の正解率だった受験生が半年弱で共通テスト第二回試行問題で八割以上正解できるまでに至っています。リスニングもリーディングも大幅に量が大幅に増えた共通テスト英語攻略の極意は、できるだけ和訳しないで英語を英語で理解することです。


①marry【mǽri】(Ex: She decided to *marry him.)(017)
②protect【prətékt】(Ex:Why should we *protect our environment? )(018)
③kick【kík】(Ex:She *kicked the door open. )(019)
④remember【rimémbər】(Ex:Do you *remember how we met?)(020)
(A)to hit someone or something with the foot
(B)to become the husband or wife of someone
(C)to keep someone or something safe from harm
(D)to have an image of someone or something in the past in your memory

①provide【prəváid】(Ex: Cows *provide us with milk.) (021)
②forget【fərgét】(Ex:I wrote down her name so I wouldn't *forget it. )(022)
③belong【bilɔ'ːŋ】(Ex: I used to *belong to the tennis club when I was a student.) (023)
④collect【kəlékt】(Ex:I didn't know you collected old coins. )(024)
(A)to be unable to remember
(B)to be a member of an organization
(C)to bring things together from different places
(D)to supply somebody with something

①marry:結婚する(Ex: 彼女は彼と結婚すると決めた)


①provide:提供する(Ex: 牛は私たちに牛乳を提供する)
③belong:所属する(Ex: 私は学生の頃テニスクラブに所属していたものだ)


①cancel【kǽnsəl】(Ex:How do I cancel my order? )(025)
②introduce【ìntrədjúːs】(Ex:She *introduced her daughter to me. )(026)
③exchange【ikstʃéindʒ】(Ex:Do you know how to *exchange business cards in Japan?)(027)
④lend【lénd】(Ex:Would you *lend me your dictionary?)(028)
(A)to say that an event that was planned will not now happen
(B)to give something and receive something else in return
(C)to allow someone to use something for a short time
(D)to bring one person to another person so that they can meet

①elect【ilékt】(Ex: Lincoln was the first member of the Republican Party elected to the presidency. )(029)
②invite【invɑ'it】(Ex: Thank you for *inviting me to your birthday party.)(030)
③sell【sél】(Ex:What is the quickest way to *sell a car?)(031)
④wait【wéit】(Ex:I'm sorry to have kept you *waiting.)(032)
(A)to stay in a particular place until someone arrives
(B)to give something in exchange for money
(C) to ask someone to come to an event
(D)to choose someone by voting



①elect:選出する(Ex: リンカーンは共和党で初めて大統領に選ばれた)
②invite:(Ex: 誕生パーティに招待いただき有り難うございます)
(C) 誰かに行事にくるよう頼むこと

(8)①(D)②(C) ③(B)④(A)


(017)She decided to mar------- him.【to become the husband or wife of someone】

(018)Why should we pro------- our environment? 【to keep someone or something safe from harm】

(019)She kic------- the door open. 【to hit someone or something with the foot】

(020)Do you rem------- how we met?
【to have an image of someone or something in the past in your memory】

(021)Cows pro------- us with milk.【to supply somebody with something】

(022)I wrote down her name so I wouldn't for------- it. 【to be unable to remember】

(023)I used to bel------- to the tennis club when I was a student.
【to be a member of an organization】

(024)I didn't know you col------- ected old coins. 【to bring things together from different places】

(017)marry(018)protect (019)kicked(020)remember
(021)provide(022)forget it(023)belong(024)collected

(025)How do I can------ my order? 【to say that an event that was planned will not now happen】

(026)She intr------ her daughter to me. 【to bring one person to another person so that they can meet】

(027)Do you know how to exc------ business cards in Japan?
【to give something and receive something else in return】

(028)Would you len------  me your dictionary?【to allow someone to use something for a short time】

(029)Lincoln was the first member of the Republican Party ele------ to the presidency.
【to choose someone by voting】

(030)Thank you for inv------ me to your birthday party.【to ask someone to come to an event】

(031)What is the quickest way to sel------ a car?【to give something in exchange for money】

(032)I'm sorry to have kept you wai------ .【to stay in a particular place until someone arrives】

(029)elected(030)inviting(031)sell (032)waiting

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