


2007年11月08日 08時48分41秒 | Weblog
Along with continuity of the "care girl project", we would like to suggest some other solutions for this issue. The most basic foundation of the issue is a stereotype that Chinese people have. According to Confucianism, only male is able to pass a family line to next generation, but as one Chinese advertisement reads "there's no difference between having a girl or a boy - girls can also continue the family line", the stereotype must be defeated to reduce the gender gap. There are some solutions such as creating new social image of female gender, establishing equal social position for female, and preparing tax incentives and welfare systems for having girl children.

One solution is creating new social image of female through advertisement, such as TV drama and movies. As long as image of female social standard is below male's, it is hard to encourage people to be satisfied with female babies. So, there is need for TV dramas or movies, which successful career women taking over men's part. When people are thinking that women are like to stay at homes to do housework, female cannot play important role in a society and they cannot generate income for households. The parents cannot expect their daughters to be independent or to support their retirement. Therefore, a TV programme should create a new image of female in a society, such as career women or leading researchers. If people believe that female is able to work as much as or even better than males, parents does not have to expect male babies. Also, the TV programmes would provide opportunities for female students to image their future careers and encourage them to seek alternative successes. When girls have only an image of their future as housewives that their mother has been, they would not wish to have education and grab a success in the society. Girls need a successful symbol that they can synchronise their future. The TV drama should create male image doing housework as well for gender free society. Then, by women participating society more, by working for company or contributing scientific research, companies are able to choose their employees from more candidates than from only men, and research organizations would have more successful discoveries as well. Because Chinese government owns and controls all famous Chinese mass medias, this is very easy method to practice.

Nevertheless, while Chinese society have not prepared for women to participate, the advertisement strategy cannot improve female social situation actually and parents do not want to have female babies. There are needs of actual spaces for women to fill in the society without disadvantages, so providing equal educational opportunities for girls is required. When parents tend to expect and invest more for boys to let them gain better education, it is hard for girls to catch up without social support. Especially, status of a university, where they have graduated, decide their individual social status in Asian countries, all national universities, including the Beijing University, should allow the same numbers of male and female student to come, to establish equal social status for men and women. That also means girls can go to better universities easier than boys, because of less competition, when absolute number of girls is less than that of boys. Some parents would expect more on their daughters to go to better universities, and some parents will have girl babies strategically. This university enrolment control is also easy method to practice because all national universities are managed by the government and the authority is to check educational standard of private universities as well.

Even after the same opportunity of education is provided for boys and girls, China must support women to be able to work evenly to men. Even a talented woman, she cannot proof their ability to work without having actual jobs provided by an organization. To lead the society providing the same opportunities for women, the National People's Congress of China should set a required balance of gender for its representatives, such as 'a half of all parliament members must be female' or 'more than a quarter of all the members must be female'. This will send a transparent message to Chinese people that men will not dominate the society. It is the same as the case of university enrolment, because the absolute number of female is less than that of males, women can take advantage of this system. That would encourage people to have girl babies or encourage parents to take care of their daughter better. In addition, by setting minimum number for female to parliament members, the authority can set the minimum requirement of female members for management board of private companies with fewer conflicts.

If a company must recruit certain number of female board members, it must focus on preparing training programme for candidates regardless their genders, because a company cannot compete in the global economy with hiring people with less ability. Even where both genders are treated equally when they just graduate universities and start working, women will not be treated equally for next forty years. Women are more likely to leave the career path, especially when they take a long-term break to have a birth for their children. This time off and disadvantages for women will be reduced by encouraging men to contribute more to childcare, but it cannot be eliminated. When a company does not have to have women at management level, it will give up training females and there will be less female management. To create symbols and success stories of career women to reduce the gender gap, Chinese government should set minimum gender requirement for board members of private companies. Therefore, companies will establish training scheme that redeems disadvantages of female workers to go on their career path.

On the other hand, it will take times for advertisement campaigns to change the image of 'female success' and to become widespread in Chinese society. Short-term incentives to protect female babies are required to attack the issue now. The short-term incentives would be preparing social welfares such as free school and free medical care for girl babies and generous pension plans for their parents.

Already, under a pilot programme of the "Girl Care project" at Fujian province, couples who limit themselves to have two girls would receive combined annual pension of about $150 for the rest of their lives, and preferential treatment in health care, housing and employment would be provided as well. The authority allocates about $24 million for nearly 500 thousand families with about 100 thousand girls. Also, those girls are able to receive free education.
While people are not able to expect their daughter to have relatively better life, they would not spend much money on girls. This negative image increase the gap in short-term with increasing educational gap and disadvantages of medical condition. The authority must provide free education plan for girls hopefully until they can gain advanced schooling experiences, such as until they graduate a high school or a university. Also, it must prepare free medical care to support girls. That would improve their desperate living condition and they can start planing their career path for their future. In Chinese culture, child must take care of their parents after their retirement. When sum of women whole life salary is less than that of men, parents cannot be comfortable their retirement supported by a daughter. So, the authority must provide pension plan for those parents to satisfy their life. These will motivate people to have a girl baby and reduce the gender gap.