下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Civil policing in British society,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了英国社会的民间警务模式。18世纪中期以来,英国进入由农业社会向工业社会的递变时期,鉴于犯罪活动猖獗,传统治安管理制度渐趋瓦解,符合英国历史传统和宪政原则的社会警务模式以组成巡逻队和诉讼协会等形式,在维护社会秩序和人们生命财产安全方面填补了警察的真空期。民间警务作为社会治安的一支重要力量,满足了人们的不同安全需要。在没有职业警察力量和公诉制度的条件下,他们对个人及团体承担起人身财产保卫、侦查犯罪,维护社会秩序等职责,对社会转型时期的英国社会发挥了重要的保障作用。
Since the mid-18th century, with the continuous progress of the industrial revolution, Britain has entered a period of transition from an agricultural society to an industrial society. However, under the influence of poverty, poor urban environment, failure of traditional management system and other factors, the social security and crime problems in Britain during this period became increasingly serious, which was known as "the darkest era of crime in history" and "the golden age of gangsters". At the same time, civil police activities have developed rapidly and penetrated into all aspects of social life, filling the "police vacuum". In view of this, this paper, on the basis of previous studies, intends to sort out the general situation of civil police in Britain during the industrialization period, and explore the reasons for the prosperity of civil police and its impact on British society.
Self-protection is the need for human survival, is a human instinct. There are various ways for human society to protect the lives and property of its members, and different countries have often formed their own unique traditions in their long-term historical development. In Britain, individual citizens and civil society organizations play a very important role in maintaining public order and preventing crime. Before the establishment of modern professional police in Britain in 1856, the personal and property safety of the general public was mainly protected by the people themselves. In the period of industrialization, British civil police were divided into the following types according to their responsibilities:
A security patrol force that protects private property and personal safety from encroachment. As early as the 17th century, Britain established the principle of inviolability of private property of capitalism in the form of theory, law and political system. In rural areas, wealthy private individuals try to keep a firm hold on their property for a long time. In order to protect the hunting privilege and the right to control the land property, the nobles usually set up hunting ground wardens to prevent the poaching. ? gold, says professor Peter gamekeeper with wide powers, search whether there is a civilian house hunting or poaching of equipment is a kind of powerful social policing model representative; These rights date back to 1670, when gamekeepers were given the right to search houses for guns, arrows or hounds.
Since the 18th century, Britain, which was at the forefront of the industrial revolution, has been beset by crisis and turmoil. The urban and rural areas are more and more vulnerable to the influence of mass collective disturbance, which leads to the disorder of social order and the phenomenon of "taking advantage of the fire". When Britain is in a state of order crisis, social police activities are particularly important in protecting the safety of people and property. During the riots in Gordon in 1780, police officers and magistrates were completely incompetent at maintaining public order, and they refused to resist the mob for fear of retaliation. There was nothing the government could do about the riots, so londoners volunteered to form patrols to protect their communities and businesses from the vagrants of the streets. Lincoln college of lawyers civilian team, the college of lawyers guard group, the London infantry association and the London association have organized patrols, there are a number of civic groups, patrols are very large, some associations number close to 500 people. During the Gordon riots, the success of amateur groups in policing helped foster the development of policing societies. In order to protect their property at the wharf, the merchants of the Thames not only employed night watchmen, but also united to form a unified patrol. In June 1798, a group of west India company merchants established a private security force of about sixty men, armed with sabers but without uniform. In the first half of the 19th century, this kind of civil security force flourished, and every London dock company set up its own security force. 1806 Bristol dock company authorized to establish public security forces, security personnel salary is paid by the company and shall have the right to the seizure of persons or ships and searched for them, if get magistrates warrant, they can also search personal residence, have the authority to arrest the thief and all hostile, suspected suspects and notorious thief. Major league canal in 1809, commercial wharf in 1810, gloucester yard in 1836, Liverpool market in 1837, hull wharf in 1837, regent canal wharf in 1840 and tyne river in 1845 all established their own public security organizations.
A civil litigation association that assists its members in prosecuting suspects. Britain has long practiced criminal private prosecution in its history. Before the establishment of the police and prosecutors and other official forces to lead the prosecution in the late 19th century, whether suspects are arrested and prosecuted to court depends on the victims and their relatives and friends. Britain lacked a clear official authority to prosecute criminals to court. As a result, victims often need to track down suspects themselves, including collecting evidence, looking for witnesses, completing other matters related to prosecution, and bearing all the costs of tracking down and prosecuting suspects. Such victim-centred criminal self-prosecution often prevents many criminals from being prosecuted because of the victim's lack of ability to arrest and detain suspects to court and the heavy economic burden of the implementation of arrest and prosecution.
In order to better complete the prosecution of criminal suspects, so that criminals should be punished, the British people spontaneously organized many litigation social groups. Felony litigation association is a common form of voluntary association in English villages, towns and parishes. Felony associations focus on crimes against persons and property, especially property crimes, and in rare cases they also focus on crimes of morality, security, and government indifference. These associations, based on traditional public security principles, collectively protect the smaller areas of 100 and 10 households and undertake their own rather than prosecute suspects through police officers. Between 1744 and 1856, there were at least 450 such associations in England and wales. These felony associations generally provide their members with two basic services: rewards for information leading to the arrest and conviction of suspects; Assistance to association members in prosecuting suspects, usually including the payment of a lawyer to prosecute, the preparation of briefs and other documents, and the collection of evidence and witnesses. In addition, some associations offer other services, such as requiring their members to act as AD hoc search teams to track down suspects and setting up their own patrols. In industrial areas of Britain, employers have set up litigation groups to hire people to take on litigation. In 1777, the employers of the worsted industry established the worsted committee, which maintained, strengthened and improved the employers' control over the production process by promoting the increase of the criminal law's right of recourse. Commission inspectors need only obtain a search warrant signed by two magistrates, often accompanied by a police officer or the suspect's employer, to search the suspect's residence. Because rag and waste dealers were also direct recipients of stolen textiles, they had also attracted the committee's close attention since the mid-18th century. The committee meets quarterly to discuss trade and the detection and prosecution of thieves. In addition, in west reading, Yorkshire, woolen goods producers in halifax from 1802 to 1807, padsi in the 1830s, and huddersfield from 1844 to 1851 jointly paid for a woolen inspector to carry out investigations and represent victims as prosecutors. A professional thief who investigates and apprehends suspects. In the face of increasing crime and the serious shortage of public security personnel, the maintenance of public security can not do without the assistance of other social forces. Therefore, in order to increase the arrest and prosecution of criminals, the government implemented a reward system to reward those who arrested criminals and encourage individuals to arrest criminals, thus forming a group to catch criminals for a living -- thieves.
"Thieves" have been around since the seventeenth century. They do not have any official identity or authority for their personal actions, and they try to catch suspects in order to get rewards from the government or private hands. Some victims hire thieves to retrieve valuables or large amounts of money for a fee. Due to the positive role played by thieves, the government has issued a series of laws to encourage and reward their work. An act of 1692 provided that "a thief who catches a highwayman will receive a reward of forty pounds if he catches him, and the thief will also have possession of his weapons, horses, money and other non-stolen property." Since then, the application of this kind of reward has been extended to other types of crimes, and the amount of reward has been rising. At the same time, victims are rewarded for recovering stolen goods. As a result, thieves became a well-paid profession, and a group of criminals were arrested for offering rewards. Because they specialize in the investigation and arrest of criminal suspects, they can provide greater help to the thieves. Before the emergence of professional police in Britain in the 19th century, thieves played a very important role in the detection and arrest of suspects, and one of the representatives was bo street arrest team. In 1749, to cope with food riots and crime wave, Henry Fielding invited six outgoing, have good reputation, a former police officer Po street vice squad, "used to arrest a highwayman and similar crimes, the magistrate of merchants and citizens to raise funding, issued in the form of wages." Fielding do our best to make the security forces to become the real "stop thief", to distinguish it from like Jonathan Wilder "stolen", they soon with honest detective known by people finally extended its business to the country.
In short, since modern times, various types of security forces have been presented in an unofficial form. Individual merchants hired people to guard their property, and commercial communities set up security forces to guard stores and warehouses and hire night watchmen to patrol and agents to look for stolen property. The social police activities undertaken by these social members not only effectively maintain the life and property safety of individuals and groups, but also play an important auxiliary role in assisting the government to maintain social security order, prevent and combat criminal activities, alleviate the lack of public security forces and other aspects, and have made remarkable achievements.