


2019-11-01 16:55:10 | 日記




“people should never be judged by the color of their skin”是马丁·路德金的名言,也是关于种族平等理念的一句著名标语,在这里白化病歌手的话显然有了一层新的含义:人们不能因为白化病人的皮肤颜色而歧视他们。此外,这句话也与文章开头小标题For the color of their skin形成呼应,形式更加完整。


Swindon wasn’t built in a day借用了著名谚语Rome wasn’t built in a day (Swindon 是英国环形路建得最好的城市),用以说明环形路和其他优秀的制度一样,都需要综合考虑历史和现实因素,整个建立过程并非一蹴而就。


这篇关于歌手Amjad Sabri的讣告是一个很好的首尾呼应例子,文章一开头介绍他的家族歌唱传统时用了这样的描述:

首尾互相呼应,值得注意的是,这里还使用了重复的手法来加强句子的含义,假如写成了“His father and uncle had sung that way.”语气就没那么强烈了。通过以上这两种方法结合来强调Amjad Sabri家族的音乐传承,突出中心主题。



They should make a vague offer of advice, safe in the knowledge that their successor will rarely, if ever, accept it for reasons of pride. And then they should walk out and never look back, praying that the new boss is successful—just not as successful as they were.

相信大家都会认同这段话:作为一名成功的领导者,怎样顺利做好交接工作,全身而退,是一门学问。领导者应该要确保继任者也能够成功,但不能做得比自己还要出色,否则就会相形见绌。作者对这种矛盾心理把握得很准确,“just not as successful as they were”即写出了这种微妙的感觉,读起来饶有趣味。 less a … than a …

以下文章段落选自经济学人商业版块的一篇报道:From noodles to poodles,其中有这样一个句子:

It is less a sign that China’s long consumer boom is waning than that Chinese tastes are changing.


上面句子中 be less a … than a … 是一个很好用的句型,它的含义是“与其说……(倒不如说……)”,我们在对事物进行比较时可以用上该句型。

与之意思相近的句型还有 be more sth than sth,例如要表达“缺乏技能的员工对于公司来说是一种负担,而不是财产”,可以说:

Unskilled employees are more of a liability than an asset to a company.



Trains propelled the country into the modern age, breaking social boundaries, spreading culture and making the population more mobile.

句子中 propel … into 这个用法很用力,它写出了火车浓烟滚滚,势如破竹,一路将这个国家推向现代化的场景。


Those too risk-averse to become university dropouts like Microsoft’s Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook rush in rising numbers to Silicon Valley as soon as they graduate, forsaking careers on Wall Street to code their way into the 1%.

文章背景是硅谷的创业浪潮吸引了全世界的目光,很多年轻毕业生纷纷放弃华尔街的金融职位,转投IT行业。作者用了code their way into the 1% 这个有趣的说法来形容毕业生的选择:努力写代码,争取进入IT行业的金字塔顶尖。

Into是一个值得留意的介词,善于使用verb+into 形式通常可以起到精简句子的效果,同时还可以突出前面动词的作用,使得句子更有张力。


As a teenager in the late 1960s he cold-called his idol, Bill Hewlett, and talked his way into a summer job at Hewlett-Packard.

talked his way into a summer job 很形象地写出了乔布斯的演说天赋。

类似的表达还有:breathe life into sth(给某物注入新生命),例如:

Critics are hoping the young director can breathe new life into the French film industry.




Paper代写:Social contract theory

2019-11-01 16:53:42 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Social contract theory,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了社会契约论。“契约”一词属于经济概念,意思是共同交易,它强调的是交易双方或多方的合意。社会契约概念最初来自围观的经济领域,然后成为一个宏观的政治范畴。近代西方社会契约论的主要代表人物有霍布斯、洛克和卢梭。霍布斯是近代最早期探讨社会契约论思想的哲学家,他认为国家起源于社会契约,人与人之间只有转让自己的权力给君主,达成契约才能保全自己不受侵害。洛克认为政府的权利来自被统治者的认可,而且人民的“公共意志”至关重要。

The social contract theory of modern western thinkers is a relatively systematic theory on the origin, nature and basic principles of public affairs of the state. Among them, the social contract theory of Hobbes and Locke plays an important role in the development of modern western philosophy. Although Hobbes and Locke's thoughts on social contract have similar historical background and ideological origin, they differ in philosophical basis, contract content and contract characteristics, so they derive two different states of government.

The term "contract" is an economic term meaning a joint transaction, which emphasizes the agreement of two or more parties to a transaction. The concept of social contract first came from the economic sphere of onlookers and then became a macro political sphere. The main representatives of modern western social contract theory are Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau. Hobbes is the most early modern philosopher who discusses the idea of social contract. He believes that the state originates from the social contract, and only when people transfer their power to the monarch, can they reach a contract to protect themselves from infringement. Locke believed that the power of government came from the consent of the governed, and that the "public will" of the people was essential.

Hobbes was born to a country clergyman in England, raised by an uncle, and after graduating from Oxford became a private tutor to a nobleman. He was very peace-loving, timid, cautious and sensitive by nature. Fear, he once said, was his twin brother. "This fear of death by violence is a profound expression of the strongest and most fundamental of all desires, the original, self-preservation desire, which is the sole source of all justice and morality." At the age of 94, Hobbes witnessed the vicissitudes of the English civil war and the upper power. Because Hobbes personally experienced the individual migration and the cruel indifference between people during the English civil war, he had a strong desire to establish an absolute monarchy and to use this powerful power to ensure the most basic needs of human existence.

Natural philosophy of England developed rapidly at that time, and natural philosophy took "nature" as the object and almost became the focus of that era. Through the study of geometry, Hobbes discovered the accuracy of the proof of the application of geometry to politics. He tried to apply the principles of mathematics to social and political phenomena, and constructed a scientific system about human body, human emotion and even the citizens of a country according to the principles of geometry. So he established his philosophy, mechanical materialism.

Locke was born in Britain. He was a British philosopher and the pioneer of empiricism. He was also the first person to fully elaborate the thought of constitutional democracy. Locke was brought up to a strict education by a Puritan father who fought in the parliamentary army during the civil war. Locke was trained in the basics of classical literature before going to Oxford. In 1640, the British bourgeois revolution broke out. This revolution lasted for half a century, and the ultimate purpose of the revolution was to establish the principles of liberalism. Liberalism was a new thing that needed theoretical elaboration and summary. Locke completed this mission in his theory of government. In his book, he focuses on what he thinks is the original state of nature of man, and USES this state of nature as a starting point for thinking about political issues.

The outbreak of the British bourgeois revolution was the product of the British king and government at that time, which threatened the life, property and personal freedom of the majority of the people. Therefore, the people rose up to overthrow it, which was also the practice of Locke's thought. It shows that the enlightenment of thought promoted the revolution.

First of all, both Hobbes and Locke believed that the initial state of human life was the state of nature. Hobbes regarded the state of nature as "the war of all men against all men", because, according to Hobbes, "man is not a social animal, his nature is selfish, and the motive force of his actions is self-preservation. So the state of nature is a state of war. Locke argued that to understand political rights correctly and trace their origins, it is necessary to examine the original state of human nature. Locke's state of nature is "a state of perfect freedom", in which people decide their actions and deal with property and personal problems as they see fit according to the natural law, without any interference from anyone. At the same time, "it is also a state of equality in which all rights and jurisdiction are reciprocal and no one has more rights than others."

Second, both are in a difficult state of nature. According to Hobbes, the initial condition of life is that everyone lives according to his own nature. He called it the state of nature. In this state, everyone has to realize all his rights, thus leading to the "war of all against all" state. Here, there is no good and evil, no right and wrong, only strength and deception. Industry and agriculture cannot develop. Science and culture cannot advance. Everything is in chaos. Hobbes advocated the natural law to get rid of the state of war, and everyone must obey the natural law so that everyone can preserve himself. And Locke's natural state is not perfect free state. Although people enjoy rights in the state of nature, such enjoyment is very unstable and threatened at any time. Moreover, most people do not strictly abide by justice and justice, resulting in very unsafe property rights. Freedom comes with danger and fear. Locke, in contrast to Hobbes, does not limit people in a state of nature to a particular social environment, where everyone has natural rights. However, due to the lack of written law and related political and legal measures, it is difficult to protect people's natural rights.

Hobbes' history of philosophy is mechanical materialism. From this standpoint, he discusses human psychological activities and explains human emotions, desires and rationality. He pointed out that, like all things in nature, nature is self-preservation, seeking profit and avoiding harm and endless pursuit of personal interests. Human nature, he argues, is inherently evil. Hobbes pointed out that in the state of nature, "everyone is equal", and people should pursue the same goals. When everyone pursues interests but cannot share them, conflicts will arise. Locke also believes that people's initial state of life is the natural state, but Locke thinks that the natural state is "perfect" but unstable. The great difference between Hobbes and Locke is whether it is intrinsically evil or intrinsically good. Locke gently criticized Hobbes' description of human nature and the state of nature. Whether Hobbes or Locke, the equality of all people and the common hope of mankind are emphasized, because the mutual benefit and equality of the contractors are the premise of the contract.

On the question of natural law and natural rights, Hobbes and Locke also have different views. In leviathan, Hobbes divides human nature into two conflicting parts: desire and reason. Hobbes does not believe that natural law can make people live in peace, because the moral values advocated by natural law are contrary to human nature. For natural law to work to suppress human nature, it depends on a more powerful right, that is, the state. In Hobbes's view, people in the state of nature are unrestrained, abuse leads to war, natural law constrains human rights and guides people out of the state of nature, while the state practices natural law at a higher level to ensure that it can suppress human nature. Locke stressed the natural law of human rights - natural rights. Unlike Hobbes, Locke's natural law was not designed to suppress humanity, but to teach people not to violate the freedom, life and property of others. Finally, in Hobbes' state of nature, man has a natural right which he can exercise at will, and the state of nature is tragic, and if any man acquires this right, the state of nature will end. But if people agree to meet and make laws, the question is: one, who is the first to obey the law; Two, who will enforce the law. This creates a dilemma. There is no one to protect the first person to form the law. The solution to this dilemma is for everyone to pick a man who makes and executes laws and to acknowledge his actions in the same way -- that is, to make contracts. Hobbes' theory of contract creates a state that is a single class of society, governed by a sovereign who represents the personality of the many and is responsible for protecting the many. And the multitude has renounced all their rights and can only move within the limits not forbidden by the laws of the sovereign. Locke's social contract is really a two-fold process, where people are able to express their will before the state exists. People first agreed with each other to form a civil society, to live together as a group of people. It's a contract that everyone has with each other. Then, people made a contract with the ruler to form a government or state. Unlike Hobbes, when people enter into a contract to form a state, they surrender not all the rights, but the rights of those who act as the executor of the natural law. Locke's social contract is a dual society, and even if the government on the one side of the covenant is violent, breaks the contract, and people overthrow him, they don't go back to total disorder, they can choose someone else.

To sum up, both Hobbes' and Locke's theories of social contract are used to explain the origin and nature of the state to counter the "divine right of Kings". Although their theories are essentially the same, there are many differences in the theories of social contract. As far as the philosophical foundation is concerned, Hobbes holds that human nature is evil, and the philosophical foundation is mechanical materialism. Locke, on the other hand, believes that human nature is good, and its philosophical foundation is empiricism. In terms of the contract, Hobbes thinks that people have transferred all their rights by way of authorization; Locke, on the other hand, emphasized that people pretend to have part of their rights through trust. Hobbes insists that absolutism and totalitarianism are not bound by contract and have absolute rights; Locke advocated the rule of law and separation of powers, and believed that people had their own natural human rights and the right to resist.


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2019-11-01 16:51:26 | 日記


A good empirical study requires three components:

1. A concise and sensible theoretical framework that is related to the questions to be asked,

2. Reasonably good data, and

3. An experiment or an event or a set of circumstances that give the data a chance to answer the questions asked. In short, the model needs to be identifiable from the data at hand. — Zvi Griliches


我们要知道经济学论文和一般的散文什么的都不一样,后者可以仅仅表达某种情感,或记录一些事情。经济学论文必须用十分严谨的数理逻辑或统计推断,来一步一步地得到结论,保证每个环节都丝丝入扣、经得起推敲;而不能随便发表议论,或轻率地下结论。而且,论文贵在创新,其价值主要在于其原创性(originality)或新颖性(novelty),即对于已有文献的边际贡献(marginal contribution)。当然,本科或硕士论文并不要求有太多创新,但至少应有一点点创新;而绝不能是“山寨版”或抄袭。


研究可不是说说而已,你说上午提出来下午就开始干肯定不现实。要开始真正的研究,需要一系列的准备工作。首先,必须掌握一定的经济理论,以获得观察经济现象的必要视角 (perspective)、参照系(reference或benchmark)与分析工具(analytical tools)。否则,即使看到经济现象,也可能无从下手分析。正如钱颖一(2002, p.2)所指出:我在哈佛大学做博士生的时候,韦茨曼(Martin Weitzman)教授问我,受过现代经济学系统训练的经济学家和没有经过这种训练的经济学家究竟有什么区别?他研究比较经济制度,经常去苏联访问,问这个问题是从与苏联经济学家交往中有感而发的。韦茨曼的回答是,受过现代经济学系统训练的经济学家的头脑中总有几个参照系,这样,分析经济问题时就有一致性,不会零敲碎打,就事论事。

经济学界广为流传的“像经济学家那样思考”(Think like an economist)就体现在这里了。当然,爱因斯坦更早就说过类似的话,甚至更为深刻:你能不能观察到眼前的现象取决于你运用什么样的理论,理论决定着你到底能观察到什么。


当然了,我们可不能什么都不会就嚷嚷着要搞研究,还必须掌握一定的计量方法与统计软件 (比如Stata)。即使你收集到相关的数据,但数据也不会“自己说话”,仍需要使用统计软件,运用适当的计量方法进行统计推断。因此,计量经济学对于实证研究不可或缺。在具备一定的理论功底与计量训练后,即可正式开始做实证研究了。


Everything has been thought before, but the problem is to think of it again. — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

实证研究的第一步就是选题,即选择研究的题目。对于刚起步的研究者,常常不知如何选题。研究者通常知道自己想要研究的领域 (比如,经济增长),但这还不是一个具体的“研究问题”(research question)。


研究问题的内容体现在方方面面,比如理论 (比如,检验资产定价模型 CAPM 是否成立),也比如来自对经济现象的观察 (比如媒体报道、社会调研);可以研究某政策的效应 (比如新劳动法对失业率的影响),也可以对文献中已有论文进行改进。

当然了,如果同学们的脑子一片空白,不知道要做哪些研究,建议先浏览一些经济学的顶级期刊。比如,经济学中文期刊的“四大金刚”,即《经济研究》、《经济学(季刊)》、《世界经济》、《管理世界》;以及经济学英文期刊的 “Top 5”,即 American Economic Review,Econometrica,Journal of Political Economy,Quarterly Journal of Economics,Review of Economic Studies。这些顶级期刊都是经济学的一般性期刊 (general interest journal),涵盖经济学的各个领域。如果确定研究经济学的某个领域,比如金融学,还可关注《金融研究》等专业期刊 (field journal)。



当我们的脑袋里潜在的研究问题后,首先需要进行初步的“探索性研究”(exploratory study),看看它是否具有新颖性与可行性。比如,通过查找文献,考察别人是否已经做过类似研究,并大致了解数据是否可得。



我们做实证研究的,数据就是我们的心血,是我们的关键。对于相关的数据质量自然也有很高的要求。如果数据质量不高,则“巧妇难为无米之炊”。无论多么高深的计量方法,如果原始数据质量有问题,也只能是“垃圾进去,垃圾出来”(garbage in, garbage out)。Zvi Griliches在1994年给美国经济学会做的主席演讲(presidential address)指出,由于经济学家不够注意数据的来源及产生过程,经常错误地解释数据,导致研究的进展缓慢;如果不提高数据质量,计量理论方面的重大进展将无用武之地。为此,将数据导入统计软件后,需仔细察看数据(inspect the data)。一个常见误区是,研究者只知进行回归,却不去熟悉原始数据(raw data),或增加对数据的感觉(get a feel for the data)。

这里推荐察看数据的常见方法,计算变量的主要统计特征(summary statistics),包括均值、最大值、最小值、标准差、相关系数等,并根据经济常识判断它们是否合理。比如,虚拟变量的最小值与最大值必然为0与1;否则,此变量有误。如果数据有时间维度(比如时间序列或面板数据),还可画时间趋势图。如果发现在某个时点上的变量取值异常波动,则应考察此数据是否有误;即使数据无误,也应考虑异常波动的原因。


实证研究没有明文规定实验者必须要有理论模型,但如果我们有拿得出手的、优秀的理论模型也可以拿出来,更有说服力。具体来说,回归分析一般只能说明变量之间的相关性,要对变量之间的因果关系做出判断,常常需要依赖于经济理论。因此,即使无法提供完整的理论模型,也应该进行一定的理论分析。最理想的情形是,从理论模型中推导出计量模型 (econometric model),即待估计的回归方程。一般来说,一篇好的实证论文,需要讲一个好的“故事”(story),然后用数据来证实或检验此故事。

对于回归函数的具体形式,可以考虑线性、对数(变量只取正数且有指数增长趋势)、双对数、非线性(边际效应不是常数)等。在进行模型设定时,应尽量使用常识(common sense)与经济理论(economic theory)。

另外,模型既不能过于简单(解释变量过少),也不宜过于复杂,而应当保持适当的简洁 (keep it sensibly simple)。在选择解释变量时,“从小到大”(specific-to-general)的建模方法简单易行,但可能偏差较大(因为存在遗漏变量);而“从大到小”(general-to-specific)的建模方法偏差小,但不易执行。实践中,常采用折衷方案,即选择简单而有解释力的模型。




同学们这里要注意:对于时间序列,还可检验是否存在结构变动(邹检验,Chow test)。另外,应该对数据的质量进行检验,判断是否存在多重共线性、极端值、弱工具变量等,并做相应的调整。

由于受数据可得性(data availability)的限制,遗漏变量几乎不可避免。因此,很有必要在实证论文中对此进行讨论。不外乎以下两种情况。第一,存在遗漏变量,但与解释变量不相关(需要说明为什么不相关),故可以不做处理。第二,存在遗漏变量,且与解释变量相关,则必须进行处理,例如增加控制变量、寻找代理变量、使用工具变量、使用面板数据等。


我们都知道任何计量方法都有其适用的前提条件;如果前提不成立,则无法使用此计量方法(可能导致不一致的估计)。因此,在估计完模型后,应对计量方法的前提条件进行“诊断性检验”(diagnostic checking)或作出定性说明。


We have to learn…that the prime virtue of any econometric procedure is robustness. — Robert Solow

为了使用特定的计量方法,研究者通常需要做一系列的假定。但问题是,论文的主要结果是否对这些假定很敏感?为此,有必要放松论文的某些假定,看结果是否稳健或基本不变,这称为“稳健性检验”(robustness check)或“敏感度分析”(sensitivity analysis)。比如,通过改变样本区间(或去掉极端值)、函数形式、计量方法、控制变量、变量定义、数据来源等,来考察计量结果的稳定性。



Paper代写:A Discussion and Reflection of Education and Youth

2019-11-01 16:49:47 | 日記
本篇paper代写- A Discussion and Reflection of Education and Youth讨论了教育与青年的。教育与青年有着一定的关系,青年是教育促进青少年全面发展的重要阶段。教育可以为年轻人的成长和发挥他们的潜力提供一个关键的机会。青年教育不仅关系到教育机构和教育工作者,家庭环境也会对青年教育产生巨大影响。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Education and youth are closely related to some degree as youth is an important stage for education to promote comprehensive development of adolescents in all aspects. Sherman Alexie’s The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian and “My War Story” by Shepherd Bliss are both about the topic of education, learning and youth. In this article, it is to have a discussion of how The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian and “My War Story” present the significance and impact of education, learning and youth to a youth’s growing up.

Education can present a key opportunity for youth’s growth and tapping their potentials, as shown by Sherman Alexie’s The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. Sherman Alexie created the image of a Indian youth who is dared to subvert the stereotype of the white mainstream society about the American Indians. And it is education that gives Arnold Spirit an opportunity to cross the borders of the reserve, so that the Arnold Spirit can be successful in displaying the new image of the Indians and winning respect and recognition among the white students in schools.Before him, Indians just stay in the reserve. Thus they eventually disappear in the reserve so most of the Indians live in an isolated, and depressed state. Arnold Spirit left the reserve is a bold action, which has changed the situation. After crossing the border, and entering the white high school, he is interacting with the white society, to promote the social exchange and integration between Indian people and white mainstream. In school, Arnold Spirit, brave and wise , dares to take the lead to beat his white youth bully down to the ground on the basketball court, although he is short, wearing thick pair of glass. At the same time, he is humorous and funny, eloquent, showing his strong self-confidence and wisdom. He has made friend with a lot of people of their common interest. Arnold Spirit gets earnestly respect for his good performance in his studies. He wins the white community's acceptance and respect with his own ingenuity, diligence, perseverance and basketball skills. He becomes a 21st century warrior by superior excellence in his studies and amazing skills in sports, especially basketball. Arnold Spirit who gets out of the reserve and won the double recognition of the white society and the Indian tribe is not only due to the quality and ability of the individual, but also that he seizes the opportunity to be educated in a white school. The hero of the novel, Arnold Spirit is the image of the post-Indian samurai because he makes this key decision.

In addition, “My War Story” by Shepherd Bliss presents another key source of youth education:family and social environment. Youth education is not only concerned about educational institutions and educators as family environment will have a huge impact on youth education. Shepherd Bliss, a narrator of “My War Story” is receiving his education and learning about the world from his family with a typical life of the warriors. However, the career of Shepherd Bliss as a child born in the military family has been set after he was born. His father was absent even when he was born. More seriously, “ I was raised on military bases” (Bliss 15), as Shepherd Bliss remarked. Thus his childhood lacks father's love, and lives like a solider. Even if his father come back, he is also very cold emotionally, and behaves like strangers. From childhood to youth, there is a lack of freedom. The severe and emotional exclusion of Children, and lack of responsiveness to his needs from his parents leads to Shepherd Bliss’s emotional exclusion of military life. With a father as a warrior, and his arbitrary approach to Shepherd Bliss's life and study, he is ignoring Shepherd Bliss as a thoughtful individual. In his life, his parents play a leading or even decisive role in denying subjective thinking and insights of Shepherd Bliss in order to achieve education and influence on the social activities and the development of Shepherd Bliss. Thus he does not want to be related with his father at all. This reflects the interaction of a family and the way of communication clearly affects Shepherd Bliss's attitude towards life. This leads to a serious problem: he never gets any satisfaction, as there is no control over his surroundings. Shepherd Bliss under the patronage of Shepherd Bliss's parents are usually inferior, and agitated. He usually feels restrained and angry, and thus he is hostile to the environment and dared to rebel against it. The military life and the way his father treated him makes him show a strong sense of resentment and alienation. So the implicit power relationship and unequal communication model within family members of Shepherd Bliss play a negative role in the growth of Shepherd Bliss.

To sum up, educational context either in school or in family is key in youth’s growth. The school education provide a place for Arnold Spirit to set a new image of the Indians with wisdom, courage and friendliness in the white society. But, the story of Shepherd Bliss shows fully a huge negative impact of the family on youth education.

Reference lists

Alexie, S. (2009). The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. Little, Brown Books for Young Readers.

Bliss, S. “My War Story”.


Essay代写:Civil policing in British society

2019-11-01 16:44:26 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Civil policing in British society,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了英国社会的民间警务模式。18世纪中期以来,英国进入由农业社会向工业社会的递变时期,鉴于犯罪活动猖獗,传统治安管理制度渐趋瓦解,符合英国历史传统和宪政原则的社会警务模式以组成巡逻队和诉讼协会等形式,在维护社会秩序和人们生命财产安全方面填补了警察的真空期。民间警务作为社会治安的一支重要力量,满足了人们的不同安全需要。在没有职业警察力量和公诉制度的条件下,他们对个人及团体承担起人身财产保卫、侦查犯罪,维护社会秩序等职责,对社会转型时期的英国社会发挥了重要的保障作用。

Since the mid-18th century, with the continuous progress of the industrial revolution, Britain has entered a period of transition from an agricultural society to an industrial society. However, under the influence of poverty, poor urban environment, failure of traditional management system and other factors, the social security and crime problems in Britain during this period became increasingly serious, which was known as "the darkest era of crime in history" and "the golden age of gangsters". At the same time, civil police activities have developed rapidly and penetrated into all aspects of social life, filling the "police vacuum". In view of this, this paper, on the basis of previous studies, intends to sort out the general situation of civil police in Britain during the industrialization period, and explore the reasons for the prosperity of civil police and its impact on British society.

Self-protection is the need for human survival, is a human instinct. There are various ways for human society to protect the lives and property of its members, and different countries have often formed their own unique traditions in their long-term historical development. In Britain, individual citizens and civil society organizations play a very important role in maintaining public order and preventing crime. Before the establishment of modern professional police in Britain in 1856, the personal and property safety of the general public was mainly protected by the people themselves. In the period of industrialization, British civil police were divided into the following types according to their responsibilities:

A security patrol force that protects private property and personal safety from encroachment. As early as the 17th century, Britain established the principle of inviolability of private property of capitalism in the form of theory, law and political system. In rural areas, wealthy private individuals try to keep a firm hold on their property for a long time. In order to protect the hunting privilege and the right to control the land property, the nobles usually set up hunting ground wardens to prevent the poaching. ? gold, says professor Peter gamekeeper with wide powers, search whether there is a civilian house hunting or poaching of equipment is a kind of powerful social policing model representative; These rights date back to 1670, when gamekeepers were given the right to search houses for guns, arrows or hounds.

Since the 18th century, Britain, which was at the forefront of the industrial revolution, has been beset by crisis and turmoil. The urban and rural areas are more and more vulnerable to the influence of mass collective disturbance, which leads to the disorder of social order and the phenomenon of "taking advantage of the fire". When Britain is in a state of order crisis, social police activities are particularly important in protecting the safety of people and property. During the riots in Gordon in 1780, police officers and magistrates were completely incompetent at maintaining public order, and they refused to resist the mob for fear of retaliation. There was nothing the government could do about the riots, so londoners volunteered to form patrols to protect their communities and businesses from the vagrants of the streets. Lincoln college of lawyers civilian team, the college of lawyers guard group, the London infantry association and the London association have organized patrols, there are a number of civic groups, patrols are very large, some associations number close to 500 people. During the Gordon riots, the success of amateur groups in policing helped foster the development of policing societies. In order to protect their property at the wharf, the merchants of the Thames not only employed night watchmen, but also united to form a unified patrol. In June 1798, a group of west India company merchants established a private security force of about sixty men, armed with sabers but without uniform. In the first half of the 19th century, this kind of civil security force flourished, and every London dock company set up its own security force. 1806 Bristol dock company authorized to establish public security forces, security personnel salary is paid by the company and shall have the right to the seizure of persons or ships and searched for them, if get magistrates warrant, they can also search personal residence, have the authority to arrest the thief and all hostile, suspected suspects and notorious thief. Major league canal in 1809, commercial wharf in 1810, gloucester yard in 1836, Liverpool market in 1837, hull wharf in 1837, regent canal wharf in 1840 and tyne river in 1845 all established their own public security organizations.

A civil litigation association that assists its members in prosecuting suspects. Britain has long practiced criminal private prosecution in its history. Before the establishment of the police and prosecutors and other official forces to lead the prosecution in the late 19th century, whether suspects are arrested and prosecuted to court depends on the victims and their relatives and friends. Britain lacked a clear official authority to prosecute criminals to court. As a result, victims often need to track down suspects themselves, including collecting evidence, looking for witnesses, completing other matters related to prosecution, and bearing all the costs of tracking down and prosecuting suspects. Such victim-centred criminal self-prosecution often prevents many criminals from being prosecuted because of the victim's lack of ability to arrest and detain suspects to court and the heavy economic burden of the implementation of arrest and prosecution.

In order to better complete the prosecution of criminal suspects, so that criminals should be punished, the British people spontaneously organized many litigation social groups. Felony litigation association is a common form of voluntary association in English villages, towns and parishes. Felony associations focus on crimes against persons and property, especially property crimes, and in rare cases they also focus on crimes of morality, security, and government indifference. These associations, based on traditional public security principles, collectively protect the smaller areas of 100 and 10 households and undertake their own rather than prosecute suspects through police officers. Between 1744 and 1856, there were at least 450 such associations in England and wales. These felony associations generally provide their members with two basic services: rewards for information leading to the arrest and conviction of suspects; Assistance to association members in prosecuting suspects, usually including the payment of a lawyer to prosecute, the preparation of briefs and other documents, and the collection of evidence and witnesses. In addition, some associations offer other services, such as requiring their members to act as AD hoc search teams to track down suspects and setting up their own patrols. In industrial areas of Britain, employers have set up litigation groups to hire people to take on litigation. In 1777, the employers of the worsted industry established the worsted committee, which maintained, strengthened and improved the employers' control over the production process by promoting the increase of the criminal law's right of recourse. Commission inspectors need only obtain a search warrant signed by two magistrates, often accompanied by a police officer or the suspect's employer, to search the suspect's residence. Because rag and waste dealers were also direct recipients of stolen textiles, they had also attracted the committee's close attention since the mid-18th century. The committee meets quarterly to discuss trade and the detection and prosecution of thieves. In addition, in west reading, Yorkshire, woolen goods producers in halifax from 1802 to 1807, padsi in the 1830s, and huddersfield from 1844 to 1851 jointly paid for a woolen inspector to carry out investigations and represent victims as prosecutors. A professional thief who investigates and apprehends suspects. In the face of increasing crime and the serious shortage of public security personnel, the maintenance of public security can not do without the assistance of other social forces. Therefore, in order to increase the arrest and prosecution of criminals, the government implemented a reward system to reward those who arrested criminals and encourage individuals to arrest criminals, thus forming a group to catch criminals for a living -- thieves.

"Thieves" have been around since the seventeenth century. They do not have any official identity or authority for their personal actions, and they try to catch suspects in order to get rewards from the government or private hands. Some victims hire thieves to retrieve valuables or large amounts of money for a fee. Due to the positive role played by thieves, the government has issued a series of laws to encourage and reward their work. An act of 1692 provided that "a thief who catches a highwayman will receive a reward of forty pounds if he catches him, and the thief will also have possession of his weapons, horses, money and other non-stolen property." Since then, the application of this kind of reward has been extended to other types of crimes, and the amount of reward has been rising. At the same time, victims are rewarded for recovering stolen goods. As a result, thieves became a well-paid profession, and a group of criminals were arrested for offering rewards. Because they specialize in the investigation and arrest of criminal suspects, they can provide greater help to the thieves. Before the emergence of professional police in Britain in the 19th century, thieves played a very important role in the detection and arrest of suspects, and one of the representatives was bo street arrest team. In 1749, to cope with food riots and crime wave, Henry Fielding invited six outgoing, have good reputation, a former police officer Po street vice squad, "used to arrest a highwayman and similar crimes, the magistrate of merchants and citizens to raise funding, issued in the form of wages." Fielding do our best to make the security forces to become the real "stop thief", to distinguish it from like Jonathan Wilder "stolen", they soon with honest detective known by people finally extended its business to the country.

In short, since modern times, various types of security forces have been presented in an unofficial form. Individual merchants hired people to guard their property, and commercial communities set up security forces to guard stores and warehouses and hire night watchmen to patrol and agents to look for stolen property. The social police activities undertaken by these social members not only effectively maintain the life and property safety of individuals and groups, but also play an important auxiliary role in assisting the government to maintain social security order, prevent and combat criminal activities, alleviate the lack of public security forces and other aspects, and have made remarkable achievements.

