


2019-11-20 17:41:32 | 日記


Essay Introduction部分是先介绍topic的general background,了解“thesis statement”。Thesis statement是整个essay的主要论点,留学生要用一句话来概况。需要写一篇文章来论述发展清洁能源的好处与坏处,那么同学们在background部分可以写一些清洁能源的背景,它如今的发展势头,经济效应等等。然后我们在指出我们的thesis statement为:this essay will talk about the pros and cons of clean energy。

Main body

在main body部分,thesis statement有论点就需要试着分段。举个栗子:thesis statement是说pros和cons,那么需要分成两个段落,一段写pros,一段写cons。

Each Paragraph的结构为general statement,evidence,discussion和conclusion。简言之:

clean energy有这些pros

引用合适的文献作为evidence,栗子:xx在2017年发现使用clean energy让经济效益提高了10%


总结短语:to sum up,clean energy xxxx

同学们在完成essay body写作部分时可以进行参考














Paper代写:Market microstructure theory

2019-11-20 17:40:26 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Market microstructure theory,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了市场微观结构理论。市场微观结构理论起源于20世纪60年代后期。自1987年全球股市动荡以来,市场微观结构理论发展迅速,逐渐成为金融经济学领域的重要分支。由于传统宏观模型难以解释和预测中短期汇率以及设计出合理的市场交易机制,学者们逐渐青睐研究汇率决定的微观结构方法。该方法认为,外汇市场主体的预期纷繁复杂,因此,研究采用的大多是预期的直接测度,其数据来源于金融服务公司所提供的有关市场参与者的调查结果,并引入两个重要的变量,即订单流和价差。

The current popular traditional financial theory looks at the determinants of financial product prices from a macro perspective. Emerging in recent years, the market microstructure theory, as one scholar says, "a relatively long period of time, in an economic fundamentals are changing economy, macroeconomic fundamentals, such as relative money supply or relative money velocity macroeconomic variables such as low frequency seems to be the most important determinant of exchange rate movement. And there are a lot of persistent exchange rate movements that are largely unexplained by macroeconomic variables."

As one of the classical exchange rate theories, PPP theory includes absolute purchasing power and relative purchasing power parity. Absolute purchasing power parity means that the equilibrium exchange rate between local and foreign currencies should be equal to the ratio of the purchasing power of local and foreign currencies. According to this theory, the value of a country's currency and people's demand for it are determined by the quantity of goods or services that a unit of currency can buy at home, that is, by its purchasing power. Therefore, the exchange rate of two countries' currencies is equivalent to the ratio of the purchasing power of two countries' currencies. The purchasing power is reflected by the price level.

Relative purchasing power parity is a development of absolute purchasing power parity. The main idea is that the two countries will adjust the exchange rates of their currencies according to the differences in their respective inflation rates. In other words, relative inflation between the two countries determines the equilibrium exchange rate of their currencies.

On the whole, the theory of purchasing power parity provides a reasonable explanation and logical basis for the formation mechanism of exchange rate, but it ignores other factors such as international capital flow, transportation cost and trade barriers, which are quite different from the situation in the real world. Therefore, it is difficult to correctly predict the change of exchange rate. Zhang xiaopu's empirical research shows that the theory of purchasing power parity is not applicable to RMB. He attributed the reasons to the defects of the RMB exchange rate system, the different levels of economic development and consumption structure between China and the United States and other factors.

This theory, put forward by Keynes and other famous scholars, believes that equilibrium exchange rate is formed through foreign exchange transactions caused by international selling arbitrage. If interest rates are different, there is an incentive to pull money out of countries with low rates and put it in countries with high rates to get higher rates. Arbitrageurs often combine swaps to hedge currency risk when they take advantage of different interest rates in the two countries. A large number of swap foreign exchange transactions bring down the spot exchange rate of currencies with low interest rates, while the forward exchange rate rises. The spot rate of currencies with high interest rates rose and the forward rate fell. Forward spread the difference between the foreign exchange rate and the spot exchange rate, so that the currencies of countries with low interest rates will have a forward premium and those with high interest rates will have a forward discount. With the continuous spread arbitrage, the forward spread will continue to increase until the forward spread is exactly equal to the gap between the two countries, that is, the interest rate parity is established.

This theory has some flaws. First, the parity statement does not take into account transaction costs. However, transaction costs are an important factor. If various trades are too high, arbitrage returns will be affected, thus affecting the relationship between exchange rate and interest rate. If transaction costs are taken into account, international carry arbitrage stops before interest rate parity is reached. Second, the parity theory assumes that there are no barriers to capital flows, that capital flows smoothly and unrestricted internationally. In practice, however, the international flow of funds is hindered by foreign exchange controls and underdeveloped foreign exchange markets. At present, only a few international financial centers have perfect futures markets and limited capital flows. Third, the interest rate parity theory also assumes that the size of arbitrage funds is infinite, so arbitrageurs can continue to carry out the arbitrage until the interest rate parity is established.

Other traditional theories of exchange rate determination, such as the theory of balance of payments and the theory of asset market, look at the changes of exchange rate from a macro perspective and are too theoretical because the models are based on a large number of assumptions. These theoretical models can only judge the long-term changes of the exchange rate, but cannot explain the short-term changes.

Market microstructure theory originated in the late 1960s. Since the global stock market turbulence in 1987, market microstructure theory has developed rapidly and gradually become an important branch of financial economics. In 1991, Adamati attributed the asymmetric information asset market and its trading mechanism to the microdomain research objects. In 1995, o 'hara's "market microstructure theory" defined market microstructure as asset transactions, processes and results under established rules, and systematically discussed the micro field of finance. A few years later, with the continuous development of the theory, Madhavan introduced information asymmetry model to analyze the inventory model and conducted empirical research, which brought a new method for the academic circle to analyze the market microstructure.

Because traditional macro models are difficult to explain and predict short and medium term exchange rates and to design reasonable market trading mechanism, scholars gradually favor the micro structure method of studying exchange rate determination. According to this method, the expectations of foreign exchange market subjects are complicated, so most of the research adopts direct measures of expectations, whose data are derived from the survey results of market participants provided by financial services companies, and two important variables, namely order flow and price difference, are introduced.

Spot foreign exchange market is the largest financial market in the world, and electronic has become an important feature. Every time a trader enters the trading platform online to place an order, the order will be completed electronically. The spot foreign exchange market is trading at an estimated $5 trillion a day, according to a public report by the bank for international settlements. For large transaction orders, the two parties are usually negotiated, and the buyers and sellers are usually Banks and other large financial institutions.

At present, in the foreign exchange market, most large companies submit orders as a way to participate in the market, so the order flow becomes the microscope of the foreign exchange market, directly reflecting the supply and demand relationship and resource allocation process of different currencies. In recent years, with the increasing application of high-frequency data and the deepening of the research on the flow of limited price orders, scholars' understanding of price discovery has begun to show new changes. It is a hot spot and innovation in price discovery to study the effect of information on price change from the perspective of high frequency microscopic order flow.

Many scholars are committed to building models and looking for rules to predict the trend of exchange rate based on the data of order flow and spread. Among them, the famous portfolio drift model proposed by Lyons has strong representativeness. The author studies the dollar market and analyzes the information set of the market through the portfolio drift model. This model has achieved remarkable success, and the explanation level of the daily exchange rate fluctuation is up to 60% in the dollar/mark market and over 40% in the yen/dollar market, which is far higher than the explanation strength of the traditional model. The theory was further developed with the efforts of Evans and Lyons. Based on the empirical study of nine major currencies, they proposed a multi-currency portfolio drift model based on the integration of information, and concluded that -- under the information dispersion structure, the individual change of order flow in the foreign exchange market showed a strong positive correlation with the currency prices in other markets.

For another important factor -- price difference, scholars also pay attention to it through a lot of studies on the microstructure of foreign exchange market. In 1996, Jorion studied the relationship between price spread and trading volume and volatility, and found that risk was positively correlated with price spread and negatively correlated with expected trading volume. This suggests that spreads reflect people's cost of holding positions, which are caused by price uncertainty and trading activity; In the same year, Goodhart, Ito and Payne selected bank trading data to analyze the relationship between exchange rate fluctuations and price differentials. They introduced models with a lag of one period and showed that when new or uncertain information was known to market participants, traders would widen spreads to reduce the risk of possible extreme prices in the future. Therefore, the price difference and quoted compensation fluctuation have a certain relationship.

These theoretical models of market microstructure are diverse and well developed. They can explain the laws of short-term exchange rate changes, breaking through the limitations of traditional theories. However, their rationality has not been unanimously recognized by the academic community and is still controversial.

Different scholars have different views on whether order flow can predict future exchange rate and whether traders can use the predictive power of order flow to obtain excess profits.

Evans&Lyons studied the order data of citibank's internal terminal customers in usd/euro and found that the order flow could predict the future spot exchange rate, and the prediction ability of the order flow model in 1-20 days exceeded the random walk model, but this result was only limited to the in-sample data test. Using Reuters d2000-2 data on customer order flows and traders' best quotes from February 2004 to February 2005, Rime et al. Found that the predictive power of order flows passed the test on the exchange rates of euros, pounds, yen and dollars, both in and out of sample.

Although Rime et al. Proved the predictive power of exchange rate of order flow, there are also many research results in the academic field with opposite views. Considering the information into the exchange rate and order flow information transmission lag, Sager&Taylor and Cerrato Sarantis&Saunders using distributed lag model, and adopt jpmorgan and royal bank of Scotland on January 1, 1999-2003, June 9 JCP orders for 1151 trading days flow data, inspection order flow forecast for the next phase of the spot rate, but, according to the results of hysteresis model to the dollar, the euro, the pound and the yen and Swiss franc exchange rate forecasting ability is not significant, but not in the accuracy of the statistical sense. In addition, Cerrato and Sarantis&Saunders conducted regression by referring to the Evans&Lyons mixed model of spread and order flow and selecting the weekly order flow data of ubs. The sample includes eight major international currencies from February 11, 2001 to November 23, 2007. Their conclusion is similar to Sager&Taylor's that the order-flow model does not have an exchange rate forecast.

Therefore, the microstructure model and the mixed model failed to reach a consensus on whether the order flow has the ability to predict the exchange rate, and the research in this aspect needs to be developed both theoretically and empirically.


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2019-11-20 17:39:19 | 日記



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以上的方法最适合形容词或者名词。除此之外还有一种就是逻辑连接词,比如表达因果、并列、从属关系的词或表达方式。这些词因为会经常用,所以最好还是要记住,要不总是查就比较费时了。比如因果关系。Because这种词就太基础了,可以试试caused by或者result in等。还有一种简单且地道的表达方式就是用suggest,字义上讲是建议,但是实际应用中可以表达告知、通知和结果等各种含义,而且态度谦虚、严谨。最适合学术论文。

再比如,并列关系的话,and是最常见的。另外可以表达类似意思的有on the one hand…on the other hand…等。可是大部分人都只用后半个,这其实是不合适的。最好两个一起用,而且要注意的是,后半个表达的内容,在重要性上要微强于前半部分。有时可以用来表达一点并列但强调其中一个的意思。类似的例子还有很多,就不废话了,大家自己积累一些最好。






最后一个跟符号有关的是缩写,主要是表达否定时的简写。论文是正式文本,不推荐用任何形式的简写,来表达否定等含义。也就是说最好写成“do not”而不是“don’t”,“cannot”而不是“can’t”。







Paper代写:The influence of transgenic technology on agricultural development

2019-11-20 17:38:05 | 日記
本篇paper代写- The influence of transgenic technology on agricultural development讨论了转基因技术对农业发展的影响。转基因技术是一项具有丰富知识和经济价值的生物科学技术核心,在促进农业生态可持续发展和确保国家粮食安全方面发挥着至关重要的作用。在这几年基因作物发展进程上看,转基因作物商业化进展还很缓慢,主粮并没有商业化推广,国家对转基因技术的研发虽然力度很大,但市场反应并不大,大多数人还持观望态度,部分地区还存在市场恐慌情况。转基因作物的发展是时代的潮流,前景广阔,转基因作物市场化推广的实现将有助于提高国家粮食安全。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

r more than 20 years of development, genetically modified crop products have also changed from early insect-resistant, herbicide-resistant and other initial products to second-generation products that can improve yield and nutrition quality. Although batch after batch of high quality and high yield products have been developed successfully, the complex economic and social impact and the technical level of risk resistance of gm crops in different countries lead to the difference of views on the industrialization of gm agricultural biotechnology in different countries.

Since the advent of gm technology in the late 1970s, gm technology has shown great potential in crop variety improvement and species diversity. In March 1986, China launched the "high-tech research and development plan", in which gm biotechnology was listed as a national development priority. After that, gm biotechnology entered the position of national overall strategic planning. In more than 30 years of China's vigorous development of gm technology, gm technology has achieved fruitful results, a variety of excellent gm crops from the laboratory to the countryside, and from the countryside to the market. The safety of gm food has become a focus of public opinion, which has affected China's gm policy. From the first time to strengthen the management of genetically modified food in the central document no. 1 in 2007 to the careful promotion of genetically modified products in 2016, eight mentions of genetically modified products showed that the central government attached great importance to the issue of genetically modified crops. By 2017, the industrialization promotion of genetically modified crops had been officially included in the national "13th five-year" scientific and technological innovation plan.

As a traditional agricultural country with a large population, how to ensure national food security and long-term effective supply of agricultural products has always been the primary task of our government. Therefore, in the marketization of gm crops, the government's management of gm crops and the supervision of corresponding agricultural policies are very important.

Since its inception in the late 1980s, China's transgenic technology has gone through four development stages:

The first stage was from 1986 to 2000. In the late 1980s, the cotton bollworm disaster broke out year after year in China's main cotton producing areas, resulting in a long period of "cotton shortage" in the whole country, which posed a great threat to the survival of China's cotton farmers and the cotton industry. Moreover, excessive use of pesticides also caused a significant reduction in cotton quality and large-scale ecological environment pollution. After the "cotton shortage" incident, China began to explore and actively introduce the world's advanced technology. Genetically modified cotton was introduced for the first time and began to be used for production. The laboratory began to develop edible genetically modified crops. The central government formulated the "863 plan" to deepen the study of staple food crops.

The second phase was from 2001 to 2009. China's transgenic research has begun to change from the stage of local independent innovation to the stage of comprehensive independent innovation. In 2009, huazhong agricultural university developed an inbred line of hybrid genetically resistant rice and transgenic maize, which successfully bred higher yield. New products that are more resistant to pests. In the first decade of the 21st century, China started a major project of breeding new varieties of genetically modified organisms, and gradually established a policy of "accelerating research, promoting application, regulating management and scientific development" for the development of genetically modified crops.

The third stage is from 2010 to 2013. After the ministry of agriculture released the safety certificate of gm research results from various institutes, the issue of the safety of gm food as the main food has triggered a heated debate. Supporters pay more attention to the development of China's transgenic science and technology, and believe that if China stops or slows down the research on genetically modified food, the transgenic science will fall behind the world in the future. However, the opponents are more concerned about their own interests. For them, the development of genetically modified food science is meaningless, and the absolute safety of genetically modified food cannot be verified, so safety problems have certain risks. Under such circumstances, China's research policy on genetically modified staple food gradually became conservative. Since 2009, the approval of new varieties of genetically modified crops and the production and operation license did not continue to be promoted. The government adopted the safety management mode of "continue to study and promote cautiously" to continue to study and observe genetically modified products.

The fourth stage is from 2014 to now. General secretary xi jinping attended the rural work conference of the CPC Central Committee in 2013 and proposed the development policy of "ensuring safety, independent innovation, bold research and prudent promotion" for genetically modified crops, and the national gm development strategy was gradually clarified. China's genetic modification policy mainly has three aspects: first, it focuses on independent innovation. We will continue to carry out major national projects to cultivate genetically modified organisms, and improve China's overall agricultural production capacity and agricultural ecological security. Strive to achieve world-class research, industrialization and marketization of agricultural gmos in China by 2020. Second, we will promote the product with prudence. The country is determined to promote the application of gm crops, but at the same time, we need to repeatedly study and explore, take small steps, and improve promotion policies through market feedback. Third, security is emphasized. The government must strictly manage and supervise it in accordance with the law.

The basic national conditions of China's agriculture have always been that there are more people and less land, especially the shortage of arable land resources. Under the dual pressure of increasing population and decreasing agricultural resources, the development of transgenic technology is extremely urgent. At present, China has preliminarily established the technological innovation and industrial development system of transgenic breeding, including functional gene cloning, genetic transformation, variety selection, safety evaluation, product development and application promotion. The application of transgenic technology is at the forefront of the world. With the strong support and development of the state, scientific research institutes have made great breakthroughs in the cultivation of new varieties and core technologies, mainly in the following three aspects:

In terms of crops, China has cultivated new high-quality and high-yield insect-resistant cotton, rice, corn, herbicide-resistant soybean, etc., which has the prospect of industrialization. In terms of animal husbandry, 43 new transgenic plant materials and recombinant human lactoferrin transgenic cows, high-lean pigs and other new transgenic animal strains have passed the general safety assessment of the ministry of agriculture and entered the production and inspection stage, laying a solid foundation for the industrialization of genetic modification.

New techniques for safe gm, such as the absence of selective markers, deletion of exogenous genes and integration at specific sites, have begun to develop rapidly. There were 339 genes with high yield, high quality and strong disaster resistance, and 37 genes with independent intellectual property rights and important value. New systems for large-scale genetic modification of major plants and animals such as rice, cotton, corn, soybeans and pigs and cattle have been established.

The platform for China's gm ecological environment and food safety evaluation, testing and supervision technology has been established, and more than 70 gm safety technology standards have been promulgated, greatly improving China's biosafety support capacity.

Since the introduction and development of gmo technology, China has attached great importance to the safety of gmo. It is the only country in the world that adopts qualitative and catalog-specific mandatory labeling. Gmo food must be clearly marked on its packaging in the process of production and management. In particular, the development of genetically modified staple food, from research and development to production, adopts strict control and long-term key monitoring of genetically modified agricultural products. In the no. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee with the theme of "issues concerning agriculture, rural areas and farmers", the content of genetic modification appeared for the first time in 2007 and proposed to strengthen the labeling management of genetically modified food. In the following 11 years, the central government attached great importance to the development of gmos and mentioned the management of new gmos eight times. Although the no. 1 document released by the State Council in 2018 did not contain any content about gm, the State Council mentioned gm technology again in the subsequent 13th five-year plan, with the tone of vigorous research, prudent promotion and safety assurance. By comparing the no.1 document of the CPC Central Committee over the past years, we can draw a conclusion that since the implementation of the special project of new varieties of genetically modified organisms, China's policy on the development of genetically modified technology has been "bold research and independent innovation", while the regulatory authorities have also "strictly managed and carefully promoted". In May 2016, the ministry of agriculture reviewed and approved 10 standards including the general requirements laboratory for the safety management of agricultural gmos. Ensure strict monitoring of the genetic modification process from the research and development stage, cultivation and production of field trials, and prevent the spread of gmos to the environment and markets without safety assessments.

As a core of biological science and technology with rich knowledge and economic value, transgenic technology plays a vital role in promoting sustainable development of agricultural ecology and ensuring national food security. This is because it can solve the problem of food shortage caused by the rapid growth of population. Meanwhile, in the process of human development, a large amount of traditional energy, such as coal and oil, will be consumed, causing serious pollution to the environment and causing human beings to fall into the crisis of survival. The bioenergy brought by vigorously developing transgenic technology can effectively solve this problem. As a traditional agricultural country with a population of 1.3 billion, the main work of the government is to ensure national food security and effective long-term supply of agricultural products. In terms of the development process of gene crops in recent years, the commercialization of gm crops in China is still very slow, and there is no commercial promotion of staple food. Although the national research and development of gm technology is in full swing, the market response is not great, most people still hold a wait-and-see attitude, and there is still market panic in some areas.

In the future, China will continue to face the dual pressure of decreasing agricultural resources and increasing population. The in-depth research and application of gm crops will be an important measure, which not only conforms to the central policy on gm application, but also conforms to the sustainable development concept of "innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing" in the 13th five-year plan. Therefore, the development of genetically modified crops is still the trend of The Times and has broad prospects. The realization of marketization of genetically modified crops will help improve national food security. It is in line with the future national strategy, and at the same time, genetically modified crops can produce considerable economic benefits rapidly due to their high yield and high quality. Observe the world gm agriculture industry to gain support from most governments and organizations for this emerging biotechnology. In the future, genetically modified food will be changed from providing basic staple food to helping human beings solve the problem of various nutrient deficiencies and even have certain medicinal value, which cannot be matched by traditional agricultural products.

As a new high-tech thing, the public has little knowledge about gm, so it is normal to arouse doubts and anxiety. Due to their strong professionalism, it is difficult for gm scientists to communicate directly with the public, and some scientists even feel "too lazy to talk nonsense with laymen", which intensifies the public's doubts and resistance to gm technology. In this case, the government proposed to increase the safety management and scientific popularization of gmo technology, put the popularization of gmo technology and r&d management in the same position, and strengthen the popularization of gmo technology will be an important task in the promotion of gmo in the future.

Therefore, the publicity department can mobilize more forces in the future gm science work, such as making some gm science popularization boards easy for the public to understand and putting them into the community to train science popularization experts. In addition to traditional media, television and newspapers, we should also organize on-site lectures and training activities on the knowledge of transgenic science by means of new media, such as WeChat microblog, to improve people's understanding of transgenic technology. In popularizing science, we must also insist on openness and transparency. Let the knowledge dissemination of transgenic science and technology research and development go hand in hand, so that the society has a certain understanding of transgenic biotechnology, and create a positive social atmosphere for the application and development of transgenic technology in the future. With the rapid development of transgenic technology, it can be improved from the following aspects:

We will improve the research and development model of major national transgenic technology projects, improve top-level design, and establish a research and development system for cooperation between the government and enterprises, with enterprises as the main body. After the establishment of the system, the government research department is mainly engaged in the basic application research of transgenic technology, expanding and innovating the research and development of genetically modified organisms for enterprises. The division of labor between the public sector and government enterprises in gm technology research and development is clear and complementary. At the same time, the management and implementation of intellectual property rights should be strengthened, and relevant preferential policies should be introduced to provide incentives for enterprises to innovate, so that enterprises can gradually become the main body of gm technology research and development and promote the development of modern agricultural gmos.

Reform the existing investment mechanism and establish a new assessment mechanism. For the research units and researchers in the national system of gm technology research and development, the operation mode and evaluation mechanism of the transnational technology organization unit are adopted. In the mode of enterprise operation, it is the evaluation and appointment of professional managers by the board of directors. In the research unit, the chief engineer can fully understand the backbone of scientific research and technical research in the organization, as well as the evaluation, appointment and dismissal of the heads of each internal research unit. In the competent department of specific scientific research tasks, the person in charge shall evaluate, appoint and dismiss the internal scientific research workers. Based on the evaluation of corporatization, the coordination between upper, middle and lower reaches, large-scale and standardized r & d mode can be effectively implemented. The implementation of this evaluation mechanism and the improvement of the work of researchers can effectively stimulate the enthusiasm of researchers at all levels. By reforming the existing research input mechanism and integrating domestic research resources, the strategic goal of national gm technology development can be achieved.

The research and development of gm technology is affected by the innovation ability of enterprises, the quality of public research system and the quality of researchers. There are still many problems to be faced. In this regard, appropriate strategy and policy research is particularly important. In transgenic technology at the beginning of the special project, the relevant leaders and relevant departments attaches great importance to the research of transgenic strategies and policies, but in 2008, especially after the start, all sorts of reasons lead to the government at a higher level of the marginalization of gm technology development, and the government's neglect lead to research project funding cuts, departments of scientific research to the follow-up research and technology for further research and investigation. The research and development stage is the key to the successful completion of the established goals of major gm projects. However, the development strategy, industrialization and related policy research of national gm biotechnology cannot be ignored.


Essay代写:Art and marketing

2019-11-20 17:36:44 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Art and marketing,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了艺术与市场。艺术与市场看似是两个不同属性的东西,但是千百年来一直交织在一起。艺术与市场的接触与交集,早在新石器时期工艺品的交易中就已经产生了;在经历了漫长的社会与经济的发展,在逐渐摆脱神权与政权附加的束缚后,艺术的市场化现象越来越普遍,市场化对于文化与艺术的反作用也越来越明显而有力。随着市场经济的发展,市场化又逐渐成为艺术发展的动力。

Art and market seem to be two different attributes, but they have been intertwined for thousands of years. What is art? What is the art market? It is the problem that we study art marketization to want to solve above all. The specific categories of art we come into contact with in our daily life, such as literature, painting, sculpture, architecture, film, music, dance and drama, are all just forms of expression of art. What art actually means is a matter of debate. In fact, if we compare the inner meaning of art and culture, we will find that to a certain extent, art and culture are inseparable. We can say that art originates from culture and culture also includes art.

The contact and intersection between art and market had already appeared in the trade of handicraft in neolithic period. After a long period of social and economic development, and after gradually getting rid of the additional shackles of feudal theocracy and political power, the marketization of art became more and more common, and the reaction of marketization on culture and art became more and more obvious and powerful. With the development of market economy, marketization has gradually become the driving force for the development of art.

The market itself is just a place for Commodity Exchange, which has existed since ancient times. Marketization promotes circulation, which in turn promotes cultural exchange. As a special cultural commodity, art relies heavily on communication. The more cultural collision and communication, the richer and more diverse art works will be.

The market price of contemporary art is not determined by the artistic value of the work, but based on popular speculation and gamble. Prices of some contemporary works have risen rapidly because collectors and investors have manipulated them for profit. Therefore, it can be said that art investment is a speculative tool. Generally speaking, investment refers to the specific economic subject in order to obtain income or capital appreciation in the foreseeable future. Invest for its future value. Collection and investment have flourished the market to a certain extent, but the nature of commercial speculation mixed with it can easily lead to the chaos of the art market and the lack of value standards.

The appearance of collectors is the result of the marketization of art. Collectors take the market as the purchase orientation and have more and more influence on art creators. The art market itself has two attributes. Its cultural and economic attributes determine that it cannot blindly pursue the soaring profit, which is likely to have a negative impact on the creation and consumption of art. We should not only focus on its cultural and artistic value, which is easy to be divorced from the public. After all, economy is an important driving force for the development of modern art.

As for China, along with the tide of reform and opening up, influenced by the rapid development of China's market economy and foreign ideas, the Chinese art market has recovered comprehensively, so it has got the opportunity to develop and gradually become prosperous. But, not be troubled times without collect. For example, during the period of social unrest from 1939 to 1945, there were still three countries in the world that bought a lot of art, namely Switzerland, the United States and Germany, especially New York. Even after 1941, the price of paintings rose steadily. Art preserves value, but cash does not, as Hitler devalued the franc three times in 1940. That's one of the reasons why every capitalist was investing in the art market.

Although the art market was affected by the rare financial tsunami in the following century, the negative influence brought by it led to the unprecedented survival test of all levels of industrial chains in the art market. But the art market has survived both the great depression of 1929 and black Monday in 1987.

Godfrey barker says, "the unique financial advantage of art is that the price is imaginary." It can be said that the price of art is not standardized, and so is culture and art, so should the art market reject standardization?

The reformists in the Renaissance actively advocated that the pursuit of high prices of art was the pursuit of personal happiness, so as to reflect their humanistic thoughts. At that time, the vigorous development of art marketization was not restricted. In China's feudal period, due to the impact of the bud of capitalism on the feudal imperial power, the art market was severely constrained. Therefore, the evaluation of the commercialization and marketization of art needs to be combined with the social background at that time.

Is it necessary to promote the scale, standardization and sustainable development of the art market? Where do standards come from? The art market is difficult to constitute the art industry, and the industry needs to be able to achieve scale, standardization. For the art market, it needs the standard of academic evaluation and cannot be completely market-oriented, which is easy to cause the decline of high art. Also need to have market value and true and false evaluation standard.

It is generally believed that strengthening the control over the commercialization of art, strengthening the management of art collection and investment, and supervising the consumption market of art are effective means to avoid the negative impact of excessive marketization of art and maintain the vitality of art and market. Indeed, the art market is facing adjustment. Only when the healthy art market ecology is developed can the market have a solid foundation. However, it is ultimately market-oriented, and the control of the art market needs to be down-to-earth and gradual.

