

Essay代写:Brand positioning in marketing

2019-11-04 17:45:34 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Brand positioning in marketing,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了市场营销中的品牌定位。如今,市场经济蓬勃发展,企业之间的竞争越来越激烈,消费者在购买产品时,不仅注重质量和价格,而且注重品牌定位和产品的新鲜度,因此,企业要想在激烈的市场竞争中占有一席之位,首先要明确自身的品牌定位。市场营销是指企业在适合的时间、适合的地点以适合的价格、适合的信息沟通和销售手段,将产品或者服务提供给消费者。在一定程度上,品牌定位包含于市场营销。

With the improvement of national economic level, new products keep emerging in the market. Brand marketing can strengthen consumers' cognition of products and generate a sense of trust. However, at present, most enterprises in China are unable to clearly position the brand, or even misposition the brand, which seriously affects the economic benefits of enterprises. Therefore, enterprises should understand the market demand, develop brand marketing strategy, scientific positioning brand, so as to enhance the market competitiveness of enterprises.

With the vigorous development of China's market economy, enterprises are determined to compete more and more fiercely. When consumers buy products, they not only pay attention to the quality and price, but also pay attention to the brand positioning and freshness of products. Therefore, in order to occupy a position in the fierce market competition, enterprises should first define their brand positioning.

Marketing means that an enterprise provides products or services to consumers at the right time and place at the right price, information communication and sales means. To some extent, brand positioning includes marketing. National brands - rings of the sea, for example, the earliest brand positioning is the villages and towns young men, both brand spokesperson and shooting style to advertising or publicity posters, will be toward a township enterprises carry out in the end, but as the sea billow hire a new designer and the public, the change in brand positioning as a frigid winds, market sales soared, thus, brand positioning has an important role in marketing.

Throughout our country enterprise development, widespread lack of consciousness of innovation, the enterprise in the process of operation and brand positioning only attach importance to economic benefits, and ignoring the brand positioning for enterprise economic benefit and future development, the influence of the reason is the enterprise internal management personnel lack of innovation consciousness, cannot undertake the right brand positioning. The brand positioning of some domestic enterprises is borrowed from the marketing model of foreign enterprises, but not combined with the actual situation of their own enterprises. Such a marketing model is not conducive to the long-term development of enterprises, nor can it adapt to the development of the domestic market. In addition, in the network information era, some enterprise managers stubbornly adhere to the traditional brand positioning concept, inflexible, enterprises can not inject fresh "blood", thus reducing the competitiveness of enterprises.

Some domestic enterprises' brand positioning means are too formalized and ignore their internal meaning, which seriously hinders the development of domestic enterprises' brand positioning. At the same time, some enterprises do not realize the importance of brand positioning, but blindly imitate and draw lessons from others, without considering the actual situation of market development and the business model of the enterprise. They blindly follow the trend, and the brand positioning is basically the same, which leads to the lagging development of China's economy.

Enterprises should comprehensively consider the market and products and other aspects of the situation, reasonable brand positioning, if positioning too much or blindly follow the trend, will be fuzzy brand positioning, not conducive to the long-term development of enterprises, therefore, enterprises should combine the actual, correct brand positioning.

Enterprises should conduct a questionnaire survey in advance to understand consumers' cognition of the brand so as to accurately position the brand. Some consumers cannot well understand the visual image design of a brand for a variety of products, so it is difficult for consumers to feel the difference of a brand in the image experience. In addition, the popularity of some old brands is very high, the image is also deeply popular, but can not adapt to the rapid development of modern society, it is difficult to catch the eye of young market consumers. If the enterprise brand cannot conform to the development trend of The Times, it will eventually be replaced by a new brand. Therefore, the enterprise should timely understand consumers' cognition of the brand and adjust the brand positioning appropriately.

Under the background of network economy, enterprises should correctly understand network brand and common brand. Network brand is a brand that is operated in the network space and propagandises through the network, and then is known by the public. Network information dissemination is timely and extensive. To a certain extent, network brands are more attractive to consumers than ordinary brands. Therefore, enterprises should highlight their product advantages and seize the initiative in the fierce market competition environment.

Enterprises in marketing brand positioning process pay attention to the following issues. First, target positioning. Enterprises can investigate the market development in advance and combine with consumer demand. On this basis, they can produce products that can not only meet consumer demand but also guarantee the profits of enterprises, so as to enhance the total amount and power of enterprises in the market competition. Second, get ahead. Enterprises in the process of doing market research, efforts to dig vacant areas, and quickly occupy the market. Third, associate strong brands. There is a clear brand cognition in consumers' mind. In marketing activities, enterprises emphasize the advantages of products and associate with strong brands, so that consumers can have more choices or even replace them. In addition, during brand positioning, enterprises should try their best to integrate with consumers' feelings and concepts, deeply understand consumers' psychological activities, integrate care and nostalgia into products, so as to arouse consumers' inner feelings and shorten the distance between consumers and products. Fourth, profit positioning. Good quality and reasonable price has always been the pursuit of consumers, hope to buy good quality and reasonable price of products. For products of the same type and function, consumers tend to choose the products with lower price. Fifth, interest orientation. Consumers' psychology, values and personality are all factors that affect their consumption behavior, and some functions of the product can meet the psychological needs of consumers and arouse resonance, so as to have a deep impression on the enterprise brand.

To sum up, some Chinese enterprises still have many problems in the process of brand positioning, and their products cannot meet the needs of every consumer. Therefore, the enterprise should combine the market demand and the actual situation, reposition the brand, develop the reasonable marketing plan, and then enhance the enterprise influence, promote the enterprise to occupy the dominant position in the fierce market competition, increase the enterprise economic benefits.


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Assignment代写:Austrian piano education system

2019-11-04 17:45:07 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Austrian piano education system,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了奥地利钢琴教育体系。奥地利这个国家在音乐上有悠久的历史沉淀,被世界誉为“音乐王国”。奥地利的钢琴教育在因循传统的基础上循序渐进,将培养学生的音乐情趣作为重点。在学校学习钢琴的儿童必定会先经过一年的预备期,他们要在这一年当中先学习和训练自音乐的基础知识,以此作为基础后就能建立起相对良好的音乐感和节奏感。在正式的钢琴教育中他们侧重学习古典的音乐作品和现代的音乐作品,其目的是要让学生感受到古典音乐作品中历史的厚重感和现代音乐作品中音乐蓬勃发展的时代性。

For a long time, the piano has been known as the "king of music". Of course, it has indeed given birth to a group of outstanding artists and classic music works in many western countries. In the process of the development of piano art, each country has developed its own piano art characteristics in terms of basic piano education, which will undoubtedly be an important condition for promoting the development of the whole country's art. Although China has made considerable progress in the piano education system, there are still many problems. Therefore, the following will focus on the piano education system in western countries, Austria, with the purpose of learning from it and building a piano system with universal adaptability.

The development of piano science is the first piano made by the italians. After that, it underwent a lot of improvement and perfection in a long time, and finally created this excellent keyboard instrument. China since the eighty s of the 20th century is the transformation of the social development, which makes originally in the center of the school of education professional piano education began gradually to the market and to the market, but after entering the main social education piano again ushered in the new opportunities of development in the quality of education and American education, started to learn piano group presents the multiply trend, the trend in recent ten years, is very obvious, but the resulting problems also obvious highlights, piano education market presents a false and the illusion of prosperity. However, the problems accumulated over such a long time can never be solved smoothly overnight. We can only learn from the experience of some countries with advanced piano education system, and then reflect on and learn from the national conditions of our country to explore a way of sustainable development of piano education.

Austria, a country with a long history of music, is known as the "kingdom of music" in the world. Classical music three Beethoven, Haydn, Mozart have directly established the Austrian classical concert enjoys world-class status, which is also the Austrian pride and the core of their country's music tradition. Therefore, the Austrian government fund strongly supports this, and the piano art is included in the curriculum of Austrian students in the compulsory stage of study as the soul of the traditional classical music. Piano education in Austria is based on the traditional step by step, will train students music interest as the focus. Children who learn piano in school must first go through a one-year preparatory period, during which they learn and train the basic knowledge of music, so as to establish a relatively good sense of music and rhythm. In formal piano education, they focus on learning classical music works and modern music works. The purpose is to make students feel the heavy sense of history in classical music works and the vigorous development of music in modern music works. There is no doubt that piano education in Austria is really based on students' interest in piano, which is a two-way promotion of the culture of The Times and the national culture.

The qualification of teachers in education industry is a key factor that determines the quality of education, whether in social education or school education. Austria is very strict in selecting music teachers. They divide teachers into two categories for training, one is specialized music teachers who meet social needs, and the other is music teachers in ordinary schools. The music college training of the students are mainly focused on private music teachers and college music teachers, and the higher normal schools of music is focused on culture teaching in the elementary school music teacher, to see is the school education and social education of music teachers are of clear classify according to different situations. But no matter what kind of teachers, their education department has strict control over the quality of their education. But they spread this power among the different teachers' associations, which were responsible for different subjects and the communication between teachers and the various units, thus promoting the reduction of the possible negative effects of "worldly wisdom" among the associations. And the unique nature of the structure of education will cause the piano teacher qualification process need to stand the test of the continuous, qualification certificate and according to the different levels and level issue and will with each appraisal results to replacement, so that the piano teacher will improve the overall quality and the quality of teaching will also rise.

Piano education in Austria is a combination of elite education and general education, which means that social education and school education must be closely linked. Generally speaking, music educational institutions in Austria can be divided into three types: the first type is music association institutions, the second type is compulsory education in schools, and the third type is social music schools. Among them, students learn piano in the compulsory stage of school in order to enter social piano education institutions, and the piano knowledge they learn in social education institutions will be reflected and reflected by participating in activities organized by the society or the school, which also establishes a good interactive relationship. The performance of students in club performance activities directly reflects the teaching quality and level of piano teaching in social educational institutions, and it is also very convenient for elite educational institutions to carry out level appraisal. Such school appraisal method and survival rule of the fittest make school problems obvious.

Austria have comparative perfect piano talents education mechanism, such as they set up a corresponding appraisal to piano talent mechanism, is developed by researchers at the professional education contains external performance, the result of the match, school achievements appraisal mechanism of the indicators, such as the piano talent will have been accepted in every step of the growth comes from the education department of the inspection. In 2009, they awarded more than 90 start-up scholarships to some young artists, 35 of which were awarded to dance, performance and music fields, which shows the high importance of the Austrian government to music industry.


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2019-11-04 17:44:29 | 日記







例: I believe that third-person writing is the best point of view when writing an essay.




例: You would do better on your essays if you wrote in third person.



第三人称写作时通常使用代词:they, him, her和it等一些专有名词。这种类型的写作你会在一本以局外者角度来写的小说中看到。

例:Teachers and students agree that third-person writing makes essays sound better.



如果你在写文章时使用的是第一人称,你会冒着风险陈述像‘i think’或者‘i believe’这样的句子。



This is why I believe jazz is the first form of truly American music.

This is why jazz is the first form of truly American music.



需要注意的是,使用第一人称写作会让你的论据听起来缺乏可信度。呈现事实或观点时用“I think”或“I believe”开头不能给予你的论据真实性和可靠性。



I believe that children should consume less sugar because it leads to higher risk of obesity.

According to the Obesity Action Coalition, children who consume a lot of sugar have an increased risk of obesity.







When writing a novel, you should think about what kind of tone you want to portray before choosing which point of view you want to use.

When writing a novel, authors should think about the kind of tone they want to portray before choosing which point of view they want to use.












Paper代写:Information technology innovation of Internet finance

2019-11-04 17:43:53 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Information technology innovation of Internet finance讨论了互联网金融的信息技术创新。信息技术创新促进了互联网金融的发展,互联网金融的发展反过来又促进了互联网技术的进一步创新,这是一个辩证的发展过程。因此,金融业对互联网技术提出了更高的要求。互联网金融需要信息技术在数据处理速度上的进一步创新。在金融交易的定量投资技术中,有大量的高频交易,特别是数据传输和交易指令的速度。在这种定量投资技术中由一定的交易策略来产生数量化的交易指令,这种交易指令是由计算机自动发出,在追求预期收益的过程中进行高频金融交易。若计算机的运行速度和信号传输速度能加快一步,就能在金融市场中占据领先地位。这种对数据处理速度的要求将促进信息技术的不断创新。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

With the advent of the information age, Internet technology has developed rapidly, and Internet finance has also developed. Internet finance is of great significance to the financial industry, effectively expanding the field of the financial industry, and conducive to economic development. At the present stage, the development of the Internet makes Internet finance constantly innovative and has a broader development prospect. Internet finance is an innovative finance that USES Internet technology for financing or financial services. The innovation of the modern information technology, Internet plays an important role in the development of financial, scientific understanding of Internet finance, must understand the information in the Internet financial technology innovation, from the Angle of information technology innovation, studies the characteristics of the Internet financial development and understand the importance of financial development of the Internet to finance basic form.

Big data technology refers to the mass data storage and analysis, it can be hidden information and knowledge from the massive data, provide the basis for human social economic activities, improve the efficiency of all areas of operation, and even the society as a whole economic intensive degree, its content mainly includes three aspects: one is the huge amounts of data collection and storage; The second is to establish different identification dimensions on mass data. The third is to establish a logical relationship between each dimension in order to find valuable information in the data. Big data not only needs to process massive data, but also needs extremely high data processing speed. With the development of computer technology, computing power and technical speed are no longer a problem, and big data technology is also emerging.

In recent years, big data technology has been transformed into an important means of financial business risk management. Finance refers to financing, that is, the borrowing of funds. This kind of capital borrowing is risky, which cannot be completely eliminated. Although the risk cannot be completely eliminated, it can be effectively reduced. And big data technology is the effective tool of risk control, using the technology of large data for each individual need money to conduct a comprehensive analysis, to use its wealth, income, credit record and other valuable information for comprehensive analysis, determine the level of risk, to determine the minimum risk money lending object, to realize the effective control of risk. The combination of big data technology and cloud computing technology can realize the timely analysis and processing of the entire network information, better dig the operating rules of the financial system, prevent systematic financial risks, and reduce the probability of systematic financial risks to some extent.

As the need of e-commerce, the third-party payment platform has been widely used in the huge number of Internet users. In essence, the third-party payment platform is a transaction support platform provided by powerful and qualified third-party institutions. Alibaba, a world-renowned e-commerce enterprise, took the lead in launching the third-party payment platform -- alipay, which provides users with simple, fast and extremely safe payment solutions. At present, alipay has become the leader in the field of electronic payment in China. Since its launch, alipay has not seen a major security incident to ensure that users conduct transactions in a safe environment. However, the potential risks of third-party payment platforms must be paid close attention to. As the security of the payment environment is closely related to the interests of every user, as the leader of the Internet finance industry, alipay should give full play to its leading role and strengthen the security management of the payment environment, so as to promote the development of the third-party payment platform.

Matchmaking is a manifestation of O2O, an economic phenomenon that USES the Internet and mobile Internet to reach transaction intention. Its core is to facilitate the transaction, match the appropriate transaction object online and reach the intention of both parties, and implement the transaction process offline and complete the transaction. In addition, the completion of transaction making through the Internet is the most concerned issue of the current e-commerce service providers. Whether it is B2B or C2C, the transaction rate and transaction volume of websites are absolute hard indicators to evaluate such websites, without more realistic standards for users. But today many service providers do not start with the underlying problem, but instead pursue fancy services or concepts. This is mainly for two purposes, the first is to rely on the concept to attract users, and the second is that most service providers do not have effective means to really effective deal making. Therefore, enterprises can integrate their rich experience in information services into an online trading platform, allowing buyers and sellers to exchange information through the Internet. However, the trading platform is still unable to guarantee the matching efficiency of transactions, mainly because B2B itself involves a lot of details, and it is impossible to obtain satisfactory results relying solely on the network. Therefore, the service of supply and demand meeting can be launched, so that the efficiency of both sides of the transaction can be improved quickly. In addition, due to the lack of resources for channel development, online trading platform has gradually become an important way for these enterprises to expand their business.

Mobile Internet technology is the combination of mobile communication and Internet. Intelligent mobile terminal equipment is used to access the Internet wirelessly through 3G, 4G telecom network or wireless broadband network to obtain Internet content services. With the popularization of mobile Internet, Internet finance is developing rapidly. The mobile Internet has realized the anytime and anywhere operation of online banking, mobile payment, securities trading and fund trading, promoted the prosperity of the financial market and accelerated the innovation of the financial market.

Information technology innovation promotes the development of Internet finance, which in turn promotes the further innovation of Internet technology, which is a dialectical development process. Therefore, the financial industry has put forward higher requirements on Internet technology:

In the quantitative investment technology of financial trading, there are a lot of high-frequency trading, especially the speed of data transmission and trading orders. In this quantitative investment technology, quantitative trading orders are generated by certain trading strategies, which are automatically issued by computers to conduct high-frequency financial trading in the process of pursuing expected returns. If the speed of the computer and the speed of the signal can speed up a step, can take the lead in the financial market. This demand for data processing speed will promote the continuous innovation of information technology.

Frequent financial transactions lead to a large scale of financial transactions, among which the stock exchange is the largest e-commerce company in China. The huge transaction volume means that a large amount of information needs to be transmitted and stored. Therefore, the demand of financial services on data processing will be much higher than that of the general industry, which will promote the further improvement of data processing and storage technology.

In the financial market, no matter the stock market, bond market, fund market, foreign exchange market, or various financial derivatives market, how to make the correct investment decision in the market must face a complex decision analysis system. This kind of decision analysis includes basic analysis and technical analysis, which includes macroeconomic analysis, industrial development analysis and micro-enterprise level analysis. Each layer of analysis has a huge amount of data and information, so the analysis and decision system of investment decision has the characteristics of complexity. Artificial intelligence USES computers to simulate the neuronal activity of human beings so that machines can make complex decisions instead of human beings. So the work of traders and analysts can be done by machines. Artificial intelligence technology can meet the complex requirements of Internet finance in data processing, which is the future direction of information technology development.

Overall, the development of Internet finance puts forward higher requirements for information technology innovation, which will further promote information technology innovation.


Essay代写:Chopin's piano art

2019-11-04 17:43:03 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Chopin's piano art,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了肖邦的钢琴艺术。肖邦的音乐作品是肖邦对自己以及他人人生经历、生活环境在艺术上的反馈,肖邦是钢琴艺术史上一个不可磨灭的印记,他的爱国主义情怀,他的浪漫主义风格,无论是从体裁、风格还是演奏技巧都有深刻的体现。而且从这三方面也可以很明显地看出,肖邦善于继承和发展,不偏离主流却又不拘束于主流,有着自己的创新和看法,以及对钢琴艺术的理解。

Born in Poland in 1810, Chopin began composing at the age of seven, performed on stage at the age of eight and toured Europe at the age of 19. Although he died at the age of 39, he left more than 200 works. Chopin is a representative romantic poet in the 19th century. His works are based on polish folk songs and dances, together with Bach's influence, forming his own style. "Born in Warsaw, the soul belongs to Poland, the talent to the world." This is perhaps the most pertinent assessment of the great man.

From the point of view of genre, Chopin's piano music is of complete length, both large and small are famous representative works. In small piano music, etudes are different from the previous ones. The most intuitive one is that they are more difficult and targeted, with higher requirements on the players' level and clear teaching purpose. As an etude, it attaches great importance to emotional catharsis under the condition of guaranteeing the teaching purpose. It not only attaches great importance to practicability, but also attaches great importance to its artistic function as a music work itself. The etude in C minor is Chopin's indignant work when he learned of the Warsaw uprising. The prelude is very similar to the etude, but the prelude is more focused on simple and concise content. Each capital of Chopin's prelude is unique, expressing the ups and downs of emotions with superb music and performance skills. In addition, Chopin's greatest contribution to the prelude was to make it an independent piano genre and continue to shine. The genre of nocturne was first used by John field in his works, and Chopin inherited and developed the style of John field. There were traces of John field in his early works, and Chopin later created image contrast and long poems, which expanded nocturne. At the same time, nocturne is one of the most outstanding parts of Chopin's works, which focuses on the creation characteristics of Chopin's romanticism. Chopin's waltz originated from traditional is higher than that of traditional, embodies the artist machining and grinding of secular culture, for piano waltz gives a new definition, his waltz momentum high rhythm sonorous, expressed the polish people's confidence, the polish people's national story, this is also the embodiment of patriotism of Chopin's art. Scherzo in large piano music originally existed as a diverge in large instrumental music. Chopin processed and refined it independently and finally formed a new genre close to himself. Ballade is large in length, complex in content and rich in plot. It integrates literature, history and other aspects, and is innovative in expression form, content and emotion.

From the perspective of artistic style, Chopin's most typical style is his romantic style. Chopin interprets the true meaning of romanticism with his own personal charm. He has his own inspirations, he is obsessed with his own ideas, and his subjective color is obvious. Like most romantic artists, they share their feelings in poetry far away from reality, or in their deep emotions, reflecting the pain of the weaker classes in the society. The second is his patriotism. Chopin was always an artist who cared about his motherland. He used his works to show his inner thoughts and express his strong patriotism. The last point is that as an individual, he interprets and thinks about himself by using piano music that he is familiar with and good at. In addition, Chopin's works also greatly absorb the essence of folk music, good at Chopin belongs to folk music, known as carry on the processing and transformation, like China's song dynasty writer su shi, the song ci, lives, customs without reduce the style of art itself to broaden the scope of art spread. This music attribute of Chopin has a great relationship with his national consciousness, which he cultivated in his early years by following teachers and associating with cultural personages. Chopin was not only a pianist, but also had a deep understanding of history, literature and drama. He creatively integrated dramatic conflicts into piano music, making the plot ups and downs and fascinating. Chopin was also good at creating new rhythms, unfettered by tradition. Delicate tone, he broke through the old classical style, good at using his imagination, new, this is more obvious in Chopin nocturne performance. In the form structure, Chopin's structure is "trilogy structure", he does not have a fixed format for the structure, sometimes is the calm after the chaos, sometimes is the recurrence of the climax. Be good at using repetition, replace contrast with repetition, grasp the appropriate scale, give a person with profound dripping enjoyment. Chopin also managed to overcome the limitation of the piano, that is, the inability to play sustained notes for a long time, by pedaling broad chords in the bass section to make the music transition naturally.

From the perspective of performance skills, in general, Chopin paid attention to the use of pedals, and pursued the use of pedals to the extreme. In terms of music score, the use of pedals was also accurate to the details, which was not only an emphasis on pedals, but also an emphasis on art. For example, when teaching students, he asked them not to step on the pedal when they were not proficient in it. When practicing the weak tone, they could not use the left pedal until they were proficient in the weak tone. For the grasp of speed, Chopin paid attention to the speed of freedom. On the one hand, he complied with the intention of the work itself, and on the other hand, he could add some ideas on the basis of freedom to make the work more deeply rooted. From the perspective of specific works, Chopin's nocturne makes good use of semi-tone and isotone, and attaches equal importance to the combination of vocal music and instrumental music. The integration of arias with sentences and grace notes, as well as the integration of exquisite rhythm and brilliant style. Chopin's etudes focus on the traditional harmonic expression. Although Chopin made some innovations in classical harmony, he improved it on the basis of tradition. You also need to use your fingers to control the tone. Chopin's waltz, with gorgeous big waltz in e-flat major "as an example, to touch the keys have requirements, speed, strength, touch the key to grasp the continuity, grasp the rhythm, fingers to be flexible, and grasp the rhythm, strength of enforcement is mainly the strength of the accused, pay attention to the strength change, beware ramp signals, for the emotional expression of speed according to the music, the music have light have grave, speed control and emotional expression. Chopin's scherzo, taking the fourth scherzo in E major as an example, has a relatively gentle rhythm and a relatively long length. Structurally, the most striking thing is his musical structure, which is the conversion of the main and minor parts, the main tone and the dominant tone. The material combines the trilogy of variations. Generally speaking, Chopin's scherzo no. 4 in E major inherited the traditional sonata and was not satisfied with the old format. On this basis, many changes were made to broaden the framework of scherzo. Chopin's ballade, the piano ballade in g minor, for example, color of grief is very strong, start from the beginning of the slow rhythm, laying the main tone, and then start the plot of the ups and downs, after began to use the same melody structure and farcicality, plus the soprano, alto voice stimulus to the person, ending in buoyant, intense melody expression of Chopin's patriotism and the love of the people. The theme of the work expresses the sympathy for the motherland and the people. Therefore, music has to show a romantic lyric color on the basis of sadness. It USES the chromatic and reverse playing to make the rhythm more vivid and rich.

Chopin's music works are his feedback on his own life experience and living environment as well as that of others. Chopin is an indelible mark in the history of piano art. His patriotism and romantic style are deeply reflected in the genre, style and playing skills. It is also obvious from these three aspects that Chopin is good at inheritance and development, not deviating from the mainstream but not confined to the mainstream. He has his own innovation and views, as well as his understanding of piano art.

