以这道Assignment题目为例:Nicholas Carr,“Schools Should Beware the E-book Bandwagon.”这篇Assignment主旨是,学校不应该急于淘汰纸质书并且把所有教材都换成电子版的。纸质书有着自己独特的优势,这是电子书所不能取代的。
None of this is to say that e-readers won’t come to play an important role in education. Students already do a great deal of reading and research on computer screens, after all, and there are many things that digital documents can do that printed pages can’t. What the research does tell us is that it’s rash to assume that e-textbooks are a perfect substitute for printed textbooks. The printed page continues to be a remarkably powerful reading tool, and it seems to be particularly well suited to the needs of students.
作者在倡导继续使用纸质书的同时,也表示了自己完全能够理解为什么很多人会想要用改用电子书。在本段中,作者证明了他完全清楚电子书也具有自己独有的优势。他对于纸质书的支持,并不是建立在“电子书一无是处”这个基础上。对于作者而言,电子书的优势不言而喻,但是不能因此就鲁莽地否定了纸质书的存在价值。这样的论证逻辑,充分证明了作者本人的辩证思维能力(critical thinking ability);而那些站在反方的读者,看到作者对于电子书的认可,想必也会对于纸质书独有的优势进行更加深刻的思考。
2、Counterargument 抗辩
1. These draconian new rules have not been promulgated casually. Ashe believes that virtually ending all trade in African ivory in the United States — thus sending a message that ivory is valueless — is the best way to protect African elephants from the ravishes of poachers.
2. But that’s unrealistic and unproven. Today’s poaching problem has its roots in East Asia, where there is still a strong demand for and an active trade in new ivory objects. Demonizing older ivory objects to discourage possession of newer versions of similar items will not bring back the mammoths or save modern elephants from the economic forces that drive poachers.
3、Contrast 对比
1. Those lucky enough to live in those towns, or those who own computers, or have high-speed Internet service and on-call technical assistance, will not notice the effects of a diminished public library system—not at first. Whizzes who can whittle down 15 million hits on a Google search to find the useful and accurate bits of info, and those able to buy any book or article or film they want, will escape the immediate consequences of these cuts.
2. Those in cities that haven’t preserved their libraries, those less fortunate and baffled by technology, and our children will be the first to suffer. But sooner or later, we’ll all feel the loss as one of the most effective levelers of privilege and avenues of reinvention—one of the great engines of democracy—begins to disappear.
以这道Assignment题目为例:Nicholas Carr,“Schools Should Beware the E-book Bandwagon.”这篇Assignment主旨是,学校不应该急于淘汰纸质书并且把所有教材都换成电子版的。纸质书有着自己独特的优势,这是电子书所不能取代的。
None of this is to say that e-readers won’t come to play an important role in education. Students already do a great deal of reading and research on computer screens, after all, and there are many things that digital documents can do that printed pages can’t. What the research does tell us is that it’s rash to assume that e-textbooks are a perfect substitute for printed textbooks. The printed page continues to be a remarkably powerful reading tool, and it seems to be particularly well suited to the needs of students.
作者在倡导继续使用纸质书的同时,也表示了自己完全能够理解为什么很多人会想要用改用电子书。在本段中,作者证明了他完全清楚电子书也具有自己独有的优势。他对于纸质书的支持,并不是建立在“电子书一无是处”这个基础上。对于作者而言,电子书的优势不言而喻,但是不能因此就鲁莽地否定了纸质书的存在价值。这样的论证逻辑,充分证明了作者本人的辩证思维能力(critical thinking ability);而那些站在反方的读者,看到作者对于电子书的认可,想必也会对于纸质书独有的优势进行更加深刻的思考。
2、Counterargument 抗辩
1. These draconian new rules have not been promulgated casually. Ashe believes that virtually ending all trade in African ivory in the United States — thus sending a message that ivory is valueless — is the best way to protect African elephants from the ravishes of poachers.
2. But that’s unrealistic and unproven. Today’s poaching problem has its roots in East Asia, where there is still a strong demand for and an active trade in new ivory objects. Demonizing older ivory objects to discourage possession of newer versions of similar items will not bring back the mammoths or save modern elephants from the economic forces that drive poachers.
3、Contrast 对比
1. Those lucky enough to live in those towns, or those who own computers, or have high-speed Internet service and on-call technical assistance, will not notice the effects of a diminished public library system—not at first. Whizzes who can whittle down 15 million hits on a Google search to find the useful and accurate bits of info, and those able to buy any book or article or film they want, will escape the immediate consequences of these cuts.
2. Those in cities that haven’t preserved their libraries, those less fortunate and baffled by technology, and our children will be the first to suffer. But sooner or later, we’ll all feel the loss as one of the most effective levelers of privilege and avenues of reinvention—one of the great engines of democracy—begins to disappear.