2022年11月12日 10:59
2022年11月11日(金) by: イーサン・ハフ
(Natural News)コビド「ワクチン」と呼んでいる小瓶の中に本当は何が入っているのかに興味を持ったブリスベン(オーストラリア)のデビッド・ニクソンという名の医師がサンプルを集め、「完全接種」患者の血液と一緒に顕微鏡で見たところ、酸化グラフェンやその他の気になる成分が存在していることが明らかになった。
"これらは、自ら組み立てたり分解したりするので、CDCの言葉で言うところの「製造品」ではないが、結晶の形成は電磁波によって刺激されるようで、ワクチンの入ったスライドがファラデーバッグで遮蔽されると停止する "と、同誌はさらに報告している。
"ニクソンの発見は、ニュージーランド、ドイツ、スペイン、韓国のチームの発見と類似しています。" (関連記事:英国の科学者もコビド注射瓶の中に酸化グラフェンの存在を確認)
コビット接種の血液の94%以上に "変形した "細胞と "発光する異物 "が含まれていた
その結果、94パーセントの血液サンプルに "異常値"があることが判明した。その中には、変形した赤血球、血球数の減少、"フィブリンのクラスターも引き寄せる発光性異物"の周りの固まりなどが含まれていたのです。
Aussie physician analyzes contents of covid jabs, finds graphene oxide and self-assembling nanocircuits
Friday, November 11, 2022 by: Ethan Huff
(Natural News) Curious about what is really contained inside those vials they are calling covid “vaccines,” a Brisbane-based (Australia) doctor by the name of David Nixon collected samples and looked at them under a microscope alongside the blood of “fully vaccinated” patients, revealing the presence of graphene oxide and other disturbing ingredients.
While the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) claims that all Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) jabs are free from “metals, such as iron, nickel, cobalt, lithium, and rare earth alloys’ and ‘manufactured products such as micro-electronics, electrodes, carbon nanotubes, and nanowire semiconductors,” the fact of the matter is that this is simply not true.
Time-lapse photography captured by Nixon revealed not only the presence of graphene oxide but also what appeared to be “mechanical arms assembling and disassembling glowing rectangular structures that look like circuitry and micro chips,” to quote Spectator.
“These are not ‘manufactured products’ in the CDC’s words because they construct and deconstruct themselves but the formation of the crystals seems to be stimulated by electromagnetic radiation and stops when the slide with the vaccine is shielded by a Faraday bag,” the magazine further reported.
“Nixon’s findings are similar to those of teams in New Zealand, Germany, Spain and South Korea.” (Related: British scientists also confirmed the presence of graphene oxide in covid injection vials.)
More than 94 percent of covid-vaccinated blood contains “deformed” cells and “luminescent foreign objects”
Another similar study was conducted by an Italian group led by Riccardo Benzi Cipelli, who looked at blood samples collected from more than 1,000 people who had gotten injected for the Chinese Flu about a month prior.
All of the patients in question were referred for analysis because they reported some degree of side effects post-injection. Cipelli and his team hoped to figure out what had happened to these people’s bodies by taking a closer look at the state of their blood.
The blood samples came from patients ranging in age from 15 to 85, all of whom received between one and three doses of Fauci Flu shot.
It was discovered that a shocking 94 percent of the samples showed “abnormal readings.” This included deformed red blood cells, reduced blood cell counts, and clumping around “luminescent foreign objects which also attracted clusters of fibrin.”
“Some of the foreign objects dotted the blood like a starry night, some self-assembled into crystalline structures and others into spindly branches and tubes,” Spectator further reported.
It is believed by the scientists involved that the metallic particles they observed resemble “graphene oxide and possibly other metallic compounds.” These are certainly things that you would not want to find floating around in your blood after taking an alleged “medicine.”
“They believe the damaged blood is contributing to post-vaccine coagulation disorders, which in turn contribute to increased malignancies, while graphene-family materials are associated with oxidative stress, DNA damage, inflammation and damage to those parts of the immune system that suppress tumours,” reports further explain.
Then we have the messenger RNA (mRNA) component of the shots, which was designed to be “cloaked” from the recipient’s immune system. This cloaking ability is believed to reduce the immune functionality of the fully jabbed, a phenomenon also known as vaccine-indued AIDS or VAIDS.
When left at room temperature, mRNA vaccines were further found to spontaneously form chips and circuitry. These foreign objects were also identified in the blood samples collected from the fully jabbed.
“The situation is all the more alarming because there should be fewer deaths now, since so many people died earlier in the pandemic,” Spectator reports. “There has also been a dramatic rise in people with disabilities.”
Want to learn more about the dangers and ineffectiveness of vaccines? Be sure to check out
Sources for this article include:
2022年11月12日 10:59
2022年11月11日(金) by: イーサン・ハフ
(Natural News)コビド「ワクチン」と呼んでいる小瓶の中に本当は何が入っているのかに興味を持ったブリスベン(オーストラリア)のデビッド・ニクソンという名の医師がサンプルを集め、「完全接種」患者の血液と一緒に顕微鏡で見たところ、酸化グラフェンやその他の気になる成分が存在していることが明らかになった。
"これらは、自ら組み立てたり分解したりするので、CDCの言葉で言うところの「製造品」ではないが、結晶の形成は電磁波によって刺激されるようで、ワクチンの入ったスライドがファラデーバッグで遮蔽されると停止する "と、同誌はさらに報告している。
"ニクソンの発見は、ニュージーランド、ドイツ、スペイン、韓国のチームの発見と類似しています。" (関連記事:英国の科学者もコビド注射瓶の中に酸化グラフェンの存在を確認)
コビット接種の血液の94%以上に "変形した "細胞と "発光する異物 "が含まれていた
その結果、94パーセントの血液サンプルに "異常値"があることが判明した。その中には、変形した赤血球、血球数の減少、"フィブリンのクラスターも引き寄せる発光性異物"の周りの固まりなどが含まれていたのです。
Aussie physician analyzes contents of covid jabs, finds graphene oxide and self-assembling nanocircuits
Friday, November 11, 2022 by: Ethan Huff
(Natural News) Curious about what is really contained inside those vials they are calling covid “vaccines,” a Brisbane-based (Australia) doctor by the name of David Nixon collected samples and looked at them under a microscope alongside the blood of “fully vaccinated” patients, revealing the presence of graphene oxide and other disturbing ingredients.
While the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) claims that all Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) jabs are free from “metals, such as iron, nickel, cobalt, lithium, and rare earth alloys’ and ‘manufactured products such as micro-electronics, electrodes, carbon nanotubes, and nanowire semiconductors,” the fact of the matter is that this is simply not true.
Time-lapse photography captured by Nixon revealed not only the presence of graphene oxide but also what appeared to be “mechanical arms assembling and disassembling glowing rectangular structures that look like circuitry and micro chips,” to quote Spectator.
“These are not ‘manufactured products’ in the CDC’s words because they construct and deconstruct themselves but the formation of the crystals seems to be stimulated by electromagnetic radiation and stops when the slide with the vaccine is shielded by a Faraday bag,” the magazine further reported.
“Nixon’s findings are similar to those of teams in New Zealand, Germany, Spain and South Korea.” (Related: British scientists also confirmed the presence of graphene oxide in covid injection vials.)
More than 94 percent of covid-vaccinated blood contains “deformed” cells and “luminescent foreign objects”
Another similar study was conducted by an Italian group led by Riccardo Benzi Cipelli, who looked at blood samples collected from more than 1,000 people who had gotten injected for the Chinese Flu about a month prior.
All of the patients in question were referred for analysis because they reported some degree of side effects post-injection. Cipelli and his team hoped to figure out what had happened to these people’s bodies by taking a closer look at the state of their blood.
The blood samples came from patients ranging in age from 15 to 85, all of whom received between one and three doses of Fauci Flu shot.
It was discovered that a shocking 94 percent of the samples showed “abnormal readings.” This included deformed red blood cells, reduced blood cell counts, and clumping around “luminescent foreign objects which also attracted clusters of fibrin.”
“Some of the foreign objects dotted the blood like a starry night, some self-assembled into crystalline structures and others into spindly branches and tubes,” Spectator further reported.
It is believed by the scientists involved that the metallic particles they observed resemble “graphene oxide and possibly other metallic compounds.” These are certainly things that you would not want to find floating around in your blood after taking an alleged “medicine.”
“They believe the damaged blood is contributing to post-vaccine coagulation disorders, which in turn contribute to increased malignancies, while graphene-family materials are associated with oxidative stress, DNA damage, inflammation and damage to those parts of the immune system that suppress tumours,” reports further explain.
Then we have the messenger RNA (mRNA) component of the shots, which was designed to be “cloaked” from the recipient’s immune system. This cloaking ability is believed to reduce the immune functionality of the fully jabbed, a phenomenon also known as vaccine-indued AIDS or VAIDS.
When left at room temperature, mRNA vaccines were further found to spontaneously form chips and circuitry. These foreign objects were also identified in the blood samples collected from the fully jabbed.
“The situation is all the more alarming because there should be fewer deaths now, since so many people died earlier in the pandemic,” Spectator reports. “There has also been a dramatic rise in people with disabilities.”
Want to learn more about the dangers and ineffectiveness of vaccines? Be sure to check out
Sources for this article include: