・With all respect, I think President Moon has it backwards: Declaring an end to the Korea War is not the key to achieving denuclearization and the establishment of a permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula. Achieving the denuclearization of North Korea and establishing a viable peace are the necessary conditions for permanently ending the Korean War.
・The United States cannot simply "declare" that the Korean War has ended.
・ It is impossible for me to believe that the United States would be prepared to conclude such a "peace" while North Korea remains a de facto nuclear weapons state, threatening not only the ROK, but also the East Asia region and the United States itself.
ジョージ・W・ブッシュ(Jorge W Bush)政権時代にNSC(アメリカ国家安全保障会議)のアジア上級部長を務めたCSIS(戦略国際問題研究所)のM・グリーン(Michael Green)副理事長は「終戦宣言は国連司令部、米韓連合司令部、さらには米韓合同演習をやめさせようとする中国、ロシア、北朝鮮の主張に根拠を与える」とはっきり指摘しました。
・Declaring and end to the Korean War would not pave the way for complete denuclearization. It would only give China, Russia and North Korea an excuse to argue for dismantlement of the UN Command, the Combined Forces Command and US-ROK exercises –all of which are critical for deterrence.
鈴置:「ちょろい米国人」ばかりではありません。9月24日、アジア安保の専門家、G・ニューシャム(Grant Newsham)退役海兵隊大佐が『Center for Security Policy』に「Fraud in South Korea’s April 2020 Elections」という論文を書きました。
・A further objective of this consolidation of power, so the theory goes, is to unify South Korea with North Korea, and to align South Korea (and a unified Korea) with the People’s Republic of China – with whom there is seen a ‘common destiny.’
・Although unstated, since a majority of South Koreans currently oppose the idea – as well as the idea of unifying with the North – the ultimate aim of Moon and associates is to delink South Korea from the United States and remove U.S. forces from the Korean peninsula.
・A video exists of an ECM counting ballots. Blank ballots are being counted as Democratic Party votes and ballots with United Future Party votes are being counted as votes for the DP.