— マッカーサーJr (@realmaccarsarjr) January 20, 2021
つまり、金のフリンジ旗は海事法を象徴しています pic.twitter.com/DwPhbvDTMM
Traditionally, the flag may be decorated with golden fringe surrounding the perimeter of the flag as long as it does not deface the flag proper. Ceremonial displays of the flag, such as those in parades or on indoor posts, often use fringe to enhance the appearance of the flag. Traditionally, the Army and Air Force use a fringed flag for parade, color guard and indoor display, while the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard use a fringeless flag for all occasions.The first recorded use of fringe on a flag dates from 1835, and the Army used it officially in 1895. No specific law governs the legality of fringe, but a 1925 opinion of the attorney general addresses the use of fringe (and the number of stars) "... is at the discretion of the Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy ..." as quoted from footnote in previous volumes of Title 4 of the United States Code law books. This opinion is a source for claims that a flag with fringe is a military ensign rather than civilian. However, according to the Army Institute of Heraldry, which has official custody of the flag designs and makes any change ordered, there are no implications of symbolism in the use of fringe.[93]Individuals associated with the sovereign citizen movement and tax protester conspiracy arguments have claimed, based on the military usage, that the presence of a fringed flag in a civilian courtroom changes the nature or jurisdiction of the court.[94][95] Federal and state courts have rejected this contention
高須先生、そもそもバイデンは自宅の地下室にこもりっきりで、ほとんど大統領選挙運動をしてません。だから人気なんかある訳ありません。じゃなんで当選したかって?先生、それは新政権の絶対的タブーなんです。間違って「選挙不正が」と口走ったら、逮捕されますよ(嘘)。 https://t.co/pkZampTVxw
— 加藤清隆(文化人放送局MC) (@jda1BekUDve1ccx) January 20, 2021
すぐ削除要請がくるなぁ~~ pic.twitter.com/qpYoe08oxX
— しゃらく(保澄洒楽) (@tc5GHs9SXM7ndfC) January 20, 2021
— BBC News Japan (@bbcnewsjapan) January 20, 2021
現職大統領が新大統領の就任式に欠席するのは、1869年以来です https://t.co/bVYqySXTXE