日々の英語学習 その2

2007-11-02 | 自然科学
Moreover, many of the traits affected by genes are far from noble.
Psychologists have discovered that our personalities differ in five major ways: we are to varying degrees introverted or extroverted, neurotic or stable, incurious or open to experience, agreeable or antagonistic, and
conscientious or undirected.
Most of the 18,000 adjectives for personality traits in an unabridged dictionary can be tied to one of these five differences, including such sins and flaws as being aimless, careless, conforming, impatient, narrow,
rude, selfpitying, selfish, suspicious, uncooperative, and undependable.
All five of the major personality dimensions are heritable, with perhaps 40 to 50 percent of the variation in a typical population tied to differences in their genes.
The unfortunate wretch who is introverted, neurotic, narrow, selfish, and undependable is probably that way in part because of his genes, and so, most likely, are the rest of us have tendencies in any of those directions
as comapared with our fellows.

It's not just unpleasant temperaments that are partly heritable, but actual behavior with real consequences.
Study after study has shown that a willingness to commit antisocial acts,
including lying, stealing, starting fights, and destroying property, is
partly heritable ( though like all heritable traits it is exercised more
in some environments than in others).
People who commit truly heinous acts, such as bilking elderly people out of their life savings, raping a succession of women, or shooting convenience store clerks lying on the floor during a robbery, are often
diagnosed with "psychopathy" or "antisocial personality disorder".
Most psychopaths showed signs of malice from the time they were children.
They bullied smaller children, tortured animals, lied habitually. and were incapable of empathy or remorese, often despite normal family backgrounds and the best efforts of their distraught parents. Most experts on psychopathy believe that it comes from a genetic predisposition, though in some cases it may come from early brain damage.
In either case genetics and neuroscience are showing that a heart of darkness cannot always be blamed on parents or society.





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