


2005年07月28日 19時37分53秒 | 時事放談: 中国編

巻末に原文を掲載していますが、Financial Times紙のインタビューによれば、OECDのドナルド・ジョンストン事務総長が、中国をOECD加盟国にする障害は何もなく、むしろ参加してもらいたいとはっきりと述べています。



Mr Johnston dismissed concerns about human rights and the lack of democracy in China as a reason to for block it. “We are an economic organisation which has to deal with economic issues,” he said.



ともあれ、このOECD参加に当たる徹底した調査(“public peer review and scrutiny”)によって、いまも大部分が不透明な中国の本当の経済力を知ることができるようになるはずです。参加そのものよりも、中国の実力を丸裸にすることの方が重要かもしれません。


なお、英語と経済・経営を学ぶ皆さん、Financial Timesだから難しいのではないかと思い込むのは、偏見です。こんなにやさしくて重要な記事もあります。チェックの対象にしてくださいね。原文にもチャレンジしてください。どうぞ!


We should admit China to the OECD, head says

By Chris Giles and John Thornhill in Paris
Published: July 25 2005 21:25 | Last updated: July 25 2005 21:25

China should be admitted as a member of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, according to Donald Johnston, the outgoing secretary-general of the organisation.

In an interview with the Financial Times, Mr Johnston said membership other leading economies should be reserved for China and other big emerging economies if the world is to have an effective body “shaping the global economy”.

“China is the biggest steel producer in the world and has a major impact on international commodity markets.”

Responding to concern at the lack of an effective forum to address global financial imbalances, he said the OECD was the natural candidate, given its permanent staff and expertise in macro and microeconomic issues.

Moves to admit more countries have been blocked by members of the organisation, known for its bureaucracy, where decisions have to be reached by consensus.

“We have been stymied for years in our efforts to try and expand our contacts, our engagement and certainly the membership . . . I don’t see how one of the agents shaping the global economy can do that without engaging the major players.”

Describing the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development as being “in crisis” raises the hackles of Donald Johnston, its outgoing secretary-general.

Mr Johnston dismissed concerns about human rights and the lack of democracy in China as a reason to for block it. “We are an economic organisation which has to deal with economic issues,” he said.

“We had dictatorships in the OECD in Portugal and Spain and had to deal with the colonels in Greece . . . You cannot exclude a country that could become the biggest economy in the world.”

The willingness of China to play an ever greater part in the global economy is highlighted by its invitation to the OECD to undertake a survey of its economy and to subject its policies to public peer review and scrutiny.

The OECD’s first China survey will be released in mid-September.

In the past, participation in OECD country studies has served as a first step to membership of the Paris-based body. But even if China does not join, the forthcoming economic survey is a positive indicator of China’s progress integrating with the global economy.

John Llewellyn, chief economist at Lehman Brothers and a former senior official at the OECD, said: “Having peer scrutiny means that there is less likelihood of making mistakes, but it also means that if something does go wrong, the other [countries] are more willing to help you.”

Additional reporting by Gillian Tett in London
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