自民党圧勝で浮かれる日本の裏側で、New York Timesが現地時間9月11日付で日本と中国との関係は1930年代のような危機的状況に陥っているという記事を載せていました。
Japan's Rivalry With China Is Stirring a Crowded Sea
やはりリベラル派というか左派のNew York Timesです。「日本と中国との敵対関係が、混雑した海を掻き乱している」という見出しにも、どこか中国側に配慮したようなものになっています。
中国側の一方的な開発がいまの日中間の軋轢を呼び込んでいるのは、日本人ならば当然の事実。しかも海が「混雑」してしまっているのも中国の軍艦や潜水艦がどこの国の領海も無視して動き回っているからに他なりません。にもかかわらず、New York Timesは、あたかももともと日本が中国を敵視していたかのような見出しをこの記事に与えているのです。
そして一番悲しいことは、こうした中国寄りの報道をNew York Timesが繰り返していることを大半の日本人が知らないということであります。
まず、New York Timesは今回の中国の軍事行動を偶発的なものではなく、日本の総選挙を睨んで圧力をかけようとしたものだと指摘します。
Although the fleet's mission was unclear, its timing suggested that it was no coincidence. The warships appeared two days before a general election in Japan, whose results could greatly influence relations between Asia's two great powers, and weeks before China is scheduled to start producing gas in the area, against strong Japanese protests.
Both Japan and China are determined to wield a strong hand in the oil-rich seas and strategic shipping lanes that lie between them.
"It is like the 1930's again, when the central Pacific became a vital concern to both the United States and Japan, whose navy was expanding," said Adm. Lang Ning-li, who until his recent retirement was Taiwan's director of naval intelligence. "That means there could be conflict between China and Japan, which both see these seas as vital, and can't share this space."
The Bush administration, more suspicious of China than its predecessor, has pushed Japan to take a more assertive stance. It has called for closer ties between the countries' militaries and defense industries and has encouraged conservative Japanese politicians who have long wanted to change the Self-Defense Forces into a full-fledged military and revise the Constitution.
まずNew York Timesは、これまでの中国の台湾対応を実に「注意深い」ものだったとみなします。それもこれも軍事的にアメリカ政府と対抗できるようにするためだというわけです。
China's leaders have always felt the need to tread carefully in challenging Washington over its security commitments to Taiwan, preferring to bide their time as the economy grows and the military, particularly its air force and navy, develop into world-class fighting forces. Already, by some estimates, the country has deployed 40 to 60 submarines in the East China Sea, and China is rapidly modernizing this force, acquiring quieter models from Russia and developing increasingly sophisticated nuclear submarines of its own.
さらに、中国は、膨大な軍事力を背景に、日本に対して台湾問題に関して首を突っ込むなと脅しをかけ続けています。New York Timesもさすがにそのことは正しく伝えています。
But lately, China has shown no such patience with Japan and has moved swiftly to warn its neighbor in unusually blunt terms that any interference with Beijing's designs over Taiwan will be dealt with forcefully. "I would like to say calmly to Japan, the Taiwan issue is a domestic affair and a matter of life or death to us," China's foreign minister, Li Zhaoxing, told his Japanese counterpart recently. "It is dangerous to touch China's matter of life or death."
Indeed, a potentially explosive tussle is already being played out over large natural gas reserves and potentially important oil reserves beneath the East China Sea. The two rivals disagree over how to draw the maritime dividing line between them in those waters. China has offered to jointly exploit the energy resources in the area, but Japan has refused. Tokyo, meanwhile, has asked China to share seismic data and other information, and more recently has unsuccessfully urged Beijing to freeze its plans to begin pumping gas.
どうしてNew York Timesは「中国の天然ガス開発とは日本の排他的経済水域の中から天然ガスを掠め取るものである」と書いてくれないのでしょう。太字のところを見れば分かるように、あたかも中国側が一歩下がって好意的に日本に対して共同開発を呼びかけているように見えます。そんな甘いものでは全くないのに!
ともあれ、ブッシュ政権を痛烈に批判し続ける同紙の場合、その政権と蜜月状態にある小泉・日本は、擁護の対象ではありません。むしろ嘲笑の対象であるかのような論評も少なくないのが同紙の特徴です(9月13日付け New York Times社説参照)。それゆえ、以前このブログでも紹介したように(「中華思想にNew York Timesもやられる?」)、結果的に中国寄りの立場を取る記事が多くなるのです。
Japan's Rivalry With China Is Stirring a Crowded Sea
やはりリベラル派というか左派のNew York Timesです。「日本と中国との敵対関係が、混雑した海を掻き乱している」という見出しにも、どこか中国側に配慮したようなものになっています。
中国側の一方的な開発がいまの日中間の軋轢を呼び込んでいるのは、日本人ならば当然の事実。しかも海が「混雑」してしまっているのも中国の軍艦や潜水艦がどこの国の領海も無視して動き回っているからに他なりません。にもかかわらず、New York Timesは、あたかももともと日本が中国を敵視していたかのような見出しをこの記事に与えているのです。
そして一番悲しいことは、こうした中国寄りの報道をNew York Timesが繰り返していることを大半の日本人が知らないということであります。
まず、New York Timesは今回の中国の軍事行動を偶発的なものではなく、日本の総選挙を睨んで圧力をかけようとしたものだと指摘します。
Although the fleet's mission was unclear, its timing suggested that it was no coincidence. The warships appeared two days before a general election in Japan, whose results could greatly influence relations between Asia's two great powers, and weeks before China is scheduled to start producing gas in the area, against strong Japanese protests.
Both Japan and China are determined to wield a strong hand in the oil-rich seas and strategic shipping lanes that lie between them.
"It is like the 1930's again, when the central Pacific became a vital concern to both the United States and Japan, whose navy was expanding," said Adm. Lang Ning-li, who until his recent retirement was Taiwan's director of naval intelligence. "That means there could be conflict between China and Japan, which both see these seas as vital, and can't share this space."
The Bush administration, more suspicious of China than its predecessor, has pushed Japan to take a more assertive stance. It has called for closer ties between the countries' militaries and defense industries and has encouraged conservative Japanese politicians who have long wanted to change the Self-Defense Forces into a full-fledged military and revise the Constitution.
まずNew York Timesは、これまでの中国の台湾対応を実に「注意深い」ものだったとみなします。それもこれも軍事的にアメリカ政府と対抗できるようにするためだというわけです。
China's leaders have always felt the need to tread carefully in challenging Washington over its security commitments to Taiwan, preferring to bide their time as the economy grows and the military, particularly its air force and navy, develop into world-class fighting forces. Already, by some estimates, the country has deployed 40 to 60 submarines in the East China Sea, and China is rapidly modernizing this force, acquiring quieter models from Russia and developing increasingly sophisticated nuclear submarines of its own.
さらに、中国は、膨大な軍事力を背景に、日本に対して台湾問題に関して首を突っ込むなと脅しをかけ続けています。New York Timesもさすがにそのことは正しく伝えています。
But lately, China has shown no such patience with Japan and has moved swiftly to warn its neighbor in unusually blunt terms that any interference with Beijing's designs over Taiwan will be dealt with forcefully. "I would like to say calmly to Japan, the Taiwan issue is a domestic affair and a matter of life or death to us," China's foreign minister, Li Zhaoxing, told his Japanese counterpart recently. "It is dangerous to touch China's matter of life or death."
Indeed, a potentially explosive tussle is already being played out over large natural gas reserves and potentially important oil reserves beneath the East China Sea. The two rivals disagree over how to draw the maritime dividing line between them in those waters. China has offered to jointly exploit the energy resources in the area, but Japan has refused. Tokyo, meanwhile, has asked China to share seismic data and other information, and more recently has unsuccessfully urged Beijing to freeze its plans to begin pumping gas.
どうしてNew York Timesは「中国の天然ガス開発とは日本の排他的経済水域の中から天然ガスを掠め取るものである」と書いてくれないのでしょう。太字のところを見れば分かるように、あたかも中国側が一歩下がって好意的に日本に対して共同開発を呼びかけているように見えます。そんな甘いものでは全くないのに!
ともあれ、ブッシュ政権を痛烈に批判し続ける同紙の場合、その政権と蜜月状態にある小泉・日本は、擁護の対象ではありません。むしろ嘲笑の対象であるかのような論評も少なくないのが同紙の特徴です(9月13日付け New York Times社説参照)。それゆえ、以前このブログでも紹介したように(「中華思想にNew York Timesもやられる?」)、結果的に中国寄りの立場を取る記事が多くなるのです。