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第75回トニー賞で4部門を受賞! マイケル・ジャクソンの半生を描いたブロードウェイ・ミュージカル『MJ the Musical』のオリジナルキャストによるサウンドトラック盤。「今夜はビート・イット」 「ビリー・ジーン」「スリラー」等、大ヒット曲満載!
NYブロードウェイのニール・サイモン劇場で絶賛上演中のミュージカル『MJ the Musical』。マイケル・ジャクソンの半生を描き、数々のヒット曲に彩られたこのミュージカルは、2022年2月1日の上演スタート以降、批評家及びオーディエンスより絶賛を浴び、6月12日に行われたトニー賞では見事4部門を受賞した。本作『MJ the Musical - Original Broadway Cast Recording』は、劇中で使用される「今夜はビート・イット」 「ビリー・ジーン」「スリラー」他、マイケル・ジャクソンの大ヒット曲をオリジナルキャストによる歌唱で収録。マイケル・ファン必携の1枚となっている。収録内容1. Beat It - Lead Vocals: Myles Frost; Additional Vocals: John Edwards, Ayana George, Apollo Levine, Tavon Olds-Sample, Lamont Walker II
2. Jackson 5 Medley (The Love You Save / I Want You Back / ABC) - Lead Vocals: Chris-tian Wilson, Devin Trey Campbell, John Edwards, Apollo Levine, Lamont Walker II
3. I'll Be There - Lead Vocals: Ayana George, Christian Wilson, Myles Frost
4. Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough / Blame It On The Boogie / Dancing Machine - Lead Vocals: Myles Frost, Tavon Olds-Sample; Additional Vocals: Original Broadway Cast
5. Stranger In Moscow - Lead Vocals: Myles Frost; Additional Vocals: John Edwards, Aya-na George, Apollo Levine, Tavon Olds-Sample, Lamont Walker II
6. You Can't Win - Lead Vocals: Antoine L. Smith, Tavon Olds-Sample; Additional Vocals: Original Broadway Cast
7. I Can't Help It - Lead Vocals: Tavon Olds-Sample; Additional Vocals: Myles Frost
8. Keep The Faith - Lead Vocals: Apollo Levine, Tavon Olds-Sample; Additional Vocals: John Edwards, Ayana George, Lamont Walker II
9. Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' - Lead Vocals: Tavon Olds-Sample, Myles Frost; Additional Vocals: Original Broadway Cast
10. Earth Song / They Don't Care About Us - Lead Vocals: Myles Frost; Additional Vocals: Original Broadway Cast
11. Billie Jean - Lead Vocals: Myles Frost; Additional Vocals: John Edwards, Ayana George, Apollo Levine, Tavon Olds-Sample, Lamont Walker II
12. Smooth Criminal - Lead Vocals: Myles Frost; Additional Vocals: John Edwards, Ayana George, Apollo Levine, Tavon Olds-Sample, Lamont Walker II
13. Victory Tour (For The Love Of Money / Can You Feel It) - Lead Vocals: Quentin Earl Darrington, Tavon Olds-Sample; Additional Vocals: Raymond Baynard, John Edwards, Ayana George, Apollo Levine, Lamont Walker II, Zelig Williams
14. Keep The Faith (Reprise) - Lead Vocals: Myles Frost, Quentin Earl Darrington; Addi-tional Vocals: Original Broadway Cast
15. She's Out Of My Life - Lead Vocals: Myles Frost, Tavon Olds-Sample
16. Human Nature - Lead Vocals: Myles Frost, Whitney Bashor; Additional Vocals: Original Broadway Cast
17. Bad / 2 Bad - Lead Vocals: Myles Frost; Additional Vocals: Original Broadway Cast
18. Thriller - Lead Vocals: Myles Frost, Christian Wilson, Quentin Earl Darrington; Addi-tional Vocals: John Edwards, Ayana George, Apollo Levine, Tavon Olds-Sample, Lamont Walker II
19. Man In The Mirror - Lead Vocals: Original Broadway Cast
20. Finale (Jam / Black Or White / Wanna Be Startin' Somethin') - Lead Vocals: Original Broadway Cast