

2014年01月14日 - 易学入門2

2014年01月14日 22時50分14秒 | poetry

Yijing Apprentice 2. New Spiritual Friends

"You may think Trigrams as a big family", master said,

"Think this way, and you may feel them alongside."
"But they have no blood relationship, master", I replied.
"Human have no-blood-connected family as well", master said.

"Well, lets me introduce them", master smiled,
Showing me eight spirits of Trigram.
It was the first time I saw spirits of Trigram.
They were small, and their mood were really mild.

"Hello, there", I talked to them.
"Hi, young girl", they replied cheerfully.
"I'm Stella, a student of Luna" , I said.

"Are you my teachers, too?", I asked to them.
"No, but nice to be friends.", they answered delightfully.
"Stella, you'll enjoy with new friends.", master said.
