

2016年01月04日 - 英語詩練習 - Discrimination

2016年01月04日 18時37分55秒 | poetry

When I was little,
  I've been suffered discrimination.

At starting point,
  I couldn't be notice the situation.

Only difference between I and others
  was that I was new commer.

I was not a native there,
   I was a stranger.

I've learned about human,
  that wasn't believable creature.

Every time I tasted pain,
  I felt their poor and miserable nature.

Lots of sadness
  came into my heart.

My damage was so severe,
  that I couldn't restart.

There was nothing
  to be helpful, around.

This was the true nature
  of human being, I've found.

People always hate others,
  who are different from them.

People never accept others,
  that did not benefit them.

...Enough !!

I can't continue
  being suffered terribly from them any more.

I can't continue
  being nervous for their sake never more.

I thought
  I could depend nothing on them at all.

I decided
  standing on my own foot and withdrew them all.

No expect to others,
  no discourages from them.

No reliance on others,
  no betrayal by them.

I've learned
  keeping safe distance from others all time.

And I've learned
  to avoid troubles by those evils at anytime.

I could start
  living peacefully in this way.

I thought
  I would be going on this way.

And once I've been freed
from evil curse of people barely,

I've found the fact
  they also hurt each other poorly.

I was disgusted but never thought,
  it's my turn to negrect them.

Because, doing this way,
  means I was the same with them.

I threw myself
  into loneliness with silence.

Neither as a victim nor as an assaulter,
  concern with them was out of my patience.

But after long time passed...

I could find a person,
  who can kindly accept me.

We could understand each other
  and this could change me.

Whether it was good or bad,
  everything was acceptable.

Finally I knew warm heart of human
  that let me think people a bit approvable.
