冬至にて、太陽系時空間地図 地球暦 2019(日本語版・英語版)をリリースいたしました。
梱包内容 Included Items
An A1 size poster is folded in four, set in a paper case, and delivered to you.
説明書 Instruction book
地球暦の世界観や見方などが分かるブックレット 〈16p〉
Booklet to learn more about HELIO COMPASS and how to use it (16 pages)
二十四節気と朔弦望 (2枚組) The 24 Seasonal Divisions /Phases of the Moon
The idea of the 24 seasonal divisions was originally invented in ancient China and played an important role in recognizing seasonal changes. In this sheet, all the dates of the 24 seasonal divisions from March 21, 2019 to March 19, 2020 are listed.
The lunar cycle in these four phases: new moon, first quarter moon, full moon, and last quarter moon, are simply indicated. Put up this sheet on a wall and pay attention to the Moon’s cycle.
惑星会合表 Planetary Alignments
All the planetary alignments taking place in the HELIO COMPASS year 2019-2020 (from March 21, 2019 to March 19, 2020) are listed. Experience these celestial events of the solar system every few days.
This HELIO COMPASS RULER is filled with the annual astronomical events in an accordion-fold calendar. This is also handy as a pocket-sized version of the HELIO COMPASS calendar.
太陽系時空間地図 地球暦 マップ HELIO COMPASS
太陽系を1兆分の1(10の12乗)に縮図化した時空間の地図 A1サイズのポスターです。
2019年3月21日 春分からはじまる1太陽年(365日)の地球の動きを、はっきり位置として捉えることができます。
On the HELIO COMPASS, the inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars) are drawn to a scale of 1:1 000 000 000 000. Simply place all the pins (sold separately) which serve as planets on the HELIO COMPASS. The current positions of each planet will become visible.
2019年版スペシャルポストカード は本年度 最大惑星会合となる『土星と冥王星の結び』の Space Flower
地球暦本体にはピンは付属していません。マップピンを地球暦に挿すことで365日の惑星の位置を表示することができます。はじめての方は本体と合わせてお求めください。 The set of planet pins is sold separately. Purchasing the set of pins with HELIO COMPASS would be recommended.
ワークシート 2019 (別売り)
※ピンを打つためのボード(A1サイズ 594×841mm)はハリパネやコルクボードなどをご利用ください。
Use a foam board or a corkboard to display HELIO COMPASS and place the pins on it. (A1 paper size = 594 x 841 mm)
地球暦の使い方についてはオフィシャルサイト MENUより「HOW TO」をご覧ください。
To learn how to use the HELIO COMPASS calendar, go to heliostera.com and see the “HOW TO” page from the menu.