西酒造株式会社 八代目代表取締役:西 陽一郎氏 スペシャルインタビュー
天使の誘惑 720ml | 天使と悪魔のセット【ギフト箱入り】 天使の誘惑/悪魔の抱擁 720ml×2本 | |||||||
¥3,152 | ¥8,200 |
鹿児島県日置市の西酒造 http://nishi-shuzo.co.jp/ は,英国の世界的な酒類品評会「インターナショナル ワイン&スピリッツ コンペティション(IWSC)2015」で,昨年金賞受賞の「天使の誘惑」に続き,芋焼酎「宝山 酒酒楽楽(しゃしゃらくらく)」が,焼酎部門の最高賞である金賞を受賞した。
┗■ IWSC About
※ source:http://www.iwsc.net/about
When the original Club Oenologique was launched in 1969, its founder, the wine chemist Anton Massel, could scarcely have imagined the impact that his initiative would have on today's wine and spirit industry, nor the far-reaching commercial implications for those who find themselves rewarded for their excellence. He had the idea of creating a competition which was based not just on organoleptic judgment, but where all entries also had to undergo chemical analysis.
In 1978 the name of the venture was changed to the International Wine and Spirit Competition and, within a short space of time, the disciplines of the Competition were redefined. A set of technical controls was implemented in order to ensure that the highest quality standards were achieved and maintained year after year.
The original aim of the IWSC was to award excellence to wines and spirits worldwide. This remains the aim today, with the Competition now in its 46th year, encouraging consumer and trade recognition for quality products.
The IWSC receives entries from nearly 90 countries worldwide. No matter where the entry originates, whether it is youthful or aged, it is judged according to its class and treated with respect and consideration.
The Competition has the support of many of the world’s top wine and spirit producers, setting the international benchmark for quality. The unique combination of detailed technical analysis and specialist judging panels means that gaining an IWSC ‘Competition Award’ is an exceptional achievement.
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3,960 円 |