

BBC 米国の観光客が北京で刺されて死亡

2008-08-09 | Weblog
Page last updated at 10:34 GMT, Saturday, 9 August 2008 11:34 UK

US tourist dies in Beijing attack

Police were soon at the scene of the crime

1: A US tourist has been stabbed to death by a Chinese man in central Beijing, officials have said.

2: A second tourist was badly hurt in the attack at the Drum Tower monument. The pair are relatives of a US Olympic volleyball team coach.

3: The assailant then committed suicide by jumping from the 13th Century landmark, officials say. The motive is not known.

4: The BBC's Quentin Somerville says murders, especially targeting foreigners, are very rare in China.

5: The attack happened despite high security across the capital on the first full day of Olympic competition, with more than 150,000 police and other personnel on patrol.

6: Officials named the Chinese man as 47-year-old Tang Yongming, from the eastern town of Hangzhou, but said they had no idea what had motivated his attack or suicide.
警察は、中国人のその男は47才のTang Yongmingで杭州の東部の町の出身だと特定した。しかし、彼の殺人と自殺の動機は分かっていないと言った。

7:* "While at the Drum Tower in central Beijing, the two family members were stabbed during an attack by what local law enforcement authorities have indicated was a lone assailant," the International Olympic Committee said in a statement. Reports say the tourists' guide was also hurt.

8: The attack happened at the popular tourist attraction some three miles (5km) from the main Olympics site, at around midday local time.

9: An estimated 450,000 foreign tourists are expected to be in Beijing for the Games, which opened with a lavish ceremony on Friday evening.

10: The attack happened the day before US President George W Bush - in Beijing to attend the Games - is due to meet Chinese President Hu Jintao.
事件は、開会式に参加するために北京に滞在中の米国のジョージ・W・ブッシュ大統領が中国のHu Jintao主席に会う予定の前の日に起こった。

11: A US embassy spokesman said he was aware of the reports of the attack.

12: "I can tell you that we are working with the family and the Chinese authorities as we speak," Richard Buangan told AFP news agency.

13: US embassy officials have been despatched to the hospital where the two injured attack survivors have been sent.




BBC 北京オリンピックの開会式が始まる

2008-08-09 | Weblog
Page last updated at 12:39 GMT, Friday, 8 August 2008 13:39 UK

The ceremony is attempting to tell the story of China's history

Beijing Olympics ceremony begins

1: The opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics has begun with a spectacular display of dancing, music and fireworks at a packed national stadium.

2: Some 10,000 performers are taking part in the festivities, being watched on TV by an estimated one billion people.

3: The city's main airport has been closed for the ceremony, amid heightened security in the capital.
The build-up to the event has been dominated by worries over pollution and criticism of China's rights record.
北京の空港は首都で高まる治安強化の中でセレモニーの間閉鎖されている。 開会式は大気汚染や中国の人権記録の批判の不安がある中で行なわれている。

4: Earlier, President Hu Jintao said: "The historic moment we have awaited is arriving."
式の前に、Hu Jintao主席は言った:「待ち望んでいた瞬間がやってきました。」

5: The 2008 Olympics have been described as the most politicized Games since the boycott era of the early 1980s.

6: China has faced pressure to improve civil liberties in the run-up.

7: US President George W Bush was among several world leaders to express concern over a crackdown on dissidents.

8: And security remains a major concern, with a number of threats of disruption.

9: On Friday an Air China flight bound for Beijing from Tokyo was forced to turn back after a bomb threat was received.

10: Airline officials said the threat, made by e-mail, was directly related to the Olympics. The plane landed safely in Japan and was being searched.

11: Nevertheless, after a succession of controversial issues in the build-up the focus has now shifted to the opening ceremony.

12: It has taken seven years of planning, and costs are estimated to have hit a record-breaking $40bn (£20bn).

13: Film director Zhang Yimou has been charged with portraying 5,000 years of Chinese history in one show.
It is being staged at China's new national stadium - known as the Bird's Nest because of its steel lattice construction - in front of 90,000 fans.
フィルム製作者のZhang Yimouさんは、ショーの中で5、000年の中国の歴史を描く責任者だ。その歴史は、鳥の巣として知られる中国の新しい国家スタジアムの90,000人の観客の前で表現されている。鳥の巣は鋼鉄製の格子状の骨組みになっている。

14: Jacques Rogge, the head of the International Olympic Committee, who has repeatedly defended the decision to let China host the Olympics, said he hoped the Games would help the world to understand China, and China to understand the world.

15: On the morning of the opening ceremony, a BBC reading suggested Beijing's air quality remained below World Health Organisation (WHO) standards.

16: But Guo Hu, director of the Beijing Meteorological Observatory, is predicting that heavy rain over the weekend will clear the skies, and he warned that hazy conditions should not be confused with high levels of pollution.
しかし、Guo Hu北京気象庁長官は、週末の大雨で空がきれいになるだろうと予報を出している。そして、かすんでいる状態が高いレベルの汚染と混同されてはいけないと注意した。

17: "If the visibility is not good it does not mean the air quality is not good," he said.

18: On Thursday, Mr Rogge said if the pollution was bad, events which lasted more than an hour could be shifted or postponed.

19: But he also praised China's "extraordinary" efforts to cut pollution ahead of the Games, saying there was no danger to athletes' health.

20: As the opening drew near, rights groups and some international leaders continued to keep the pressure on China.

21: Mr Bush told an audience at the US embassy in Beijing on Friday: "We continue to be candid about our belief that all people should have the freedom to say what they think and worship as they choose."

22: Human Rights Watch issued a statement saying foreign journalists continued to face harassment and censorship in China.

23: Beijing continued to face particular criticism over its treatment of anti-Chinese protesters in Tibet.

14: Exiled Tibetans held angry protests in Nepal, with hundreds reported to have been arrested in the capital, Kathmandu.

15: China frequently dismisses criticism over its domestic policies - particularly in Tibet - as interference in its internal affairs.



@:ついにやってきました、北京オリンピック! 開会式の初めからずっとテレビを見ながら、この英訳をしました。 まさかの四川地震まで起こって、大気汚染や人権問題や治安維持など、中国の指導者達は苦しい行程を歩んできたことでしょう。それだけに、この開会式が無事に終わって、ひとまず喜んでいることでしょう。でも、まだまだ、これからが本番です。全ての競技が無事に終わることを祈願するのみです。それにしても、飛行機が東京に戻ったことは知りませんでした。