Page last updated at 10:20 GMT, Wednesday, 27 August 2008 11:20 UK
S Korea accuses refugee of spying

North and South Korea have long had an uneasy relationship
1: A North Korean woman has been arrested in South Korea on suspicion of spying for her communist homeland.
2: Prosecutors say Won Jeong-hwa was trained in espionage before being sent to the South, where she claimed asylum.
3:* She is accused of giving sexual favors to army officers in exchange for military secrets, according to the South Korean news agency Yonhap.
4: Potential refugees from North Korea go through individual screening tests before being allowed into the South.
5: But correspondents say that if Ms Won is found guilty of espionage, it could raise fears among South Koreans that there are other secret agents in their midst.
6: "We are working to expand our investigation to others, as the case showed the North could have sent more spies posing as defectors," an unidentified official told Yonhap.
7: Ms Won, 35, was arrested last month, and is thought to have defected from the North in 2005.
35才のワンさんは先月逮捕された。 2005年11月に脱北したと思われている。
8: She has been accused of collecting photographs and obtaining information about the location of key military installations, to hand over to North Korean agents in China.
9: Ms Won's foster father has also been arrested on suspicion of helping her.
10: Thousands of North Koreans have resettled in South Korea since the end of the Korean War in 1953.
11: The number of defections has grown rapidly in recent years, as people in the North try to flee hunger and repression.
12: Most travel across the border to north-east China, and then - if they are not caught and repatriated by the Chinese authorities - they go on to South-East Asia and from there to South Korea.
13: More than 4,500 people have been exposed as spies for North Korea since the Korean peninsula was divided in 1948, officials at the Defence Security Command told Yonhap.
@:一人でもスパイ容疑者が脱北者の中から出たということは、今までの脱北者にも嫌疑がかけられるのはやむを得ないでしょう。 北朝鮮は核問題でも挑発的行動をとっています。不透明で不気味な国だと思います。 韓国民がこの件で狼狽しないように祈ります。
S Korea accuses refugee of spying

North and South Korea have long had an uneasy relationship
1: A North Korean woman has been arrested in South Korea on suspicion of spying for her communist homeland.
2: Prosecutors say Won Jeong-hwa was trained in espionage before being sent to the South, where she claimed asylum.
3:* She is accused of giving sexual favors to army officers in exchange for military secrets, according to the South Korean news agency Yonhap.
4: Potential refugees from North Korea go through individual screening tests before being allowed into the South.
5: But correspondents say that if Ms Won is found guilty of espionage, it could raise fears among South Koreans that there are other secret agents in their midst.
6: "We are working to expand our investigation to others, as the case showed the North could have sent more spies posing as defectors," an unidentified official told Yonhap.
7: Ms Won, 35, was arrested last month, and is thought to have defected from the North in 2005.
35才のワンさんは先月逮捕された。 2005年11月に脱北したと思われている。
8: She has been accused of collecting photographs and obtaining information about the location of key military installations, to hand over to North Korean agents in China.
9: Ms Won's foster father has also been arrested on suspicion of helping her.
10: Thousands of North Koreans have resettled in South Korea since the end of the Korean War in 1953.
11: The number of defections has grown rapidly in recent years, as people in the North try to flee hunger and repression.
12: Most travel across the border to north-east China, and then - if they are not caught and repatriated by the Chinese authorities - they go on to South-East Asia and from there to South Korea.
13: More than 4,500 people have been exposed as spies for North Korea since the Korean peninsula was divided in 1948, officials at the Defence Security Command told Yonhap.
@:一人でもスパイ容疑者が脱北者の中から出たということは、今までの脱北者にも嫌疑がかけられるのはやむを得ないでしょう。 北朝鮮は核問題でも挑発的行動をとっています。不透明で不気味な国だと思います。 韓国民がこの件で狼狽しないように祈ります。