

キリストにおける勝利 Victory in Christ

2025-01-09 19:37:11 | 日記
1 コリント 15:58 NIV [58] ですから、愛する兄弟姉妹たちよ、しっかり立ってください。何事にも動揺してはなりません。いつも主の御業に全身全霊を捧げなさい。主にあってあなたがたが労苦することはむだにならないことをあなたがたは知っているからです。
1 Corinthians 15:58 NIV [58] Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.






パウロが読者に信仰を堅持するよう勧めているのはそのためです。 イエスはすでに勝利を勝ち取っており、クリスチャンである私たちはその勝利にあずかっています。神の愛を奪い去るものは何もありません。神の救いの計画から私たちを引き離すものは何もありません。




Victory in Christ

Jesus’ death and resurrection is at the core of the Christian faith. It is because of Jesus that we experience the free gift of salvation. Jesus’ death not only makes up for all of our wrong doing, but it also gives us the opportunity to have a relationship with God.

However, there are many other benefits that came through Jesus’ death and resurrection. One aspect that Paul focuses on in 1 Corinthians 15 is the victory that comes through Jesus.

Scripture says that Jesus’ death not only took care of our sin problem, but He also defeated the power of sin. That means we can experience abundant life by the power of the Holy Spirit living within us.

Jesus’ death and resurrection also defeated the consequence of our sin, which is death. We no longer need to fear death because Jesus has power over it. He came back from the dead, and now He gives eternal, abundant life to those who believe in Him.

This is why Paul encourages his readers to stand firm in their faith. Victory has already been won by Jesus, and as Christians we are partakers in that victory. There is nothing that can take away God’s love. Nothing can remove us from His plan of salvation.

Even so, Paul encourages us to continue to work for the Lord as the work of God will never be worthless. Because Jesus has already attained victory, all the work done in His name will produce victory as well.

So what is the work of the Lord? It is continuing to share the hope and love of Jesus with other people. It is loving God and loving others. All of us have areas of ministry, whether in our homes, neighborhoods, or workplaces. And because Jesus is victorious, we should be confident in pursuing the work God has given us.

So let’s be extravagant in how we love others in our life. Let’s not be ashamed to share His good news with other people.

A Prayer for Victory in Love

God, I admit that sometimes loving others can be draining. Fill me with hope to press on and not give up. Thank You for the complete victory I already have in You. Open my eyes to someone specific who needs Your love today. Strengthen my love and the way I live for You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

