

あなたが神に与えるものは、神が増やす What You Give to God, He Multiplies

2025-02-24 18:43:36 | 日記
What You Give to God, He Multiplies

6 歳の少女ハッティー・メイ・ワイアットは、米国フィラデルフィアのグレース・バプテスト教会の近くに住んでいました。日曜学校は非常に混雑していました。牧師のラッセル・H・コンウェルは、いつか全員が通えるほど大きな建物が建つと彼女に話しました。彼女は「そうなるといいですね。とても混雑していて、一人で行くのが怖いんです」と言いました。牧師は「お金が貯まったら、子供たち全員が入れるほど大きな建物を建てます」と答えました。
Hattie May Wiatt, a six-year-old girl, lived near Grace Baptist Church in Philadelphia, USA. The Sunday school was very crowded. Russell H. Conwell, the minister, told her that one day they would have buildings big enough to allow everyone to attend. She said, ‘I hope you will. It is so crowded I am afraid to go there alone.’ He replied, ‘When we get the money we will construct one large enough to get all the children in.’

Two years later, in 1886, Hattie May died. After the funeral Hattie’s mother gave the minister a little bag they had found under their daughter’s pillow containing 57 cents in change that she had saved up. Alongside it was a note in her handwriting: ‘To help build bigger so that more children can go to Sunday school.’ The minister changed all the money into pennies and offered each one for sale. He received $250 – and 54 of the cents were given back. The $250 was itself changed into pennies and sold by the newly formed ‘Wiatt Mite Society’.

このようにして、彼女の 57 セントは増え続けました。26 年後、「57 セントの歴史」と題された講演で、牧師は 57 セントの寄付の結果について説明しました。5,600 人以上の信者を抱える教会、数万人が治療を受けた病院、80,000 人の若者が大学に進学、2,000 人が福音を宣べ伝えるために出かけるなど、これらすべてが「ハッティ メイ ワイアットが 57 セントを投資したから」起こったのです。
In this way, her 57 cents *kept on multiplying*. Twenty-six years later, in a talk entitled, ‘The history of the 57 cents’, the minister explained the results of her 57-cent donation: a church with a membership of over 5,600 people, a hospital where tens of thousands of people had been treated, 80,000 young people going through university, 2,000 people going out to preach the gospel – all this happened ‘because Hattie May Wiatt invested her 57 cents’.

The theme of multiplication runs throughout the Bible. What cannot be achieved by addition, God does by multiplication. You reap what you sow, only many times more. What you give to the Lord, he multiplies.

詩篇 25:16-22 ESV [16] 私を顧み、恵みを与えてください。私は孤独で苦しんでいます。[17] 私の心の悩みは大きくなっています。私を苦悩から救い出してください。[18] 私の悩みと苦しみを顧み、私のすべての罪をお赦しください。[19] 私の敵がどれほど多く、どれほど激しい憎しみをもって私を憎んでいるかを考えてください。[20] ああ、私の魂を守ってください。私を救い出してください。私はあなたに身を寄せているので、私が恥をかかないようにしてください。[21] 誠実さと正直さが私を守ってください。私はあなたを待ち望んでいます。[22] 神よ、イスラエルをすべての苦難から救い出してください。
Psalm 25:16-22 ESV [16] Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. [17] The troubles of my heart are enlarged; bring me out of my distresses. [18] Consider my affliction and my trouble, and forgive all my sins. [19] Consider how many are my foes, and with what violent hatred they hate me. [20] Oh, guard my soul, and deliver me! Let me not be put to shame, for I take refuge in you. [21] May integrity and uprightness preserve me, for I wait for you. [22] Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles.

Multiplication of blessings… and troubles

Jesus promised his followers a multiplication of blessings. But he also warned them that alongside the blessings there would be trouble. He said that whoever followed him would receive a hundredfold in this life – with persecutions (Mark 10:30).

ダビデは「心の悩みは増し加わり…見よ、私の敵は増えた」(詩篇 25:17,19)と表現しています。彼は孤独、「苦悩」、「悩み」、「苦悩」について語っています。
David expresses how ‘the troubles of my heart have multiplied… See how my enemies have increased’ (Psalm 25:17,19). He speaks of loneliness, ‘affliction’, ‘anguish’ and ‘distress’.

Wherever God blesses, troubles and persecutions tend also to increase. Any kind of leadership will involve opposition. The greater the responsibility, the more your troubles will multiply and your critics increase.

David prays to the Lord for his help in guarding and rescuing him (v.20). When under attack, always try to act with integrity, uprightness and faith (v.21). Do the right thing regardless of what people say or think.

Lord, as I face opposition, help me to do the right thing whatever the cost or consequences may be.

マルコ7:31-37 ESV [31] それからイエスはティルス地方から戻り、シドンを通ってデカポリス地方のガリラヤ湖に行かれた。[32] 人々は耳が聞こえず口がきけない人をイエスのもとに連れて来て、手を置いてくださるよう懇願した。[33] そしてイエスは、その人を群衆の中から連れ出し、指をその両耳に差し入れ、つばきをしてからその舌に触れられた。[34] そして、天を仰いでため息をつき、「エパタ」すなわち「開け」と言われた。[35] すると、その耳は開き、舌は解けて、はっきりと話せるようになった。[36] そこでイエスは、だれにも言うなと命じられた。しかし命じれば命じるほど、彼らはますます熱心に宣べ伝えた。[37] 彼らは非常に驚いて言った、「彼はすべてのことを見事に行われた。 神は耳の聞こえない者を聞かせ、口のきけない者を話せるようにさえされる。」
Mark 7:31-37 ESV [31] Then he returned from the region of Tyre and went through Sidon to the Sea of Galilee, in the region of the Decapolis. [32] And they brought to him a man who was deaf and had a speech impediment, and they begged him to lay his hand on him. [33] And taking him aside from the crowd privately, he put his fingers into his ears, and after spitting touched his tongue. [34] And looking up to heaven, he sighed and said to him, “Ephphatha,” that is, “Be opened.” [35] And his ears were opened, his tongue was released, and he spoke plainly. [36] And Jesus charged them to tell no one. But the more he charged them, the more zealously they proclaimed it. [37] And they were astonished beyond measure, saying, “He has done all things well. He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.”

マルコによる福音書 8:1-13 ESV [1] そのころ、また大勢の群衆が集まってきたが、食べるものもなかったので、イエスは弟子たちを呼び寄せて言われた。[2] 「この群衆がかわいそうに思える。もう三日間もわたしと一緒にいるのに、食べるものがない。[3] 彼らを空腹のまま家に帰らせれば、途中で弱り果ててしまうだろう。また、遠くから来た人もいる。」[4] すると弟子たちは答えた。「こんな寂しい所で、どうしてこの人たちにパンを食べさせることができましょうか。」[5] そこでイエスは、「パンはいくつありますか」と尋ねられた。彼らは、「七つです」と言った。[6] それから、イエスは群衆に地面に座るように命じられた。そして、七つのパンを取り、感謝をささげてから裂き、群衆に配るように弟子たちに渡された。弟子たちはそれを群衆に配った。[7] また、魚が少しあったので、イエスはそれを祝福して、これも配るように言われた。 [8] 彼らは食べて満腹した。そして残ったパン切れを集めると、七つの籠いっぱいになった。[9] 人々は四千人ほどになった。そこでイエスは彼らを解散させた。[10] イエスはすぐに弟子たちとともに舟に乗り、ダルマヌタ地方へ行かれた。[11] パリサイ人たちが来て、イエスを試そうとして天からのしるしを求めて議論を始めた。[12] イエスは心の中で深く嘆息して言われた。「なぜ今の時代はしるしを求めるのか。よく言っておくが、今の時代にはしるしは与えられない。」[13] そこでイエスは彼らを残して、また舟に乗り、向こう岸へ行かれた。
Mark 8:1-13 ESV [1] In those days, when again a great crowd had gathered, and they had nothing to eat, he called his disciples to him and said to them, [2] “I have compassion on the crowd, because they have been with me now three days and have nothing to eat. [3] And if I send them away hungry to their homes, they will faint on the way. And some of them have come from far away.” [4] And his disciples answered him, “How can one feed these people with bread here in this desolate place?” [5] And he asked them, “How many loaves do you have?” They said, “Seven.” [6] And he directed the crowd to sit down on the ground. And he took the seven loaves, and having given thanks, he broke them and gave them to his disciples to set before the people; and they set them before the crowd. [7] And they had a few small fish. And having blessed them, he said that these also should be set before them. [8] And they ate and were satisfied. And they took up the broken pieces left over, seven baskets full. [9] And there were about four thousand people. And he sent them away. [10] And immediately he got into the boat with his disciples and went to the district of Dalmanutha. [11] The Pharisees came and began to argue with him, seeking from him a sign from heaven to test him. [12] And he sighed deeply in his spirit and said, “Why does this generation seek a sign? Truly, I say to you, no sign will be given to this generation.” [13] And he left them, got into the boat again, and went to the other side.

Multiplication of resources

With seven loaves and a few small fish, Jesus fed the 4,000 and the disciples picked up seven basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over – the extraordinary multiplication of God’s provision!

Interestingly though, Jesus doesn’t just do a miracle, he first involves the disciples. He calls them over to explain what he wants to do (8:1–3). He allows them to think their way towards a solution (v.4), perhaps hoping that they will remember the feeding of the 5,000 (6:30–44).

He then enlists their help, by asking them for the food that they have (8:5). It is only at that point that Jesus performs a miracle, multiplying the food that they have given him. Even then he gets the disciples to help with the distribution of the food (v.6). Jesus loves to involve you in his plans and work.

The disciples’ role seems fairly small in comparison to what Jesus is able to do. God is able to do a lot with a very small amount. Whatever you give to God, he multiplies.

今日の聖書箇所は、イエスが「耳が聞こえず、ほとんど話すこともできない」男を癒すところから始まります(7:32)。イエスは「深いため息をつきながら」彼のために祈りました(34節)。おそらくこれは、パウロが「言葉にならないうめき」と表現している祈りの種類でしょう(ローマ人への手紙 8:26)。これは、聖霊が私たちを通して祈りに奮闘していることを表しています。イエスは「[その人に]『エパタ』と言われた(これは「開けよ」という意味)」(マルコによる福音書 7:34)。イエスは耳を開くだけでなく、あなたの心、精神、感情、経済、そして人生の他のすべての部分など、あなたの存在全体を解放し、開きます。
Today’s passage starts with Jesus healing a man ‘who was deaf and could hardly talk’ (7:32). He prayed for him ‘with a deep sigh’ (v.34). Perhaps this is the kind of prayer that Paul is describing as ‘wordless groans’ (Romans 8:26). This represents the Holy Spirit struggling in prayer through us. Jesus ‘said to [the man], “Ephphatha!” (which means, “Be opened”)’ (Mark 7:34). Jesus not only opens ears – he releases and opens up your whole being – your heart, mind, emotions, finances and every other part of your life.

Aware of the multiplication of opposition, Jesus commanded people ‘not to tell anyone’ (v.36). However, ‘overwhelmed with amazement’ (v.37), they ‘kept talking about it’ (v.36).

奇跡的に増えた後、イエスは群衆を解散させ、弟子たちの小さなグループに集中できるようにしました (8:9–10)。群衆の必要は、伝道と癒しに対して非常に大きなものでした。しかし、イエスはリーダーたちの小さなグループと過ごす時間を優先しました。
After the miracle of multiplication, Jesus sent the crowds away so that he could concentrate on a smaller group of his disciples (8:9–10). The needs of the crowd were enormous – for evangelism and healing. Nevertheless, Jesus prioritised time with a small group of leaders.

In spite of all the miracles, not everyone believed: ‘The Pharisees came and began to question Jesus. To test him, they asked him for a sign from heaven’ (v.11). They wanted compelling outward proof of his authority.

They were spiritually blind and unable to recognise the signs God had given. They wanted to choose signs of their own – which Jesus refused to do. It is still true today that miracles do not always lead to faith – people often dismiss miracles, thinking there must be some other explanation.

Lord, thank you that you are able to do a lot with a little and that whatever we give to you, you multiply. Lord, today I give you my life, my time, and all I have.

出エジプト記 35:1–36:38
Exodus 35:1–36:38
出エジプト記 35:1 新共同訳 [1] モーセはイスラエルの人々の共同体全体を集めて言った。 「これは主が行うよう命じられた言葉である。

Multiplication of volunteers

I have observed over the years the astonishing achievements that are possible when every member of even a small congregation gets involved in praying, serving and giving.

The people of God faced a massive task in the building of the tabernacle. They achieved it through a multiplication of involvement of volunteers. Moses assembled ‘the entire congregation’ (35:1, MSG). This is what is needed in every church today:

Everyone praying
We saw in yesterday’s passage how ‘they all stood and worshipped’ (33:10). The Sabbath was not just a day of rest, it was a ‘holy day’ of ‘rest to the Lord’ (35:2). It was a day when people could devote more time to prayer and worship. The whole community prayed and worshipped.

皆が捧げる 彼らは「主への捧げ物」を集めました(5a節)。皆が捧げるよう促されました。「進んでする者は皆、金、銀、銅の捧げ物を主に携えて来なさい」(5b節)。
Everyone giving They took up ‘an offering for the Lord’ (v.5a). Everyone was urged to give: ‘Everyone who is willing is to bring to the Lord an offering of gold, silver and bronze’ (v.5b).

The task was not achieved by one generous donor alone: ‘And everyone who was willing and whose heart moved them came and brought an offering to the Lord for the work… All who were willing, men and women alike’ (vv.21–22). Like Hattie May Wiatt, each one brought their ‘57 cents’.

あなたのコミュニティが神があなたに求めていることをすべて達成しようとするなら、強制されてではなく、自発的に、全員が与えることが必要になります(コリント人への手紙第二 8 章と 9 章)。
If your community is to achieve everything that God is calling you to do, you will need everyone giving – not under compulsion but willingly (2 Corinthians 8 and 9).

皆が献金に携わったので、彼らは「十分以上に」持っていました(出エジプト記 36:5)。「人々は献金をやめるように命じられた!なすべきすべての仕事のための材料は十分にあった。十分以上に多かった」(6-7節、MSG)。
As everyone got involved in giving, they had ‘more than enough’ (Exodus 36:5). ‘The people were ordered to stop bringing offerings! There was plenty of material for all the work to be done. Enough and more than enough’ (vv.6–7, MSG).

Everyone serving
Everybody got involved in serving. The words ‘everyone’ and ‘all’ appear many times in this passage. It was entirely voluntary: ‘All who are skilled among you are to come and make everything the Lord has commanded’ (35:10). For example, ‘everyone who had acacia wood… brought it’ (v.24); ‘Every skilled woman spun with her hands’ (v.25).

A key role was played by the artists, Bezalel and Oholiab. They were filled with the Spirit to make artistic designs and to teach others to do the same. Together they used their skills and ability to do the work: ‘Every skilled person to whom the Lord has given skill and ability to know how to carry out all the work of constructing the sanctuary are to do the work’ (36:1).

All this was entirely voluntary. The people of God were ‘stirred up for God’ (35:21,26, AMP). The task was achieved by ‘everyone whose heart was roused, whose spirit was freely responsive’ (v.21, MSG). If we are to achieve what God is calling us to do as a community, we need this multiplication of volunteers.

Enthusiasm is infectious. Don’t waste your time hanging around people who try to belittle your dreams. Associate with people who inspire and challenge you, lift you higher and make you better. Walk with the visionaries, the believers, the doers and the courageous. Great people make you feel that you too can become great.

互いに励まし合って祈り、奉仕し、与え合いましょう。神があなたの 57 セントを何倍にも増やし、あなたが求めることや想像することさえできないほどのことをしてくださることに、あなたは驚かれることでしょう。
Stir one another up to pray, serve and give. You will be astonished by how God is able to multiply your 57 cents and do more than you could ever ask or even imagine.

Lord, thank you for what is possible when everyone gets involved in praying, serving and giving. Thank you that you multiply more than we could ever ask or even imagine.

Pippa Adds
Occasionally, when I am in a rush in the morning, I have to decide between having breakfast and reading my Bible. Generally, I decide on breakfast so I am very challenged by today’s New Testament passage in Mark 8:2, which says the people had been with Jesus for three days without having anything to eat. Their priority was right; it was (and still is) much better to be with Jesus.

