ローマ人への手紙 12:21 ESV
[21] 悪に負けてはいけません。むしろ、善をもって悪に勝ちなさい。
Romans 12:21 ESV
[21] Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
今日、2 つのアメリカン フットボール チームが 1 年で最大の試合で対戦します。この毎年恒例のイベントは、世界で最も視聴率の高いスポーツ イベントの 1 つです。各チームは相手を克服しようと努力します。彼らは目標を達成するために、困難や挫折を乗り越えます。
ローマ人への手紙 12:21 は、この闘いについて力強い二重の声明です。最初の声明は、悪が支配すべきではないことを思い出させます。原語では、「克服する」という言葉は、何かに打ち勝つという考えを伝えます。アスリートは、相手を勝者にさせないという心構えで競います。信者にとって、罪と悪は勝ってはいけません。
この力強い聖句の 2 番目の部分は、私たちが悪を克服する方法を説明しています。善によって悪に打ち勝つことです。
スポーツでは、チームはコーチやリーダーの価値観を反映していることがよくあります。信者として、私たちはリーダーであるイエスの価値観を反映しなければなりません。キリストに似ていることは称号ではなく、善によって悪に打ち勝つことを可能にする積極的な生き方です。 愛、優しさ、許しの応答は、キリストの変革力を示しています。これは、あなたを傷つけた同僚を許したり、批判に対して厳しい反応をしないことを選択したりすることで実現できます。
Choose to Let Good Win
Since the Garden of Eden, humanity has faced the choice between good and evil—a struggle that began with Adam and Eve and continues to this day.
This battle can play itself out in many different ways. A child begins to test the limits of obedience at an early age. At school, students face the temptation to take short cuts or cheat on assignments. At work, the employee wrestles with how much effort they must put into their job. For the athlete, the desire to win and defeat your opponent can bring out a competitive evil side.
Today, two American football teams meet in the biggest game of the year. This annual event is one of the most viewed sporting events in the world. Each team strives to overcome the other. They push through challenges and setbacks to achieve their goal.
This struggle mirrors a deeper, spiritual battle we all face in life—the fight between good and evil. Each day brings choices for which side will prevail in our hearts and actions.
Romans 12:21 is a powerful dual statement about this struggle. The first statement is a reminder of that evil should not be in control. In the original language, the word "overcome" conveys the idea of triumphing over something. Athletes compete with the mindset to not let the opponent be the victor. For the believer, sin and evil must not win.
The second part of this powerful verse explains how we overcome evil: by triumphing over it with good.
Our natural inclination is to seek revenge, rejoice in someone's downfall, or boast in your own strength. But believers live out the transformative power of Christ by responding to evil with love, kindness, and forgiveness. These are the true tools for victory.
In sports, teams often reflect the values of their coach and leaders. As believers, we must reflect the values of our leader, Jesus. Christlikeness is not a title—it’s an active way of life that enables us to overcome evil with good. A response of love, kindness, and forgiveness, show the transformative power of Christ. You can do this by forgiving a coworker who wronged you or choosing not to respond in a harsh way to criticism.
Today, choose to let good win—not only on the field, but in the battles you face each day.
Help Me to Do What is Good
God, when I am overwhelmed by the brokenness I see, help me to remember that You see me. You are in control. I might not be able to stop all the pain and injustice I witness, but I can help overcome evil by doing good. Please help me to do that. Give me the courage and humility to love people well today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.