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チェルシー、ボルトンに引き分け 四冠は風前の灯 その4
Q: ジョゼ、現実的にはリーグ優勝の望みは潰えましたね。
JM: いや…まだだ。まだ終わっちゃいない。それは、5ポイント差というのは3ポイント差とは大違いです。今の時点でチェルシーは残りの試合をすべて勝ち、なおかつマンUが2試合負けないといけないのです。もちろん、直接対決では勝つとしても、それでももう1試合マンUに負けてもらわなくてはならない。まあそれは期待薄なわけで、現実的には「ほとんど望みがない」ということです。でもサッカーにおいては「ほぼ」という言葉に意味はない。数字的にどうしても不可能になったときが、ほんとの意味で「終わった」ということじゃないのかな。
Q: きょうは(前回のCL戦とは)6人も選手を変えてきました(*)。あなたは(試合前に?)リスクに対処できるとおっしゃっていたのに? 今は後悔なさってますか?
JM: そうねえ…僕が後悔していることは、試合に引き分けて勝ち点を2つ失ったことですよ。でも現実には奇跡は起こるものじゃない、僕がそう(ターンオーヴァーを)しなかったとしてもきっと…(肩をすくめる)もし僕が他の選手を使っていれば チームはもっと良くなったかもしれないが、それは僕には何とも言えない。つまり、きょうはジョー・コールを途中交代で出場させましたが、彼が先発した選手たちより良かったかというとそうではないのです。彼は疲れていたし、ランパードも(途中交代で出したが)同様の状態でした。だから僕はこう考えたんです。(ターンオーヴァーしないでファーストチョイスの選手を)全部出していても、きょうはうまくプレーできないかもしれない。だったら、今のチェルシーの状況では、多分火曜の試合に(ファーストチョイスの選手を)出したほうがいいだろうと。でも私が監督ですから、うまくいかない場合はいつも私に責任があるのです。
Q: 選手たちには何と話したのですか?
JM: サッカーに『ほとんど(無理)』という言葉はないと。「どう転がるかは誰にもわからない。我々は戦うのみだ、我々は(ディフェンディング)チャンピオンで、シーズン終了まではチャンピオンになるべく戦い続ける。プレミアシップの最後の瞬間までチャンピオンとして恥じぬ戦いをしよう。(プレミアの)残る3試合はすべて勝って、結果がどうなるか見ようじゃないか」と。
Q: グディソン・パークの(エヴァートン・マンU戦の)スコアが、スコア・ボードに表示されていて、一度はマンUは2点差で負けていたこともあったんですが、これはチームに別の意味で影響を及ぼしたんでしょうか。プレッシャーを与えてしまったんでしょうか?
JM: それは僕には正直言ってわかりませんね。試合前にあなたに聞かれましたよね、僕がマンUの試合経過を見たり聞いたりするのかって。僕はノーと答えましたよね。きょうの試合はすごく難しい試合だし、絶対勝たなくてはいけない試合だから、試合が終わるまでマンUの結果を知ることはないだろうって。もちろん、スコアボードにマンUの途中経過が表示されていて、観客が騒いでいることはわかってましたが、私は自分の試合に集中していました。大変な試合だったんで自分のことに集中してたんですよ。
Q: 最後の質問ですが、来週リヴァプールとの大事な一戦がありますが、リカルド・カルヴァーリョがけがしてしまいましたね。彼は間に合うんでしょうか? それからマイケル・バラックはどうなんでしょうか?
JM: わかりません。わかるのはあんな状態でピッチを後にしたら、普通だったら次の試合には出られない類のけがであることぐらいです。今はこれだけしか言えません。
Q: お疲れ様でした。幸運を祈ってます。
JM: ありがとう。
* … Geremi Bridge Diarra Essien Wright-Phillips Kalou
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チェルシー、ボルトンに引き分け 四冠は風前の灯 その3
Q: Jose, realistically that is the end of the title hopes?
JM: Not yet, not yet. Of course the five points is different from three (points). In this moment we need to win every game and we need Man United to lose two of them, of course we played them so, but still it depends on their one defeat is much more difficult, realistically, ALMOST, but in football, almost is nothing. Only when mathematically over is when is "over".
Q: You may six changes today, you said you forehanded for the risk. Do you regret it now?
JM: You know, I regret because the - because we drawed the game and lost 2 points. but the reality is that there are no miracles if I don't do that maybe (shrugging his shoulders) maybe the team played better if I played with other players, I don't know, for example today I play- Joe Cole, Joe Cole was not better than people that was before, he was tired. Lampard was the same, so I can imagine if I played them all, maybe the team wouldn't play better today, and maybe for Tuesday I put them even in our situation, but I'm a manager and when things are going not in the right direction, of course the responsibility is always mine.
Q: What did you say just to players?
JM: I told players basically, in football "almost" means nothing, and who knows? we have to fight, we are champions, you will be the champions untill the end of this season you will have to fight like champions did, every single minutes of this Premiership, and we have to win the next three matches, and see what happens.
I also told them that the good thing of the situation you to believe 2 days we have a new day for competition, and we have a every game to play on Tuesday, is easier to do it to forget this bad result and this bad moment, it's easy to forget, because you have the Champions League semi-final to play there.
Q: The score from Goodison Park being on board, once say Manchestre United 2-0 down, did you have another aspect to team, more pressures on them?
JM: I cannnot say that, I don't know, to be fair I don't know, I can't tell you, because I told you before the game when you are speaking to me about I'm going to watch or to listen Man United, I said no, because it is such a difficult game to win, that we have to win, the end of the game I don't know the result, of course I know the screen was there and crowd's reaction was so on, but I was always focus on our game and the game was always difficult, that the game I was focused on.
Q: Finally, you get the big game against Liverpool next week, Ricaldo Carvalho came off injured, you tell me he is fixed or not, Micheal Ballack as well?
JM: No, I cannot tell you, I can tell that when you leave the game like he did, normally is the injury that you cannot play the next game. That is everything I can tell you now.
Q: Thank you. I wish you good luck.
JM: Thanks, I think so.
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チェルシー、ボルトンに引き分け 四冠は風前の灯 その2
Q: Jose, the start of the game was full of appreciation of one of England's favourite player (Alan Ball) the game you persuiting proved --this afternoon?
JM: I think it was an emotional game, I don't think it was high quality and emotional game, the Champions League side to side, Bolton leads to even the result football to go back to the game when they are losing, 2-2, they set back and tried everything to back one point, and everything , Chelsea- in my opinion, maybe too many emotions in the game, with a lot of heart, giving everything and trying to kill game untill the last moment and bringing the game to the opponent half, being very close to the third goal, but that's football, the competition was the high level of your subject.
Q: may I ask you don't want it for penalty?
JM: I don't know, I'm far, I know is a handball again, I know that one is not inside the box, correct -- they gave me today, the game before, but today I think they didn't make mistake that wa not a penalty, direct free kick, I think Mr.Styles always difficult to do everything, that is not adirect free kick but penalty.
Q: How could you know the score?
JM: was it up on the screen. so is easy.
Q: Did it affect the game?
JM: No, no. I just know the result because it was on the screen, I, not to you, told SKY (SPORTS) before the game that I had such a difficult game to play, I couldn't be playing game with thinking what's going on the other side so that was my game but my team was playing, because on the screen they feel the reactions of the people, normally think it did affect.
Q: Do you feel today seeing it turn against you, perhaps finally, the title race?
JM: No, they they- they are in much better situations. Of course they are, they have to play at Stamford Bridge, and one game at home, one game away and we have also one game away not easy one, against Tottenham, but we know, if we win the 9 points, the Man United lose six of them, it's not easy to 6 points, but in football everything possible, we have to believe, I think it's part of our conditions of champions to accept the reality, and the reality is in this moment is much more difficult but I think the champions they have to believe to give the match until the end. That's I want to --.
Q: Injury while, Ricky Carvalho went off, Frank Lampard didn't have much of rest? How is he? Ricky?
JM: Ricky is out, Ricky is out. with one more players that we lose, We start the season like that we finish the season like that, and during the season, after one after one after one, unbelievable season, I think what are the boys are doing for me in the conditions in the whole season, I think is a even big reason for me to be proud of what they are doing.
Q: Finally you have to pick them straight for the Cup, because there is so much stress to play for it?
JM: I think is the negative thing in terms of being tired -but is the positive thing in terms of forget what we didn't face and play for the next one, we are just thinking, they are sad, I'm happy with the game, straight we get the result.
The most important game is these three clubs. it can be. the most important game these three clubs, for what we have to do, we have to do, forget this one and think about this one at once two days.
さすがのモウリーニョさんもきょうはちょっとしょげている? 怪気炎もなし。
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